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1、Unit 3 My Friends教案设计单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级 四年级本课(节)课题Part A Lets learn, Lets find out第 1 课时 / 共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点)及设置依据1、能听说、认读 Long hair, short hair, strong, thin, quiet, friend。2、能听懂、会说 “My friend is strong. He has short hair”并能在实际情景中运用。3、对学生进行关心朋友,朋友间要互相帮助的思想教育。Main and difficult points:M

2、ain points: 描述人物相貌特征的词汇。Difficult points: 适当运用本课的单词、句型描述自己的朋友。教学准备单词卡片,录音机,磁带,老师的照片及明星的照片。教 学 过 程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step1 Warm-up:1、Lets play. (Say the antonym)教师说一个形容词,请学生快速说出它的反义词。tall-short short-long big-small2、Lets do.Let students listen to the teacher and do it together.T: Tall, tall, tall. Make

3、 yourself tall. Short, short, short. Make yourself short. Big, big, big. Make your eyes big. Step 2 Presentation.1、quiet.1) 在Lets do快结束的时候,T: Sh be quiet. (Teacher does and says it) Let students say the word after teacher.2) Practice.做游戏:Guess! How many books/ English/ Chinesebooks do I have ?教师拿着书包

4、让学生猜,里面放着语文书、故事书、英语书等等,师生问答后,也可分组在学生之间进行,看看哪组猜的既快又正确。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Let a students act like a teacher. S: XX and XX, be quiet.2、long hair, short hair.1) Follow “lets do”. Teacher says it slowly.T: Make your hair long. Make your hair short.Teacher points at two students with long hair and short hai

5、r.T: Look at here. Long hair, short hair. (Say it slowly)2) Practice.(学生指着自己的头发) S:Long hair / short hair.Let students talk about the students hair in the class.Hairlong hairShe has long hair.Shortshort hairHe has short hair.3、strong, thin. 1) T: I have two pictures. (Teacher shows two pictures of a

6、 man and a girl.) T: Look! The man is strong. The girl is thin. Let students read the word after teacher. 2) Practice. (吵嘴)Let students try to say: Im strong. Youre thin. Hes strong. Shes thin.4、friends. 1) Teacher shows two pictures of Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru.T: Look! Who are in the pictures?S: Zhao

7、 Wei and Lin Xinru.T: Who is quiet?S:Lin Xinru is quiet.T: Yes, but they are good friends.Let students say it after teacher. ( friendLets be friend)新词练习:请一名比较瘦的学生和一名比较健壮的学生上台,让学生明白thin和strong的意思,同时告诉学生thin还有“薄”的意思,如:a thin book。通过学生用书三年级上册中歌谣Look at the cat, it is fat.学生已学过单词fat,告诉学生现在一般不用fat来形容人而是用

8、Strong 。内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思2) Practice. Guessing game.Let a student describe a friend of him. Others guess who is he/she.S: She is quiet. She has long hair and big eyes. She is thin. Who is she?Ss: XXX.这个学生站起来说:Lets be friend.5、Practice: 排队。 模仿体育课从矮到高排队,学生通过比较头发长短来移动位置,但是每次只能移动一位。 S:She has long hair.

9、 He has short hair. 直到找到合适的位置。6、Read the words after the tape.Step3 Consolidation.1、Guessing game. Teacher shows some picture on the board. Teacher describes one of them. Let students guess who is he/ she.2、Look, remember and say. Teacher shows a picture. Let students look at it on 10 second. Then t

10、eacher hide the picture. Let students describe he/ she. (比比谁说得多)3、Do the activity book.练习:学生以小组为单位或同桌之间练习句型:I am / She/He/Tom/My father is 板书设计Long hair,short hair,strong,thin,quiet,friend。个人二度备课:课后反思:作业布置或设计听录音,跟读课文。 跟父母描述自己的好朋友。课后反思:教后整体反思本节课是词句教学,词不离句,句不离语景。通过学习新的句型This is friends来训练新单词,同时利用所学句型与

11、新词介绍朋友巩固本节课的生词,突出了英语的教学目的:学为了运用。Lets chant,让学生在有节奏的说唱中体验语言,加强记忆。通过歌曲my friends的学习来巩固本节课的生词friends,让学生在唱起来的同时动起来,乐起来。也能陶冶学生的情操,培养艺术素质。让学生在游戏中练,在交际活动中用,多元性评价活动贯穿课堂始终,目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。根据小学生的年龄特征,空中课堂和我们的执教课堂二者结合,“空中课堂”资源能将抽象、枯燥、单调无味的单词、对话教学演变成小学生喜闻乐见的动画片,将知识点变得有趣而生动,培养学生的学习兴趣。教师是课堂的总导演,关键

12、是让学生学会学习。空中课堂作为一种教学媒体,为课堂服务的。因此在日常教学中,我根据教学的需要,在不影响教学的前提下进行了适当的取舍,带给孩子们极大的感观刺激,让他们带着浓厚的兴趣去学习英语,外教的发音让我们的学生养成良好的发音习惯,为以后的英语学习打下基础。具体课时备课表(成熟型教师用)单元(章)主题Unit 3 My Friends任课教师与班级四年级本课(节)课题Part A Lets talk, Lets play; Part C Good to know第 2 课时 / 共 6 课时教学目标(含重点、难点)及设置依据1、能询问,回答他人(男性)的姓名,如:Whats his name?

13、 His name is 并能在实际情景中运用。2、能用 He has 句型来对男性的外貌进行描述。2、能听说photo 和A Chinese friend?3、了解中西方互赠礼物的不同习惯。Main and difficult points:Main points:掌握句型:Whats his name? His names Difficult points: He has 句型。教学准备录音带,录音机,本课教学挂图教 学 过 程内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思Step1 Warm-up.1、Lets draw. Teacher describes a picture. In the pi

14、cture there is a monster. T: He is tall and strong. He has long yellow hair and three big blue eyes. He has a big red mouth. 比一比,谁画得最像。2、Free talk. T: Hello. Whats your name? Whos he/ she?Do you have a friend? How many friends do you have?Step 2 Presentation1、Whats his name? His name is 1) T: Whats your name?猜人游戏:请数名学生上台,教师拉起一块幕布,让学生站在后面,然后示意一名学生伸出一只手,让其余学生猜是谁。可用句型:Whats his / her name ? Whos she / he ?内容与环节预设个人二度备课课后反思S: My name is T: Whats his name? His name is (teacher say it slowly) Teacher asks the others name. Let students answer.2) Lets chant.Whats his n


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