Unit 2 Wish you were here(全析)教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 2 Wish you were here(全析)教学设计Welcome to the unit & reading(Ps21-25)重点词汇-1. think of【教材原句】Can you think of any other exciting places to visit?(P21) 你能想到还有别的令人兴奋的参观地吗?【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子We should think of a good way to solve this problem.我们应该 来解决这个问题。 He is such a selfish person that he only thinks

2、 of himself.他那样自私, 他 自己。I think of this place as my home.我 我的家一样。What do you think of the film we saw last night?你 我们昨晚看的电影 ?【自主归纳】think of 想起;想出;考虑;认为 think of a(n) way/plan/idea 想出办法/计划/主意think ofas 把看作 What do you think of? 你认为怎么样?think highly of高度赞扬注意与类似意义的词组的区别think out:认真考虑出(计划/方案等), 侧重于思考结果。t

3、hink over:仔细考虑(侧重过程), over 为副词, 接名词宾语时可前可后, 接代词宾语时只能放当中, 如“think it over”。think about:思索;考虑到。about为介词, 宾语只能放在about之后, 如 “think about it”。【即时巩固】用think的恰当词组填空We can do nothing until we have a new plan.Why dont you it and give me a call in a couple of days.Well it and give you a reply this Saturday.Thi

4、s picture makes me _ my childhood.【教材原句】I have been quite busy arranging my holiday with my elder brother, Colin. (P22)我最近一直忙着和哥哥科林安排我们的假期。【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分He was busy with his homework when I came. Prof. Hopkins is busy writing a report on his research on DNA. The coming final exam keeps the student

5、s busy going over their lessons. Tom was kept busy practicing typing on the keyboards as there was a typing test the next day. Since graduation, he has been engaged in looking for a job now. 【自主归纳】忙于某事 be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 be busy (in)doing sth./be engaged in doing使某人忙于做某事 keep sb. busy(in)doing

6、sth.被迫忙于做某事 be kept busy (in)doing sth.【即时巩固】用上述词组的正确形式填空(注意尽可能多地给出答案) The students for the coming mid-term English exam.【教材原句】Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.(P22)我最近一直忙着和哥哥科林安排我们的假期。【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子Ive arranged for Mrs. Smith to look after you for a few days

7、.我已 来照顾你几天。I have arranged to meet her at ten oclock.我 十点钟去见她。We were asked to make arrangements for everything.我们被要求 。We arranged a big party for Debbies birthday.我们为黛比的生日 。Arrange the chairs in a circle. 一圈儿。【自主归纳】安排某人做某事arrange for sb. to do sth. (不可以说:arrange sb. to do sth.)为安排/准备好某事arrange sth.

8、 for sb. 安排做某事arrange to do sth. 为作准备/安排make arrangements for . 【即时巩固】单项选择题Tom is indeed a good child; he often helps his parents clean and _ the bedrooms on Sundays.A. move B. manageC. arrange D. serveDont worry, Ive _ a car to pick up the guests at the station.A. arranged for B. prepared forC. sta

9、nd for D. account for重点词汇-4.spend 【教材原句】Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. (P22)我和科林计划在他上大学之前花上几个星期去旅游。【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子This book cost me ten dollars and I spent one month reading it through;in other words, I paid $10 for this book(=I bought this book for

10、 $10=I bought this book at the price of $10) and it took me one month to read it over.这本书 , 而且我 读完它;换言之, 我 买的这本书而且读完这本书 。【自主归纳】cost/spend/take/pay用法辨析cost花费, 主语为物, 不用人作主语, 宾语为金钱、精力、生命等, 可以接单宾语, 也可以接双宾语spend花费, 主语为人, 宾语为时间、金钱、精力常见结构为sb. spend.on sth;sb. spend.(in)doing sthtake花费, 主语为事件或人;而宾语为时间、精力等常见

11、的句型是:It takes sb. some time to do sth;Sb. take(s)some time to do sthpay花费, 主语为人, 宾语为人或金钱, 常与for连用常见的结构为pay sb/money for sth另请注意:buy sth. for money, buy sth. at the price of money我花了20元买这本词典。The dictionary me twenty yuan.I twenty yuan on the dictionary.I twenty yuan for the dictionary.I the dictionar

12、y for twenty yuan.I the dictionary at the price of twenty yuan.【答案】cost, spent, paid, bought, bought【即时巩固】单项选择题It _ me 5 hours _ from here to Edinburgh.A. spend;driving B. will take;driveC. took;drove D. took;to driveMr. Smith _ $ 30, 000 _ the new car.A. takes;on B. costs;onC. pays;in D. spends;on重

13、点词汇-5.in case【教材原句】You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water. (P22) 作为保护措施, 你得戴上头盔, 穿上救生衣, 以防万一掉进水里。【例句研读】根据汉语句子完成英语句子他多带了些钱以防他想买点东西。He will bring more money with him .万一他们失败, 他们也不会失去信心。 , they wont lose heart.那班车通常很准时, 但我们还是早点动身吧, 以防万一。The bus is usually on time, but well start early .【自主归纳】in case作连词用, 引导状语从句时后面不能再加that。引导目的状语从句, 常放主句后边, “以免, 以备, 以防”。引导条件状语从句, 常放在主句前, “万一, 如果”。in case 可作为副词性短语, 置于句尾表示事先准备或以防的措施, 意为“以防万一”in case的几种变式in



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