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1、压力容器安全性能监督检验证书Certificate on Supervision and Inspection of Safety Performance of Pressure Vessel ProductsFJB/RA-1022-0-2009监检编号Serial Number of Supervisory Inspection: 制造单位 Name of Manufacturer : Quanzhou City Lizhong Food Machinery Co., Ltd 许可证级别及编号License Level and Serial Number: D1 D2 TS2235047-2

2、012 产品名称Product Name : Sterilizer 12001.5 产品型号Product Model : 产品编号Product Serial Number: 2010T-064 制造完成日期Date of Completing Fabrication : Dec 31st, 2010 按照特种设备安全监察条例的规定,该台产品经我单位监督检验,安全性能符合 压力容器安全技术监察规程质技监局锅发(1999)154号、钢制压力容器GB150-1998等现行的相关标准、技术条件的规定。特发此证,并在产品铭牌上打有如下监检钢印:According to the regulation

3、of the Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment,the security of the product conforms to the related standard and rules of Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Pressure Vessel (NO.154 issued by Fujian Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision in 1999) and Steel

4、Pressure Vessel (GB150-1998) via supervision and inspection of our organization. Hereby issues the certificate and makes the following supervision and inspection hard stamp at the metal nameplate of the product.监 检 Supervisor :审 核 Approver : 批 准 Authorizer :监检单位(监检专用章):Particular Stamp used for unit

5、 of Supervision and Inspection机构核准号 Institute Approved No: Date: 年/y 月/m 日/d此证书一式三份,正本一份随出厂资料交使用单位;副本两份由监检单位和受检企业分别存档。This certificate is written in triplicate, the original one is send to the vessel using organization with the factory data; the other two copies are kept in the supervision unit and

6、the inspected enterprise.压力容器安全性能监督检验证书Certificate on Supervision and Inspection of Safety Performance of Pressure Vessel ProductsFJB/RA-1022-0-2009监检编号Serial Number of Supervisory Inspection: 制造单位 Name of Manufacturer : Quanzhou City Lizhong Food Machinery Co., Ltd 许可证级别及编号License Level and Serial

7、Number: D1 D2 TS2235047-2012 产品名称Product Name : Sterilizer 12001.5 产品型号Product Model : 产品编号Product Serial Number: 2010T-065 制造完成日期Date of Completing Fabrication : Dec 31st, 2010 按照特种设备安全监察条例的规定,该台产品经我单位监督检验,安全性能符合 压力容器安全技术监察规程质技监局锅发(1999)154号、钢制压力容器GB150-1998等现行的相关标准、技术条件的规定。特发此证,并在产品铭牌上打有如下监检钢印:Acc

8、ording to the regulation of the Regulations on Safety Supervision of Special Equipment,the security of the product conforms to the related standard and rules of Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Pressure Vessel (NO.154 issued by Fujian Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technology Superv

9、ision in 1999) and Steel Pressure Vessel (GB150-1998) via supervision and inspection of our organization. Hereby issues the certificate and makes the following supervision and inspection hard stamp at the metal nameplate of the product.监 检 Supervisor :审 核 Approver : 批 准 Authorizer :监检单位(监检专用章):Parti

10、cular Stamp used for unit of Supervision and Inspection机构核准号 Institute Approved No: Date: 年/y 月/m 日/d此证书一式三份,正本一份随出厂资料交使用单位;副本两份由监检单位和受检企业分别存档。This certificate is written in triplicate, the original one is send to the vessel using organization with the factory data; the other two copies are kept in the supervision unit and the inspected enterprise. /


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