Unit 3 My Day 3.docx

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《Unit 3 My Day 3.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 My Day 3.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My Day 3一、教学内容 Cartoon time Song time Rhyme time教学目标:(一)语言知识:1.复习上节课所学的关于时间和日常活动的短语,能进一步熟练拼读。2.复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3.会唱歌曲When do you get up?4.能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。(二)语言技能:1.复习上节课所学的关于时间和日常活动的短语,能进一步熟练拼读。2.复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3.会唱歌曲When do you get up? 4.能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。(三)情感态度:培养学生的

2、合作精神,提高英语学习兴趣。教学重点:1.会唱歌曲When do you get up?2.阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。教学难点: 熟练运用本单元的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。课前准备:1.磁带、录音机 、课文挂图、 本单元ppt。2.板书好课题。教学过程:Step1 Preparation1. Greeting1. T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning. T: What day is it today? When do you get up this morning? .2. Game: 30 seconds none stop t

3、alking(以My Day为话题,学生四人一组互相配合, 向全班表述自己的作息时间。)Step 2. Presentation and practice Song time1. Meet a new friend: PeterT: Do you want to know something about Peters day? How do you ask?Ss: When do you get up/? T: Good questions. Lets listen to the song, and try to answer: When does Peter get up/go to sch

4、ool?2. Listen to the song and try to answer the questions. 3. T: Do you like the song? Lets listen again, and you can follow the song.Cartoon time1. T: From the song, what do you think about Peter?Ss: Hes a good boy. T: Yes. He gets up at six thirty every day. And he goes to school at seven thirty e

5、very. He has good habits. I think you have good habits too, right? And so is Bobby. Bobby gets up at six every day. Do you know when does Bobby have dinner every day? Guess.Ss: At five/six?2. T: Yes, he has dinner at six every day. Does he have dinner at six today? What happened? Where is Bobby?In t

6、he desert (在沙漠里)At homeLets watch the cartoon and choose the correct one. Ss: B.3. T: What can they see over there? And does Bobby eat it at last? Read the story and answer. Ss: They see a big cake over there. T: Theres a nice cake in the desert. But Bobby can not eat it. Because its a dream! Bobby

7、is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream.4. Good! Well, boys and girls, lets learn the story together.Ss: Listen and repeat. T: 指导朗读。Ss: Read togetherAct in two.Step3 ProductionT: Its just a dream. Its in the morning now, Bobby should get up. And a new day begins. Imagine: Bobbys new d

8、ayMake a story and act.Step4 Homework1. Listen and sing the song.2. Listen, read and recite Cartoon time.3. 课课练板书设计: Unit 3 My dayWhen do you?IatWhat can you see over there?I can see a cake.改编歌曲:1. T makes a model, change the name, ask and sing. 2. Ss change the words and sing the song in groups.边讲边出示书15页的图片,让学生结合图片来思考并回答。教师通过创设一个新的情境,让学生编一个简短的新故事,既控制好了难度,又可以让学生发挥其想象力。教学反思:


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