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1、2021GRE写作易错扣分原因分析GRE作文满分为6分,一般来说,考生如果能考出4分的成绩,就可以说是相当不错了。下面小编就和大家分享GRE写作易错扣分原因分析,来欣赏一下吧。 GRE写作易错扣分原因分析 GRE写作词句类扣分原因 词汇拼写错误 单词拼写错误是GRE写作中最不划算的扣分项,虽然少量的拼写错误可能不会对整体得分产生太大影响,但如果拼错较多,就会影响观感。建议大家写完文章后再快速浏览一遍,检查一下是否存在拼写错误。 用词重复问题 用词重复的问题常见于一些词汇量不足的考生写出的文章中。反复使用同一个词汇,会让你的文章显得累赘啰嗦,也间接暴露出你英文底子不够词汇准备不充分的问题,是写作

2、的大忌。建议考生在写作时间使用多样化的词汇彰显你的底蕴。 用错复杂句式 GRE写作不需要用太过于复杂的句式,考生不要为了文章好看就强行使用自己没有把握的复杂句式,如果写出的复杂句存在各种语法错误,反而会画蛇添足。记住一句话:用最精辟的语言表达出最完整的信息。当然,如果一定要追求句子漂亮,考生可以在作文中放入插入语,伴随状语等形式,这样也可以让文章更显出色。 GRE写作结构类扣分问题 论述逻辑不通 老外非常注重英文写作时候的逻辑,特别是GRE考试考察的一大重点就是逻辑思维能力。而且GRE两篇作文的题材都是很重视文章整体逻辑自洽通顺的议论文。所以在GRE作文里请务必把文章的分段写清楚,全文逻辑架构

3、最好也能够列好提纲再写,让考官能够一眼就看清楚你的逻辑结构,体现出文章的清晰逻辑思路。 首尾段没写好 作文的开头和结尾都很重要,好的开头能直抒观点,开门见山;好的结尾能总结全文,升华主题。因此,开头结尾对于全文来说会起到很大的作用,切忌头重脚轻,更不能因为时间不够就草草收尾甚至忽略了结尾。 GRE写作其它扣分原因 作文篇幅太短 作文字数不够,文章篇幅过短是GRE高分作文的大忌。虽然GRE作文没有硬性规定的字数要求,但无论如何,文章一定要具备一定篇幅,篇幅长短从一定程度上代表了考生的创作能力。太短的文章既无法讲清楚要表达的意思,也很容易让考生显得缺乏写作能力。 GRE作文范文:laws GRE写

4、作练习题目:laws It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on peoples behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in peoples hearts and minds. 通过法律可以控制或者限制人们的行为,但是立法是无法改变人类本性的。法律无法改变人们的感情和思想。 GRE写作范文: Ever since the Code of Hammurapi comes into being, la

5、ws have begun to put restrictions on peoples behaviors and have played an important role in the maintenance of social order. But aside from its impact on shaping public deportment, legislation is of no avail to reform human nature as well as mankind thoughts. Our collective life experience is that w

6、e make choices and decisions every day-under a legal system. No one is ever granted the rights to surpass the boundary of laws; otherwise there may be lack of protection for private property and personal right from being violated. Common sense tells us that the laws will punish the wrongdoers severe

7、ly sometimes so harshly even to sentence the felons to death. It is the awe to controlling authority as well as the fear of castigation that made most of the people away from the illicit behaviors. Laws, for better or worse, have put up a paradigm on which people abide by, for the sake of personal i

8、nterests and the social stability as well. Laws can exert their influences on peoples “hands and legs”, but when it comes to mans hearts and minds, it cannot. In the long history of its development, laws change over time and vary from region to region not to alter human nature but to be flexible eno

9、ugh to take account of various circumstances, times and places. The end of a legal system impels laws to evolve to keep pace with changing mores, customers, and our collective sense of equity but with little concern for the reconstruction of human thoughts. Bigamy, to be commonly regarded as illegal

10、 in most countries, is yet legitimate in some Arabian countries. For Islamic, outlawing bigamy seems an impinge upon their religious freedom of choosing mates. Instead of bringing about a revolution in the conception of marriage among Islamic disciples, laws give way to the entrenched customers. Sti

11、ll more, from the psychotic analysis angle, that laws will change nature is further doubted. Sigmund Freud has divided the individual personality into threefold: the id, the ego and the super ego. The ego, as the surface of the nature and the part you show the world, is governed by the “reality prin

12、ciple,” otherwise known as laws. However, so powerless are laws to extend its impacts on the id and the superego remains below, each has its own significant effects on the personality. A rapist, for example, despite years of imprisonment may still relapse into outrages in that laws fail to civilize

13、the id desires composing of instinctual drives. By no means can laws alone alter our nature. Were laws by itself be able to cause a change in the human nature and exercise a fundamental influence on peoples hearts and minds, then it would probably be no need for its existence. People at no time can

14、ever have imagined this. In fact, to truly change the human nature, it is through the synergic efforts associating the education, moral and ethic social interactions altogether that brought about a reconstruction of human nature. In conclusion, in spite the fact that we may live in a harmonious soci

15、ety with the implementation of the laws, it seems unthinkable for laws to undertake the role as a reformer in rebuilding mans nature as well as hearts and minds. GRE作文范文:成功 Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it. G

16、RE作文范文参考: Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally s



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