
上传人:枫** 文档编号:552615560 上传时间:2023-02-12 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:19.09KB
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1、酒店面试常问问题 s your name?may i know your full name?may i know ur first name? 你的姓名,你的全名,你姓什么? me your birthday,whats your date of birth? when were u born? 告诉我你的生日,你的出生日期是什么? 你什么时候出生的? are you from? where is your native place,where is your hometown? 你是哪儿人,哪是你的祖籍,你的家乡是哪里? tall r u, how much is your weight?

2、 你有多高,多重? something about your family, what does your father do? how many people are there in your family? Are you married ? Are you single ? 说说你的家庭情况,你父亲是做什么的?你家有几口人? 你结婚了吗?你是单身吗? 6Where did you graduate from? When did you graduated from your school? what was your major? 你从那个学校毕业的? 你什么时候毕业的,你的专业是什么

3、? s your job? do you have a job now? where do you work? 你做什么工作,你有工作吗? 你在哪儿工作? time do you go to work? what is your duty shift? how many hours do you work? 你每天什么时候去上班,每天工作时间是怎样的?你每天工作几小时? do you find the job? do you like it? why? 你对工作的看法是什么样的,你喜欢这份工作吗,为什么? do you want to work abroad? 你为什么想到国外工作啊? muc

4、h do you know about UAE? 你对阿联酋的了解有多少? 全称是UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Abu Dhabi (阿布扎比) is the capital,but Dubai(迪拜) is the most famous city. It is a very open and beautiful city. kind of job are you doing? What s your duty/responsibility?你目前做什么工作, 每天都干些什么? you met any problem or difficulties with your work

5、? 在工作中遇到过什么困难吗? is your personality? 你是什么样的性格? is you weakness during work? 你在工作中的缺点是什么 do you think the service job? 你对于服务性行业的看法是什么 is the most important to be in servie line? 你认为从事服务业最重要的要做到什么 you know about your salary and treatment if you join us/if you e here? 你知道如果你到我们公司来工作,是什么样的薪水和待遇吗 s your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? you like team work? 你喜欢和大家一起工作吗? you get on well with other nationalites? 你能不能与他国籍的员工友好相处?


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