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1、2020版牛津译林版英语九年级上册期中抢分检测卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont be afraid of asking for help when you are in trouble, because only in this way can you make _ step by step.AsuccessBabilityCprogressDchoice2 . A much bigger battle is ahead for the president. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation fo

2、r the underline part?A/e/B/ /C/:/D/e/3 . Why dont you like snakes(蛇)?Because theyre _.AbeautifulBscaryCinterestingDcute4 . The old man was upset because his favorite vase _ by his grandson.AbrokeBhad brokenCis brokenDwas broken5 . Dave,Im inviting you to KFC after school. Is six oclock OK with you?S

3、ure!_AThats rightBCatch you thenCThats terribleDI hope not6 . I met my best friend _ in Leheledu on Halloween night.Aby accidentBby mistakeCby carDby the way7 . Even where parents no longer live together, they each continue to be_ for their children.AresponsibleBresponsibilityCresponsiblyDresponse8

4、. Is Ella popular in your class?No, she isnt. Because she doesnt _ others problems.Abring outBcare aboutCfeel likeDshout at9 . -Who cleaned the classroom yesterday, Nick?-John _AcleanedBdidCdoesDis10 . - Which country has the_ population in the world? - China. Its a little_ than that of India.Amost,

5、 mostBbiggest, biggerCmore, mostDbigger, bigger11 . Who do you _ will win the singing competition?I guess Maggie will be the winner. She is very good at singing.AreflectBsuggestCpreferDsuppose12 . . - Do you mind if I open the window ? Its hot in here.- _ADo you want to have a go ?BNot at all.CHot w

6、eather, isnt it ?DLeave me alone.13 . Listen! Alice _now.Oh, she always _songs in her room.Ais singing; is singingBis singing; singsCsings; is singing14 . -You are relaxing yourself here?-Yes. It feelsto walk slowly along the river.AfantasticBboringCstrangeDterrible15 . I usually watch TV _ Saturday

7、 evenings.AonBinCAtDof二、完型填空It was a busy morning. At about 8: 30, an elderly gentleman came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry to meet someone at 9:30.The nurse made him take a _ in the waiting area and told him it would take him at least 40 minutes to wait. The

8、 gentleman looked at his watch and there was much worry on his face.Since I was not _ that morning-my patient didnt appear at the appointed (约定的) hour, I said that I would examine his wound(伤口). When I took care of his wound, I asked him if he would go to see another doctor.The gentleman said no and

9、 told me that he _ to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. He told me that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be _ if he was a bit late. He answered that she no longer knew who he was, and that she had not been able to _ him for five years. I was _ , and asked him, And

10、 you still go every morning though she doesnt know who you are?He smiled and said, She doesnt know me, _ I know who she is. After hearing this, I couldnt hold back(忍住) my _. Now I _ that for husband and wife, true love means accepting her or his all. The happiest people just make the best use of eve

11、rything they have. _ isnt about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.16 . AwalkBseatCtestDbreak17 . AsadBhappyCfreeDbusy18 . AneededBforgotCagreedDhappened19 . AlonelyBworriedCexcitedDhappy20 . AbelieveBanswerCrecognizeDexpect21 . AsurprisedBsatisfiedCafraidDbored22 . AsoBbeca

12、useCandDbut23 . AbreathBtearsCwordsDjoy24 . ArealizeBsuggestChopeDprove25 . AWisdomBBeautyCLifeDTrustI have a strong and faithful dog, Bruce.The dog likes _ with me.Sometimes he also follows my father to work.One morning when my father worked in the field, he _ his coat and put it under a big tree.H

13、e turned to the dog and said, “_ my coat, Bruce!”Bruce sat down on the coat.Later, my father remembered he had to buy some food._ he hurried to the shop._ shopping, he went home directly and forgot completely about his _ and the dog.In the evening, I looked for my dog _ in the house, but I _ find hi

14、m.At this time, my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog.He went back to the tree _.He found that Bruce was _ sitting on the coat!26 . AplayingBdealingCagreeingDarguing27 . Atook outBtook offCtook awayDtook up28 . AWatchBLookCSeeDNotice29 . AButBSoCBecauseDThough30 . ASinceBBeforeCAfterDWhen31 . AshopBfood


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