教科版(广州)英语五年级下册Module 6 Directions Unit 12 练习卷

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1、教科版(广州)英语五年级下册Module 6 Directions Unit 12 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Is this your bedroom? ( ) AYes, it does.BYes, it isnt.CNo, it isnt.2 . How _ your winter vacation? ( )AwereBwasCis3 . I will go to school _ time. ( )AtoBonCat选出不同类的单词。4 . AeatBcleanCclass5 . At

2、akeBroomChave6 . AspringBpicnicCsummer7 . AseasonBgoCsnowman8 . AwhichBfirstCfifth9 . You can get there at _ crossing. ( )Aa firstBthe firstCthe one10 . Hurry up! The bus is coming! ( ) OK! Lets go to the _ now.Apost officeBstreetCbus stop11 . Whats he doingthere? ( )AinBoverCto12 . -_yourmum? ( )-S

3、hesinthelivingroom.AWhatsBWheresCWhos13 . Where John and Joan going.( )AwereBwasCisD14 . May _ the road to buy juice just now. ( )AcrossBcrossesCcrossed二、填空题根据句意或中文完成句子。15 . - Is there a lake in the forest?- Yes, _.16 . -Are there any tall _(建筑物)between the park and the school?-No, _.17 . There are

4、many _(人)in the nature park.18 . My _(房子)is near the hill.19 . There are lots of _(鸭子)on the river.20 . 按要求填空1.we (宾格)_2.dance(名词)_3. these(单数) _4.make a home library(翻译)_5.a maths book(翻译)_6.学习英语(翻译)_7.昨天晚上(翻译)_21 . 看图补全句子。1. My father, my mother and I like to go for a _in the evening.2. My grandmo

5、ther likes to _the newspaper.3. This is the flag of _. The_ of China is Beijing.4. This is the _of Canada. People in Canada speak_ and French.5. This is my uncles daughter. She is my _. She is 5 years old. I am 10 years old.22 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My friends often _ (paint) many pictures in the classroo

6、m.2. The twins will have _ (swim) lessons.3. Do you want to be a _ (drive). 4. I want to be a _ because I like _ (travel). 5. Jims parents are doctors. My parents are _ (farm).三、选内容补全对话选择正确的句子补全对话,将其字母编号写在横线上。A. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? B. How can I get there?C. Excuse me. D. You

7、 are welcome.E. Go straight ahead and then take the second right.A: 23 . Could you tell me the way to Zhongshan No.1 Hospital, please?B: 24 . You cant miss itA: 25 . B: Its on the right.A: 26 . B: By underground.A: Thank you very much!B: 27 . 四、看图题看图,完成句子。1题.2题.3题.28 . Walk_and_.29 . Walk_and_.30 . _第 1 页 共 1 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、3、4、三、选内容补全对话1、四、看图题1、



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