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1、五年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 2 How do you come to school?课 型新授课 时8-1教学目标1、能听懂、会说、会读bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词.2、能初步运用句型How do/ does come to school? 及回答:及其应答I by/ on .重点难点1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1 Warming-upFree talk I live near school.I often go to school

2、 on foot.Teach: on footI live far from the Wan Da.So I go to Wan Da by car.Teach: far from, by car. How about you?Where do you live?Do you live near school?初步理解on foot, by carwork in classStep2 Pre-task1. A: How do you usually go to school?B: By bike.板书句型结构。2. Do you know? Lets learn。出示交通工具图片,教授词汇:b

3、ike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro。3. Practice the sentences and the words.师生交流,引出交通工具类单词。Teach new words: bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro。(Work in pairs)Step3Task 11. 出示图片Who can you see in the picture?2. Listen and answer:Where do they live? 3. Watch and match(P18)How do they come to s

4、chool?4. Read the dialogue and underline. Why do they come to school by/ on ?带着问题听录音,以听促思Watch the cartoon and match. (P18)Read and underlineStep4 Task 2Talk about story time根据板书和PPT,谈论Yang Ling, Su Hai, Mike, Liu Tao, 住在哪里,如何来学校。A: Where does live?B: He/ She lives in Its near/ far from A: How does

5、come to school?B: He/ She comes to school by/ on A: Oh, I see.Talk about story time(work in pairs)Step5 Task 31. Read after computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作。)2. Read together3. Read in roles4. Read or act the storyRead in many waysRead or act(work in pairs)Step6 Posttask1.回顾板书 retell the story

6、 lives in It is near/far from He/ She comes to school by/ on 1)Work in pairs and retell2)Retell the story together2. 文化拓展What traffics do you know more?出示各类交通工具。Retell the storyHomework1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times.2. Copy the new words 3 times.3. 收集更多的交通工具。板书设计: Unit 2 How do you co

7、me to school? Who Where How.? Why? YangLing Su Yang Mike Liu Tao教后记五年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 2 How do you come to school?课 型新授课 时8-2备课时间2.29授课时间教学目标1、复习巩固词汇及How do/ does come to school? 及回答:及其应答I by/ on .2、能够看图片复述故事内容重点难点1. 学习Fun time, 引导学生用所学句型交流并汇报。2. 学生能理解并掌握Where.? How ?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化。教具准备

8、PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1Warming-up1. Magic eyes.See the pictures or words and say them quickly.2. Free talk Where do I live?How do I go to Wan Da? How do I come to school? Why?What about you?Review words Free talk(work in pairs)Step2 Pre-task1. Review story timePPT(出示文中图片)How about Yang Ling, Su Yang,

9、Mike and Liu Tao? Lets talk about them.A: Where does live?B: He/ She lives in Its near/ far from A: How does come to school?B: He/ She comes to school by/ on A: Oh, I see.Talk about story(work in pairs)2. Finish Read and circle (page 18) Read together Step3Task 1Fun time:What about Joe and Jane?Lets

10、 listen.1. Listen and write and check in pairs.2. Talk about Joe and Jane.Where does live? How ?3. Retell.Joe lives by/ on Jane lives by/ on Step4Task 2What about your friend? Where do they live and how do they come to school? Can you do a survey?1. Make a survey of your group and fill in the chart.

11、 Where do you live? How do you come to school? 2. Then report it to your class.In our group, lives near/ far from by/ on Step5Task 3Grammar time1. Read and discuss in groups1) 归纳特殊疑问词2) 助动词do, does的用法3)肯定句中动词三单的用法和变化规则2. Draw a mind- map in groups.3. Report in classStep6Posttas完成语法相关部分练习Homework1. R

12、ecite story time 2. Recite and write new words 3+1.3. Finish mind-map.板书设计Unit 2 How do you come to school? Where do you live? How do you come to school? 教后记五年级下册英语教学设计课 题Unit 2 How do you come to school?课 型新授课 时8-3备课时间2.29授课时间教学目标1. 能理解并演唱“The wheels on the bus”2. 熟练掌握bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,tr

13、ain,metro等交通工具类单词3. 理解与掌握tr 在单词中的发音规律。重点难点能正确理解,朗读cartoon time的故事教具准备PPT教 学 过 程二次备课 Step 1Warming-up1. Sing the song “The wheels on the bus”Teach: wheel round and round through the town Sing together; sing in groupsLearn new wordsSing a song(work in groups)2. Guessing gamewhat transportation is it?I

14、t has 2 wheels, it doesnt go fast.-bike It has 4 wheels, it goes fast.-car It has many wheels , It looks like a snake.-train It has two wings, it can fly high.-plane It looks like a snake , it goes under groundmetroGuess the transportation and spell it.Step2Pre-taskWhat are these things about?They are about traffic transportation. 板书: traffic,transportation1. Learn a rhymeTraffic, traffic, on the street,Beep beep, beep beep!Trans, trans, t


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