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1、 新概念英语第二册词汇随身听第88-90课trap陷入 Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours. 6个人被困在矿井里已有17个小时了。 They were trapped in cave. 他们被困在山洞里。 Due to the heavy snow,they were trapped in the house in the mountain. 由于大雪,他们被困在山中的房子里。 surface 地面 If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose th

2、eir lives. 假如不把他们尽快救到地面上来,他们就有可以丧生。 The surface of the road in the rainy day is very slippery. 雨天路面很滑。 Many problems came to the surface. 很多问题浮出水面。 explosive 炸药 If explosives are used, 假如用炸药爆破, vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse. 震惊会引起矿顶塌落。 Nobel invented the explosive. 诺贝尔创造了炸药。

3、 He is a brilliant explosive expert. 他是一个精彩的爆破专家。 vibration 喜爱听力课堂,请把 TingC 告知给5位好友,多谢支持! 震惊 The earthquake sent the vibration to a village a hundred miles away. 地震把震惊传到了一百英里以外的村庄。 The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days. 地震的余波托运费了两天。 collapse 坍塌 The bridge suddenly collasped. 桥突然塌了。 The hou

4、se collaposed and five poeople were buried under the ruin. 房子塌了,有五个人被埋在废墟里。 drill 钻孔 Rescue workers are therefore dirlling a hole on the north side of the mine. 因此,营救人员在矿井的北侧钻了一个洞。 The workers were drilling holes on a road. 工人们在道路上钻孔。 capsule 容器 They intend to bring the men up in a special capsule.

5、他们预备用一种特制的容器把这6个人救上来。 The capsule was tightly sealed. 这个容器密封得很好。 Gas cannot escape from the capsule. 气体无法沉着器里逃逸出来。 layer 层 If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil , 假如不是由于土壤下面有一层坚硬的岩石, they would have completed the job in a few hours. 他们的营救工作仅用几个小时就可以完成了。 The furniture was covere

6、d with a fine layer of dust. 家具上蒙了一层薄薄的灰尘。 They only painted the first layer fo poaint. 他们刚刷了第一层油漆。 beneath 在。之下 What is beneath the soil? 土壤下面是什么? The shelf finally collapsed beneath the weight of the books on it. 在书的重压下,书架最终塌了下来。 lower 放下Meanwhile,a microphone,which was lowered into the mine two h

7、ours ago,与此同时,两个小时以前放下井的一只麦克风 has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives. 使井下的人可以与其亲属保持联系。 She lowered her head under his gaze. 在他的凝视下她低下了头。 The prices of several goods were lowered. 一些商品的价格降低了。 progress 进展 They have been told that rescue operations are progressing smoothly. 他

8、们被告之营救工作进展得特别顺当。 The peace talks progressed well. 和平会谈进展得很好。 The economic cooperation progressed remarkably. 经济合作进展顺当。 smoonthly 顺当地 The project did not go smoothly. 这项工程进展得不太顺当。 Everything went on smoothly. 一切都进展得很顺当。 Lesson 89 Lesson 89 slip 小错误 a slip of the tongue 口误 That was a slip of the pen.

9、那是笔误 A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a big loss. 会议上的一个口误导致了一笔重大的损失。 comedy 喜剧 When news got round that a comedy show would be presented at our local cinema 当“皮尤”鸟食公司将在我们当地*演出 by the P.and U.Bird Seed Company, we all rushed to see it. 喜剧节目的消息传开后,我们都抓紧跑去观看。 Some of Shakespeare”s co

10、medies are ended by a marriage. 莎士比亚的一些喜剧以有情人终成眷属完毕。 I prefer comedy to tragedy. 我喜爱喜剧不喜爱悲剧。 present 演出 A new play is going to be presented in the Global Theater for weeks on end. 一部新戏将连续几周在环球剧院上演。 Everyone is required to be present at the lecture. 要求每人都要出席这个讲座。 queue 排队 We had to queue for hours to

11、 get in 我们不得不排了好几个小时才进得场去。 and there must have been several hundred people present 在演出开场内确定 just before the show began. 已有好几百人了。 A large crowd of fans are queuing up for the pop star”s autograph. 一大群歌迷正排队等流行歌星的亲笔签名。 They queued patiently to get into the auditorium. 他们急躁地排队进入礼堂。 dull 枯燥 Unfortunately

12、,the show was one of teh dullest we have ever seen. 不幸的是,这次演出是我们看过的最乏味的演出了。 The lecture was so dull that many students dazed off. 这个讲座极其枯燥,以至许多学生都睡着了。 Many people left the party before it ended because it was very dull. 聚会索然无味,很多人在完毕前就离开了。 artist 艺人 Those who failed to get in need not have felt disa

13、ppointed, 那些没能进到场内的人没有必要感到绝望。 as many of the artists who should have appeared did not come. 由于很应当出场的专业演员都没有来。 He is a famoust artist in Peking opera. 他是一名的京剧表演艺术家。 The performances given by the elderly artists won a great applause. 老一辈艺术家们的演出赢得了热闹的掌声。 advertiser 报幕员 The only funny things we heard th

14、at evening came from teh advertiser 那天晚上好玩的事情是 at the beginning of the programme. 节目开头时那个报幕员的开场白。 The advertiser has a gentle voice and a radiant smile. 那个报幕员嗓音严厉,笑容绚烂。 She worked as an adveriser after her graduation. 一毕业她就当了报幕员。 Lesson 90 Lesson 90 chip 油煎土豆片 Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain. 油煎鱼加炸土豆片始终是英国人宠爱的一道菜。 Chips are his favorite snack. 油炸土豆片是他最喜爱的小吃。 He usually ordered a glass of Coke Cola, 他通常点一杯可乐



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