鲁科版小学英语四年级Unit 4 Lesson 1教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 4 Lesson 1 Its spring.教学设计 孙海燕一、教学目标设计(一)知识目标 1.掌握新单词:season,year,spring, summer, autumn, winter. 2.能用“What season is it ?”来询问季节,用“Its spring/summer.”来回答季节情况; 能用“I like spring/summer. ”描述对季节的喜好。(二)能力目标 1.能够运用所学单词询问和回答四个季节。 2. 培养学生通过观察图画,感受大自然,表述自己的感受的能力;培养学生听、说、读、及灵活运用语言的能力 (三) 情感态度目标 1、能在课堂活动中

2、获得积极的情感体验,大胆主动地与人交流,展示自我。使学生能在一定的语境中学会使用已学过的英语进行交流。2、进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣,在语言教学中激发学生热爱生活、热爱大自然的美好情操,培养积极乐观的生活情感态度。二、教具准备 课件、录音机 、录音带、单词卡片.三、教学重点1、能听懂、会说、认读和规范书写单词season, year, spring, summer, autumn, winter。2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语: “What season is it?” “Its spring/summer/”四、教学难点:1、能掌握四个表示季节的单词,能正确表达季节。2、能听懂、会说、

3、会读句子,并能正确、熟练地运用。五、教学过程设计Step One: Warming-up 1、Greetings. Good morning, boys and girls. How are you ? What day is today? The first , lets sing a song -“Days of the week” 2、Leading in:T:The song is about days of week ,right? And we have 7 days in a week,yes ?Do you know how many seasons in a year ? T

4、:This class,well talk about Unit 4 seasons.Step two:Presentation and practice 1、(出示单词卡 “season”“year”)T: Now ,who can tell me, how many seasons do we have in a year? S: Four season. T:Year! (教师引导学生回答)We have four seasons in a year. Now ,look at the picture .What season is it? What season is it? Its

5、spring. 教授单词spring 3、展示有关季节的画面,引出新单词:T: What season is it now?Yeah!Summer. Do you know summer? Its the second season in a year.In summer, the trees are green, and the flowers are colorful. In the third season, the trees turn yellow, the leaves start to fall. What season is it? Its autumn.(单词卡)Look a

6、t the picture, the trees are white, and it starts to snow. What season is it? Its winter.(单词卡)2、利用图片做游戏:猜猜看 What season is it? 练习句型:Its spring/summer/autumn/winter. 3、鼓励学生模仿老师自编儿歌。What season is it ? Spring spring, Its spring. Step three Lets talk.让学生观察四季中花朵以及景物的变化,询问这种花开在哪个季节?这种景物出现在哪个季节?了解情境,进行同位的

7、问答练习。Step four Lets do.1、T:Look at the pictures,What season is it ?Do you know?(学生观察图片,说出图片代表的季节),Yes,its summer.I like summer.What season do you like ?(教师引导学生表达自己喜欢的季节)。2、T-S activities.(出示图片,教师问,引导学生回答并做对话)3、Students work in pairs(学生展示对话) What season is it ? Its summer/. Do you like summer/. Yes ,

8、I like summer ./No ,I dont like summer .Step five Sum up 总结本课的学习内容。1、 New words: season,year,spring, summer, autumn, winter.2、 Sentences: What season is it ? Its spring/summer.Step six Homework1. Talk about seasons with your partners.2. Listen to the tape as much as possible .Blackboard designing:Unit 4 Lesson 1 Its spring.We have _ seasons in a yearWhat season is it? springIts summer autumn winter


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