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1、人教版2020年中考三模英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mr. Yang lost her mother in an accident yesterday._.AThats too badBGlad to hear thatCGood ideaDHave a good time2 . After the P. E. class, the teacher offered us something_.AdrinkBdrinkingCdrunkDto drink3 . My father _ at eight oclock yesterday evening.Awatche

2、d TVBwas watching TVCis watching TVDwatches TV4 . I play _ piano very well and my brother plays _ football very well.Athe; /Bthe; theC/; theD/; /5 . What do you think of the movie you saw last night?I think it is worth _.AseeingBseesCto see6 . You can tell from the posters and photos_the wall that C

3、hen is a big fan of Jay Chou.AinBonCbetweenDabove7 . Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Legend of Chu Qiao, says As an actress, younever be too hard-working.AmustBcanCmayDshould8 . I dont know his _, so I cant write to him.AaddressBadviceCabilityDage9 . -Do you know if he _ to play football wi

4、th us ?-I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow .Acomes , is .Bcomes , will be .Cwill come , is .Dwill come , will be10 . Which of the following words matches the sound /tekst/?AtestBtaxiCtextDtaste11 . _they are twin brothers, _they dont look like each other.AAlthough; /BAlthough; butCBut; altho

5、ugh12 . -_ bad weather it is!- We havent see _ sun for a week.AWhat a; 不填BHow a; theCWhat ;不填DWhat; the13 . The little dog is so cute, _ I like it very much.AsoBbutCor14 . - _is your telephone number?-Its 86222216.AHow much BHow many CWhat DHow15 . _ do you like the trip to Wuhan?Its wonderful.AWhen

6、BHowCWhereDWhat16 . He spent_ writing.Athe morning allBthe all morningCwhole the morningDthe whole morning17 . -How about the MP4 player? Its35.-I cant take it, the price is too _ for us studentsAhighBcheapCexpensiveDmuch18 . Mum, I think there is _ in todays newspaper. You dont have to read it.I _.

7、 Im looking forward to it.Anothing interesting, dont agreeBsomething interesting, agreeCinteresting nothing, am not agreeDanything interesting, dont agree19 . He usually knows the answers but holds_cards close to his chest and let other people think by _.Atheir, themselvesBtheir, himselfChis, themse

8、lvesDhis, himself20 . Home is_place wherever you go. Yes.Theres no place like home.AwarmestBthe warmestCwarmerDwarm二、完型填空Many kids want to offer their help in keeping the environment healthy but dont know where to start. _, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the envi

9、ronment. Here is how:(1.) Dont litter. Litter can _ our water and that could do harm to us and to wildlife.(2.) Always recycle bottles, cans, paper and plastic. This is a good _ to develop early on and can really make a difference. (3.) Save _ by switching off lights and electronic devices (电子设备) wh

10、en they are not being used.(4.) Talk to your parents about _ your homes incandescent bulbs (白炽灯) with energy-saving bulbs.(5.) Use your bike _ walk to nearby locations rather than riding in a car. Encourage your friends and family to _ the same.(6.) Dont throw your old clothes and toys away. Give th

11、em to a local charity (慈善机构) or a friend that may be able to use them. (7.) _ wasting plastic bags by bringing your own reusable cloth bags to stores. (8.) _ you see litter, pick it up. By following these tips and using them in your everyday life, you will make the world a greener place. Its _ too l

12、ate to start, and what better time is there than right now?21 . AAt firstBAbove allCIn factDAs a result22 . ApolluteBsaveCcleanDwaste23 . AinterestBplanCcharacterDhabit24 . AspaceBmoneyCenergyDtime25 . AsellingBreplacingCmakingDcomparing26 . AbutBandCsoDor27 . AdoBlookCsayDwear28 . AKeepBTryCEnjoyDA

13、void29 . ABeforeBIfCSinceDAs30 . AstillBactuallyCneverDalready三、阅读单选At the beginning of November 2018, the 35th Chinese Antarctic expedition(南极科考队)set off for the polar(极地的)region. This time, one of their main tasks is to build Chinas first permanent(永久的)Antarctic airport, Science and Technology Dai

14、ly reported.There are more than 20 airports in Antarctica, according to Global Times. But none of them belongs to China. Chinas polar plane Xueying 601 has to take off and land at Russian airports.The new airport will help Chinese aircraft take off and land in the South Pole. This will make it easier to transport scientific equipment and do resear



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