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1、 5B Unit6 A PE lesson教学设计一 教学内容:A Read and say二、教学目标1、知识目标:1)初步理解、感知对话,准确朗读、表演对话。2)掌握四会单词:foot,time,turn,left,right,hand,leg。3)、听懂、会说、会读词汇follow,order,line,exercise,up and down,stop,lie,back,touch,with,everybody,lie on ones back,lift up 和句型Stand in a line. Lets do some exercise now. Listen carefully

2、. Jump up and down. Do thistimes. Now stand up, everybody!2、技能目标:能用句型Touch yourwith. times.正确发出指令并完成指令。3、情感态度:1)创设和谐、平等、宽松、幽默的课堂氛围,培养学生积极主动的学习态度和活泼、大方、自信的个性,使学生乐于模仿、敢与开口、注重合作。2)结合旧知,联系实践,借助多种手段,在与他人的合作中共同学习,并在日常生活中积极运用所学语言。三、教学重难点重点:掌握八个表示身体部位的单词,两个表示方向的单词,以及句型Touchwith times.难点:理解指令,并能根据指令快速作出反应。四、

3、教学准备1、制作课件,内容包括歌曲Head shoulders knees and toes的动画,几个儿歌,迪斯尼神奇英语中的片断和音素发音相同的几个单词。2、人体部位类单词的卡片,图片,磁带,录音机,听写本,英语综合性学案,同步导学。3、给每位学生印发一张纸,内容为需要补充的chant。五、教学过程Step1 Warming up1、GreetingsT:Hello.How are you, today?S:Fine.Thank you.T:What day is it ,today?S:ItsT:How many lessons do you have in the morning/in

4、 the afternoon?S:Three.T:What are they?S:TheyreT:What subject do you like?S:I likeT:Do you have any hobbies?S:Yes,I do. I likeShe/He likesT:I like drawing pictures.How about you?S:Me ,too.T:Do you like collecting stamps?(询问学生的爱好)S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T:What do you like?S:I like.T:Do you want to know

5、 my hobbies?S:Yes.【设计意图:利用Free talk在复习相关句型的同时,让学生能够充分的进行语言交际。学生在前几单元刚学习询问爱好的语言知识,引导学生讨论彼此的爱好,一方面是复习巩固的需要,另一方面也为引出新课的教学做准备。】2.T:I like listening to music. Lets listen to music together. OK? (Ss:OK) But after listening you must tell us which words can you hear.(Listen to the song Head shoulders knees

6、and toes)【设计意图:出示课件,歌曲中将反复出现head、shoulders、knees、toes这四个单词,视频画面中的卡通人物也将随着歌词活动相应的部位。让学生自己在歌曲中发现、学习单词是学生非常喜欢的一种自主学习方式,这使单词教学充满趣味。】3.交流各自听到的单词,读音不准或没听清的让同伴补充。拼一拼、读一读单词。最后边唱歌边摸一摸自己身体相应的部位。4. T: Lets enjoy another song. What is it? 一起说唱。【设计意图:克鲁姆说过,成功的外语课堂教学应在课内外创设更多的情景,让学生应用学到的语言材料。小学生喜动爱玩,好表演,老师和学生的示范表

7、演为台下的学生开了个好头。学生对兔子舞都非常熟悉,播放学生喜爱的兔子舞,并在听歌的过程中轻松学习left、right。激发了学生学习英语的兴趣】5. Make some phrases with left and right6.T: I like listening to music. So I like Music lesson. What subject do you like?【设计意图:体育课是学生最深爱的课程。设计这样的问题,等待学生“自投罗网”,水到渠成地引出课题。】T: Well, now lets have a special PE lesson.Step2 Presentat

8、ion1.T: Now lets do some exercise. Ill say and do it first.课件呈现内容,教师边说边做动作:Touch, touch, touch my head.Touch, touch, touch my left shoulder.Touch, touch, touch my right knee.Touch, touch, touch my toes.【设计意图:儿歌是愉悦记忆的一种好方法。教师在示范的过程中不断触摸,学生自然而然理解touch的含义。单词touch的不断复现,也避免了让学生死记硬背。】2.S say and do it.3.将

9、Chant中的my改成your,学生发指令,教师用All right答应并完成动作。4.T: Touch, touch, touch your eyes. Ss: All right.T: Touch, touch, touch your nose. Ss: All right.T: Look, we can touch our nose with our fingers.教学finger,方法:与sing比较记忆。5.T:Our fingers are useful.What can they do? Give an example:Touch my toes with my fingers

10、.板书句型:Touchwith.学生操练语言。6.T:Great.Now I am going to give you the orders. Please try to follow the orders. You should say its mywhile you following.T: Touch your left shoulder with your fingers. Ss: Its my shoulder.T: Touch your right knee with your left hand. Ss: Its my (right) knee.7.Good jobs. Now

11、please do it with your partner.【设计意图:以chant为基础,变换其中的单词或回答,既避免了形式的单调,又帮助学生有效地训练了语言。问答角色的交换,也培养了学生主动交流,主动发问的意识。】8. T: Look, this is my left hand.Read the word left. Show other words: bed get desk egg leg.(课件出示)T: How can you read the word leg? 学生很快根据发音规律读出单词。T: Left leg ,right leg,they are my legs.课件出

12、示迪斯尼神奇英语中学习leg的片断9.采用教学leg同样的方法学习单词neck、arm、foot、feet。farmer park party garden armlook book good football footChant:One foot, two feet, theyre my feet.Feet, feet, everyone has two feet.【设计意图:通过归类,让学生自己寻找发音规律,从而自己认读新单词,这样有助于帮助学生提高语音辨别能力,有助于培养学生自主学习的能力。关于feet的chant,朗朗上口,有利于学生记忆这特殊的复数变化。】Step3 Consolid

13、ation1.教师简笔画一个人,边画边引导学生说:This is a _.These are _.画好后请学生在人物图旁贴上相应的单词卡片。2.T: Can you read every word three times? Can you do it three times?【设计意图:说一说、贴一贴、读一读,通过多种方法帮助学生记忆新授的八个单词。在读的过程中,教师发出Do it three times.的指令,让学生在活动中理解three times的含义。】3.T:Would you like to write a chant by yourself?课件显示chant的大致内容,横线处

14、则需要学生自己填写。Touch, touch, touch your feet with your fingers.Touch, touch, touch my feet. Im touching my feet._,_,_ your _ with your _._,_,_ my _.Im _ my _._,_,_ _ _ _ _ _._,_,_ _ _._ _ _ _.【设计意图:听、说、读、做、写,通过多种感官学习、操练语言,不乏味、有实效。同时这一chant也帮助学生复习了现在进行时,一举多得。】Step4 Presentation1.T:Now say and act with you

15、r partner.(根据自己写的chant进行表演)2.出示几个学生写的chant,并请其表演。学生活动时,教师发令:Do this three/four times.并补充板书:times.3.小组竞赛:教师发令Touch your with times.学生做动作,并回答Im touching my with times.看哪组反应最快最准确。Step5 ConsolidationT:Now you can have your own PE lesson in groups.One is the teacher.The others are the students.Invite the best group to act.


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