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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Tony arrived _ Tianjin _ the evening of June 1.Ain, in Bin; on Cat; in Dat; on2、 Do you think there are aliens? Im afraid not. .APra

2、ctice makes perfectBTo see is to believeCDo as Romans do3、Thank you very much for giving me some advice on how to deal with stress._AThats trueBDont mention itCOK. Ill tryDI dont think so4、Linda will never forget the words her father told her.AthatBwhoCwhereDwhat5、I hope you dont mind my opening the

3、 window. . Its much too hot here.AAll right.BCertainly.COf course not.DNever mind.6、Im afraid to take a _ / plen / to travel, so I often go by train.AplanBplaceCplaneDpant7、The little girl was found _ in her bedroom after she had an argument(争论) with her best friend.AcryingBto cryCbeing cryingDcried

4、8、Marys coat is _ yours. If you feel cold, you can wear hers.Adifferent fromBthe same size asCjust unlikeDthe same colour9、The magazine is well worth reading, so he advised me _ it.AbuyingBto buyCbuyDbought10、-Have you ever been to Harbin? -Yes. I _ there when I was twelve for the Ice and Snow Festi

5、val.Ahave goon Bhave been Cwent Dhad been. 完形填空11、For much of my childhood, my mother filled the evening hours doing something for someone else. Sometimes she knitted (编织) hats for babies, and at other times she cooked chicken soup for sick neighbors. Therefore, I wasnt 1 when one evening my mother

6、announced shed start a new project.Im going to telephone neighboring 2 every night, said my mother.Every night? But you dont even 3 these people. Doesnt matter, she said. Whats important is that I want to listen.I was sixteen years old and couldnt figure out why my mother was willing to spend her ev

7、enings talking to strangers. She had friends and my two elder sisters to call 4 she felt lonely.My 5 didnt affect my mothers project. That evening after supper, she settled on the sofa with the phone and began making phone calls.For a while, I listened as she asked the lady on the phone about her da

8、y, what she had eaten for dinner, and asked if she had 6 that the beautiful roses had come out in a neighboring park. When she finished the call, I said, What do you 7 whether she had cookie or cream pie for dessert?My mother replied, Im the 8 person she talked to today.It took me nearly thirty year

9、s to understand the 9 of what she was doing. Now, as my mother is nearing sixty, I find myself thinking about those nightly 10 she used to make.I am often the only person who telephones my mother, and sometimes Im the only person she speaks to all day. I ask her what she cooked for dinner, but mostl

10、y I just 11 as she describes a walk she took, or how her dog Lucky stole a piece of cheese from the kitchen.I 12 that my mothers calls were lifelines (生命之线 ) that kept lonely seniors connected to the world. Somehow, she managed to work full-time and 13 a family while improving the lives of others.Th

11、at kind of 14 needs commitment (奉献,投入) and organizational skills that I do not have. While she freed several seniors from 15 , I struggle to call just one my mother.1Ainterested Bsatisfied Csurprised Dexcited2Ateenagers Bchildren Cjuniors Dseniors3Ameet Bknow Cpass Dfind4Abecause Bif Cthough Duntil5

12、Adoubt Badvice Canswer Dpraise6Adecided Bfelt Cnoticed Dimagined7Ahate Blove Cmean Dcare8Aonly Bearly Cfirst Dlast9Adifficulty Bimportance Cpossibility Ddifference10Avisits Borders Ccalls Dcries11Athink Blisten Ctalk Dwrite12Arealize Bexplain Cexpress Drecognize13Aprotect Bstart Caffect Dsupport14As

13、ervice Bexperience Cpromise Dtradition15Ahopelessness Billness Cloneliness Dhelplessness. 语法填空12、Millie :Have you heard about the pop star Nancy? Its said that she has got cancer.Sandy:I 1 (hear) about it last week. Its very sad because she 2(be) so kind.Millie: I heard that Nancy once donated 100,0

14、00 to people who 3 (suffer) great loss in the earthquake in Wenchuan.Sandy: Yes. She is a generous girl.Millie: Now Nancy 4 (receive) medical treatment in Belling. An operation5 (do) on her yesterday and it was a success.Sandy . Thats great. I really hope Nancy 6 (get) well again soon. 阅读理解A13、 (C)Pollution inside homes and other buildings kills more than 4 million people each year. Many people die as a result of breathing smoke or from cooking over wood-p



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