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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B (2a-2c)一、教学目标: 1、流利的朗读文章,获取信息,牢记文中的重点短语和句子。2、掌握sothat的用法。重点难点重点:1.帮助学生对动物惧怕心理,鼓励学生学习自然知识。2. 教育学生合理安排作息时间,健康生活。难点:阅读2b短文并完成相关任务。教学流程:Lead-in: Show some photos of animals on the screen. T: Last weekend I went to the zoo. In the zoo I saw lots of animals.

2、Theyre tigers, snakes .and so on. But Im afraid of snakes because theyre scary. What about you? 一 督预示标:(一)督预:检查让大家预习的短语并朗读。1中学毕业 2.搭起 3.两周前 4.生火 5.如此-以至于 6.取暖 7.互相 8第二天早上 9.吃惊 10.上上下下 11.朝外看 12.唤醒 能掌握以下句型:1.My sister finished high school two weeks ago.(二)示标:1.language goal:(1) 熟练掌握以下短语:high school,

3、put up, each other, get a surprise, shout to, up and down, wake up(2)熟练掌握以下句子:1. My sister finished high school two weeks ago 2 There we put up our tents and. 3. I was so tired that I went to sleep early.3. 语法: 掌握 sothat的用法 二、 自学梳理 为了提高大家的学习质量,我给大家带来了自学提纲,下面请大家按照老师出示的自学提纲,再次走进文本,展开自学。自学提纲: 1.仔细阅读 找出

4、2b中问题的答案。2.找出含有“sothat”句型的句子,翻译其意思并试着造句子。3.2c 根据课文内容给词组排序三、小组答疑三、小组答疑1.由小组长主持,讨论刚才老师提出的3个问题,然后让小组成员将自己的学习成果讲给其他同学听.确定自己小组要展示的问题并选出发言人。2.探讨本组成员发现的其它问题。(本组解决不了的问题也可以到外组请求支援)四、展示评价展示评价一:检查快速阅读,选出正确的图画展示评价二:仔细阅读,回答2b中的问题。1. How was Lisas weekend? 2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend?3. How d

5、id Lisa feel when she saw the snake?4. What did Lisa and her sister do?5. What did their parents do? Why did they do that?6. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend? 展示评价三:找出符合“sothat” 句型的句子,I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 句中so . that .的意思是“如此 以至于”。相当于 tooto-。比较: I was so scared that

6、I couldnt move. I was too scared to move. 我如此害怕以至于不能动He is so young that he cant look after himself. He is too young to look after himself. 他如此小以至于不能照顾自己。【运用】将下面的句子翻译成英语。 1. 他如此忙以至于没有吃午饭。 2. 他如此小以至于不能上学。 展示评价四:检查2c答案并根据信息复述课文五、联系拓展选词填空:ago tent surprise moon scared move start into1 They came to visi

7、t China two days _.2 Do you know how to put up a _? 3She got a great _ when she got the Iphone 5. 4. She _ to learn English when she was ten. 5. She was really _ to cross the rope way.六、 总结导预:1. Summary what we have learnt in this class .2. Homework: 熟读2b中的短文,并试着复述短文。3.预习3a-Self check的内容。相信大家在下节课的表现会更加精彩。教学反思: Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B (2a-2c) 教学设计浚县小河镇一中 罗东珍 20155.板书设计Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B (2a-2c)A Weekend to Remember1. put up each other get a surprise shout to up and down wake up2. sothat 句型



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