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1、- 学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_ -外研版2022年小学六年级英语下册期中测试卷及答案一、选择每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。()1. A. hungryB. hurryC.usually()2.A.coolB. roomC. look()3.A.thinkB.theseC. nothing()4.A.waterB.whatC. had()5.A.missB. ChinaC. picnic()6.A.nowB. howC. blow()7.A.colaB. dollarC. no()8. A.outB. loudlyC. daughter()9.A.warmB.armC. car()1

2、0.A.messB.enjoyC. cent二、写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. blow2. sing3. run4. fly5. rain三、你知道下列图片的意思吗?连一连。四、单项选择。()1.feels tired.A. WeB. Tom and SimonC. Everyone()2.Ioftento my cousin.A.talkingB. talkedC. talk()3.Iwanttoa postcard to my brother.A.sendB. lookC. play()4.Iaman email on the computer.A.writingB. sendC. d

3、raw()5. Look! Someoneup the hill.A.climbsB. is climbingC. climbed()6. I would love to go to the cinema with you,I have no money.A.andB. orC. but()7. There are some applesthe tree.A.onB. inC. at()8.Iwanttobuyanewcoatmy mum. And I want to show ither.A. to; toB. to; forC. for; to五、从II栏中选出I栏问句适当的答语。I()1

4、. Who is swimming?()2. Who can help me?()3. What are you doing?()4.Whatdoyouwanttodrink?()5. When are we going?()6. Can I help you?IIA. At 8:00a. m.B. Im reading a newspaper.C. I want a hot dog, please.D. I can help you.E. Tom is swimming.F. Some milk, please.六、根据汉语提示补全下列短文。There are many boys and g

5、irls in this picture.Look! Betty is(唱歌). Timthe drum(打鼓).Mary and Lily(跳舞). What is Ben doing?a horse(骑马).七、连词成句。1. they playingarefootball(. )2. inwillbehotShenzhenit(.)3. areweargoingwhatyouto(?)4. butterflyflyingtheisaway(. )八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。The first hamburger was not made in the US. It was made in

6、 Germany. InHamburg,a large city in Germany, people made and ate a kind of sandwich with meata long time ago. The food got its name“hamburger”from the place. Later on manyGermans moved to America and brought the food along with them. And the food isvery popular now. People in the US eat billions of

7、hamburgers every year.()1.made the first hamburger.A. AmericansB. EnglishmenC. GermansD. Australians()2. Hamburg is the name of.A. a countryB.acityC. a kind of sandwichD. Germany()3. Americanshamburgers.A. likeB. dont likeC. hateD. dont know()4. Hamburgers wereatfirst.A. a kind of hot dogB. a kind o

8、fsandwichC. a kind of breadD. a kind of sausage .()5. Hamburgersvery popular now.A. areB. arentC. wereD. werent参考答案一、1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10. B二、1. blowing 2. singing 3. running 4. flying5. raining三、1-D 2-E3-A 4-B 5-C四、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C五、1.E 2.D 3.B 4.F 5.A 6. C六、singing; is playing; are dancing; He is riding七、1. They are playing football.2. It will be hot in Shenzhen.3. What are you going to wear?4. The butterfly is flying away.八、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A3


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