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1、英语口语三字通(入门篇)视频课程地址:http:/ 差不多吧。2.Always. 永远。总是。3.Anytime. 随时欢迎,别客气。4.Damn! 该死!5.Deal! 一言为定。6.Heavens! 天啊!7.Here! 来了!喂!8.Howdy? 你好吗?9.Jerk! 蠢材。10.Maybe. 说不定。可能吧!11.Please. 求你了!12.Really?/Really! 真的吗?/真的啦!13.Right. 正确,正如你所说。14.Sir? 先生,是您找我吗?15.Sure. 当然,没问题。16.Whoops! 哎呦,哎!17.Wrong. 不对。18.Anything else

2、? 还需要什么吗?19.Be careful! 小心点!20.Check,please. 买单!21.Come on. 求你了。22.Good enough. 好极了。23.Have fun. 玩得开心点。24.I hear. 我听见了。25.Ill bet. 我敢打赌。26.Im busy. 我很忙。27.Im nervous. 我好紧张啊!28.Not yet. 还没有。29.Once more. 再来一次。30.Say cheese! 笑一个!31.Soups on. 开饭了。32.So what? 那又怎么样?33.Speak up. 大声点说话。34.That depends. 到时

3、候看情况吧。35.Thats why. 那就是答案。36.Trust me. 相信我。37.Well done. 好样的!38.What else? 那还用说!39.Why not? 为什么不呢?40.You cant. 你不能。41.You first. 你先来。42.You know. 你知道的。43.All right already. 已经好了嘛。44.Better than nothing. 有总比没有强。45.blah,blan,blan 等等46.Business is business. 公事公办。47.Come back anytime. 欢迎随时再来。48.Dont ask

4、 me. 我怎么知道。49.Dont bother me. 别烦我。50.Dont forget to 别忘了51.Dont give up. 不要放弃。52.Dont trust it. 别轻易相信。53.Dont you know? 难道你不知道吗?54.Excuse me & Sorry. 抱歉,对不起。55.From my heart. 由衷地。56.Go to hell! 滚开,混蛋!57.Half and half. 一半一半啦。58.Have some more. 多吃一点。59.How could you? 你怎么能这样呢?60.I believe so. 我想是的。61.I

5、cant say. 我不能说。62.I dont care. 我不介意,没问题。63.I feel sick. 我感到不舒服。64.I guess not. 我想不会的。65.I hope so. 我希望是这样的。66.Im afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。67.I mean it. 我是认真的。68.Im following you. 我懂了。69.Im not ready. 我还没准备好。70.Im not sure. 我不能确定。71.Im only looking. 我只是看看。72.Is someone there? 某某在那儿吗?73.Is that everything? 就

6、这些了吗?74.I thing so. 我想是的。75.It could be. 也许吧。76.Its a date. 一言为定。77.Its rush hour. 现在是高峰期。78.Large or small? 要大的还是要小的?79.Lets do it! 做吧!80.Look whos here! 看谁在这儿!81.Maybe,maybe not. 或许是,或许不是。82.Mot any more. 不再。83.No,thank you. 不用,谢谢。84.Ready to order? 可以点菜了吗?85.Sorry I asked. 我后悔问了你。86.Thats too bad

7、. 太糟糕了。87.Why dont you? 为什么不呢?88.Would you believe? 你相信吗?89.You dont say. 你可没说过。90.Youre not serious. 你开玩笑吧。91.You wouldnt dare. 你不敢。92.All the best to 请带我向问好。93.Could call you? 稍后给你电话,好吗?94.Dont waste your time. 别浪费你的时间。95.Dont work too hard. 别太拼命了。96.Give me a rest. 让我安静一会儿。97.Hava a nice flight.

8、祝飞行愉快。98.I cant accept that. 我不能接受。99.Id be happy to. 我很乐意。100.I dont mean it. 说着玩啦!101.Ill be right there. 我就来了。102.Ill have the same. 我要同样的。103.Im here on vacation. 我是来这儿度假的。104.Is this seat taken.? 有人坐吗?105.It cant be helped. 无法挽救。106.It isnt worth it. 不值得。107.Leave it to chance. 碰运气吧。顺其自然。108.Le

9、ace ti to me. 交给我来做吧。109.Lets shake on it. 我们一言为定。110.May I help you? 需要帮助吗?111.My cars engine died. 我的车子熄火了。112.Nothing for me, thanks. 我什麽都不想要,谢谢。113.Not right now, thanks. 现在不要,谢谢。114.Perhaps a little later. 稍晚点。115.Say hello to someone. 向某人问好。116.That makes no sense. 这实在没有道理。117.Thatll be the da

10、y. 那怎么可能?但愿有那么一天。118.Thats what I say. 我就是这个意思。119.Theres nothing to it. 这很容易。120.The sooner the better. 越早越好。121.Welcome to our home. 欢迎来我们家。122.What are you doing? 你在干什么?123.What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?124.What else is new? 还有什么新鲜事?125.What if I do? 这样做后果怎么样?126.Where are we now? 我们现在在哪里?127.Wont yo

11、u come in? 你不进来吗?128.You and who else? 你还和谁?129.You couldnt do that. 你不会吧。130.Could I speak to someone? 我能和某人说话吗?131.Could we continue this later? 我们晚些时候再继续讨论好吗?132.How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?133.I cant read the menu. 我看不懂菜单。134.Its nice to be here. 我很高兴到这里来。135.Its time for a change. 也该换换了。1

12、36.Lets do this again sometime. 有时间我们再做吧。137.May I introduce someone? 我来介绍一下某人好吗?138.May I use this telephone? 我可以用这部电话吗?139.My house is your house. 不要客气,就当作是在自己家里。140.Thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。141.What can I tell you? 你想知道什么?142.When Im good and ready. 当我准备好的时候。143.Where is the dressing room. 试衣间(化妆间)在哪里?144.Whether you want or not. 不管你想不想!145.Will I see you again? 我可以再见到你吗?



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