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1、并列句专题2015年2月8日【基本知识】并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系,它们之间用连词连结(如and,but,or)。例如:Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher;I liked the story very much but Li Ming wasnt interested in it。有四种基本类型:(1)联合关系常用的连词有 and( 同,和 ), when(=and just at this time 就在这时,然后 ), not onlybu

2、t (also)( 不仅而且 ), neithernor (既不也不)等。如:He helps me and I help him. 他帮我,我帮他。He not only gave us a lot of advice, but also helped us to study English. 他不仅给我们出很多建议并且还帮助我学英语。I was just leaving when the telephone rang. 我正要离开,电话铃响了。注: when 作这种用法时,主要用于 was/were doing sth. when sth./sb. did; was/were about

3、to do sth. when sth./sb. did; was/were on the point of doing sth. when sth./sb. did 等句型中,表示“当某人或某物正在或正要做某事,就在这时突然又发生了另一事”。(2)选择关系常用的连词有 or( 或者,否则 ), otherwise( 否则 ), or else( 否则 ), either.or( 不是就是 ) 。如:Hurry up, or (else) youll be late. 快点,否则就会迟到了。Will he still be there or will he have gone away? 你那

4、时还在那里还是可能已经走了?You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus. 你好得早点走,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。Either Tom is coming or his sisters are. 不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。(3)转折关系常用的连词有 but( 但是,可是,只是因为 ), while( 而、却 ), yet( 可是 )、 still, while, however, when 等。 如:It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 壹壹英语论坛I like tea while she likes c

5、offee. 我喜欢喝茶而她喜欢喝咖啡。She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了。She looks very young, but she is already in her 30s. 她看上去很年轻 , 可是她已三十多岁了。此外,还有副词 still( 仍然), however( 然而 ) 也表示转折关系。He is good-natured; still I dont like him. 他脾气很好 , 可是我还是不喜欢他。The book is expensive; however, its

6、 worth it. 这本书很贵;却很值。注意: but, while 不与 although 连用,但 yet, still 可与 although 连用。Although she felt ill, she still went to work. 她虽然感觉不舒服,但她仍然去上班。(4)因果关系常用的连词有 for (因为)和 so (所以,因此)等。如:I am thirsty, for it is hot. 我口渴,因为天气太热。The manager was ill so I went in her place. 经理病了所以我代她去注意: (1)yet和still是连接副词,也叫半

7、连接词。它们是副词。又起连接作用,但不如and, but, or等强,用了yet或still,前面还可加and或but。 He is tired, (but) still he will make another experiment. 他很累,但他仍然要做另一个实验。 I got up very early, (and) yet I failed to catch the first bus. 我起得很早,然而还是没有赶上头班车。 (2)while意义相当于at the same time表示相反和对照,常用来连接两个意义对立的分句。 I like football, while my si

8、ster likes basketball. 我喜欢足球,而我姐姐喜欢篮球。 when = and then, just then或at that time, during the time. We were ready to rush away, when the snake moved. 我们正准备离开,这时蛇移动了。 while和when作为并列连词使用时常是放在第二个分句前边,并有逗号和第一分句隔开。 3、for表示附加或推断的理由、原因。therefore比so更正式,and so比较口语化。【专项练习】一、用适当的并列连词填空:1、He couldnt know the truth

9、 about me, he wouldnt treat me like this.2、The bell is ringing the lesson is over.3、Although he was ill, he kept on working.4、I cant make up my mind we will go to Shanghai we will stay in our city.5、He doesnt talk much, he thinks a lot.6、It must have rained last night the ground is still wet.7、The p

10、resident will visit the town in May he will open the new hospital.8、Jane was dressed in green Mary was dressed in blue.9、 he did not speak distinctly I did not hear it clearly.10、He is clever, , he often makes mistakes.11、 did we write to her we called up her.12、He hasnt any money Im going to lend h

11、im some.13、The child was sick; he, , didnt go to school.14、Mary was neither happy, was she sad.15、Put on more clothes, youll catch cold.二、选择最佳答案:16、Some are reading magazines, others are playing cards. Aor Bfor Cso Dwhile17、We must get up early tomorrow. well miss the first bus to the Great Wall. As

12、o Bor Cbut Dhowever18、I dont like chicken fish. I dont like chicken, I like fish very much. Aand, and Band, but Cor, and Dor, but19、We want high speed good quality. Aboth, and Beither, or Cneither, nor Dnot, but also20、In spring it is hot cold here. Aboth, and Beither, or Cneither, nor Dnot only, bu

13、t21、 does he writes well, he also speaks well. ANot only, but BNot, but CEither, or DBoth, and22、Use your head, youll work it out. Aso Bor Cand Dfor23、I want to buy the jacket, I have not enough money with me. Abut Bso Cor Dfor24、 you I am going to help Tom. AEither, or BNot, but CNot only, and DEac

14、h, and25、The soldier was wounded, he pushed on. Afor Band Cso Dyet26、Do you know Jim quarrelled with his classmate? I dont know, . Anor dont I came Bnor do I care CI dont care neither DI dont care also27、He is a teacher, a singer as well. Abut Bor Cnor Dand28、 should a man have courage, he should ha

15、ve wisdom and knowledge. ANot only, but BNeither, nor CEither, or DBoth, and29、We have studied English for only one year, we can perform English short plays already. Ayet Bfor Cand Dor30、She had escaped, the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great heat of the fire. Aso Bor Cbut Dand31、The work was diff


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