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6、烈的责任感和奉献精神。学习了这些,我更加明确今后努力的方向,争做一名有思想、有道德、有素质的预备党员。通过这次党章部分内容的学习, 我觉得要想成为一名真正的、合格的共产党员,对自己最起码、最基本的要求就是要学习。通过自我反省,自我改正,并在纠正中发展,在发展中纠正,最后获得较好的整体素质,以保持长久性巩固和发展。最终,才有可能实现自己的理想,有机会更有能力为祖国和人民做出更大的贡献。 我希望我的汇报可以向党组织证明我思想的成熟与进步,让党组织更加了解我,更好的帮助我进步, 请党组织进一步地考验我。窗体顶端Thinking of reporting on the party constituti

7、on to learnRespect of the party organization: Time flies, to become party activists have been an academic year later. I am very happy and honored to here from an ordinary college students, and gradually into a mature probationary member. I learned the purpose of the party of the Constitution of the

8、Communist Party of China, now the learning experiences report are as follows: The party constitution referred to the four basic requirements of Article insist on serving the people wholeheartedly. The party constitution referred to the party in addition to the working class and the overwhelming majo

9、rity of the masses of the peoples interests, not have their own special interests. Party regarded the masses at any time give top priority to the interests of the masses through thick and thin, to maintain the closest contact, adhere to the right of the people, love the people, their interests, does

10、 not allow any member to become divorced from the masses, overriding above the masses. Insist on serving the people wholeheartedly, we must unswervingly, fully and correctly implement the party to the basic line, principles and policies. In theory, serving the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of

11、 our party. Our party of three generations of leaders have a particular discourse. Mao Zedong said that The Communist Party is to struggle, is to serve the people wholeheartedly; Deng Xiaoping said, the meaning and mission of the Communist Party of China, with the general language, the only two word

12、s: serve the people wholeheartedly, all the people interests of the party members the highest criterion; Comrade Jiang Zemin said that serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of our party, is the fundamental reason why our party has always been the peoples support and love. The

13、idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, in a nutshell, is the peoples interests, for the people doing the right thing to do practical things. The nature and purpose of our party decided the party must put the interests of the people happy, as the starting point and goal of all their work. The par

14、tys line, principles, policies are working class and the scientific performance of the basic interests of the broadest masses of people, maintain and implement the Partys line, principles and policies, is to safeguard the fundamental interests of the working class and the masses, that is to serve th

15、e people , the partys line, principles, and policies to maintain and implement, and can not remain in the verbal or formalistic work, but to achieve tangible results, the real peoples life rich, otherwise, to serve the people is just empty talk. College students are the future of the motherland new

16、force of production and construction, is the hope of the motherland and the nation, I think as students we should strive to learn more professional and cultural knowledge, and comprehensively improve their overall quality, exercise the skills of serving the people better human blessing As a starting point and goal of all their work. The partys line, principles, policies are working class and the scientific performance of t



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