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1、八年级上册英语导学学案Unit 1 Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section D一、学习目标 Aims and demands1、Learn some new words and phrases:famous, teammate,excited, play against, national team, for long, leave for, the day after tomorrow2、Review the future tense with be going to 二、重点难点 Key points掌握下列句子: 1、David

2、 Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his teammates yesterday. 2、The team is going to play against Chinas national team tomorrow. 3、But it s too bad that the players arent going to stay for long. 4、They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.三、学法指导 How to study1、Read and unde

3、rstand 1;2、Review the future tense with be going to;3、Review some useful expressions四、 自主预习 重点复习一般将来时的“be going to”结构以及本话题所学到的有用短语,并通过听说写 等形式进一步加以巩固。五、知识链接 Hot links1、小结be going to(1) “be going to + 动词原形”表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做某事它常与 tomorrow, next week/month/year, in a few days, from now on 等表示将来时间的状语连用

4、例如:下星期我们将去参观博物馆译文:_ 今天下午我打算去游泳 译文:_ My father is going to have a meeting tomorrow morning. 译文:_(2) “ be going to+动词原形 ”的否定式是在be后面加not,即“ be not going to + 动词原形 ”例如:_ because she has a lot of homework to do. 今天晚上我妹妹不和我一起去看电影,因为她有许多作业要做 The boys are not going to play football this afternoon. 译文:_ “be

5、going to + 动词原形”的一般疑问句构成模式为“ be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形?”特殊疑问句的构成模式为 “ 疑问词 + be + 主语 + going to + 动词原形?”例如: _ you going to _ the Great Wall with us tomorrow? 明天你打算和我们一起去参观长城吗? _ are you going to do next Sunday? 下星期天你们准备干什么?(3)注意:“ be going to + 动词原形” 与 “will + 动词原形 ” 都可以表示将要发生的动作,但它们之间有何异同呢?如果单纯地表示一般

6、将来时,两者可换用例如:(1) They are going to/will help the old man clean the house tomorrow afternoon. 翻译:_(2) 两者均可用于表示“预测”。根据目前迹象表明某事情非常有可能发生,就用“be going to + 动词原形”;如果表示说话者认为或相信某事会发生,就用“will + 动词原形”例如:Look at those clouds! It _ rain. 瞧那些云,天快下雨了 I think it _ rain. 我认为天会下雨(3) 下面几种情况下宜用“will + 动词原形”,不宜用“be going

7、 to + 动词原形”:表示 “带意愿色彩的将来” 时例如:We will help him if he asks us. 只要他提出来,我们乐意帮助他在问对方是否愿意做某事或表示客气的邀请或命令时例如:Will you please lend me your rubber? 请把你的橡皮借给我好吗?客观事情的发生与主观愿望或判断无关例如:When heated, water will turn into vapour. 水加热后,会变成水蒸汽The sun will rise at 6:30 tomorrow morning. 明天早晨太阳将在六点三十分升起【跟踪练习】 用be going

8、to或will填空1. It _ be Sunday tomorrow.2. Betty_write to her grandma next week.3. _ you please give this book to Tom?4. We _ plant trees if it doesnt rain tomorrow.5. Oh, what a heavy box! I cant lift(举起)it. Oh, I _ carry it for you.2、【课文原句】David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with h

9、is teammates yesterday 译文:_ 【分析点拨】arrive为不及物动词,当到达的是较大的地理区域时用介词in, 而到达较小的地方时则用at,如:arrive _New York arrive _ the village arrive _ the airport(飞机场) arrive _ the bus stop 【知识链接】get to, reach也可表达“到达”之意,arrive是不及物动词,而reach则是及物 动词,get作“到达”讲时为不及物动词,其后面多与to连用。 如:When did you get to New York?翻译:_ 注意arrive,

10、get若接地点副词,如:here,there,home等,后面的介词应省略。 如:My father arrived home very late last night.翻译:_【小试牛刀】请翻译以下句子并根据所学知识改正错误。 I arrived Beijing the day before yesterday.译文:_ 改正:_ She reached to Beijing three days ago.译文:_ 改正:_ He arrived in the school at 9:00 last Monday.译文:_ 改正:_3、【课文原句】They are leaving for J

11、apan the day after tomorrow. 译文:_ 【分析点拨】leave 离开( 过去式为left ) leave for 动身前往 对比:They are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 翻译:_ They are leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 翻译:_【小试牛刀】请翻译以下句子。 我们打算下周去伦敦。_ 轮船何时出发去香港? _【知识链接】leave A for B 离开A地点去B地点 注意:leave是趋向动词,常用现在进行时表达将要发生的事情,类似动词还有: come, go, arrive等。 如:Im coming

12、. We are going to Beijing.六、目标检测 Practice 、单项选择 请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项( ) 1. Would you like us?Id like to.A. to joins B. to join C. to take part in D. take part in( ) 2. How long does he in the library?A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost( ) 3. Mike prefers to . A. to swim; skating B. swimming; skating C. to swim; skate D. swimming; skate( ) 4. I see him basketball almost every day.A. plays B. to play C. play D. p



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