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1、启东市小学备课专用纸 学科 英语 年级 五 执笔 第 7 单元 课题 After school 第 1 教时 总第 个教案 【教学内容】牛津小学英语5A Unit 7Part A【教学目标】 1. 语言知识(1). 掌握单词、词组after, class, join, study, over, look for, after school, Ill=I will(2). 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Classes are over. Perhaps they are. Ill go and join them. Where are you going? (3). 初步了解掌握现在进行时的一般

2、疑问句及其回答。(4). 初步了解掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 Am I _ing? Yes, you are. / No, you arent.Are you _ing? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he/she _ing? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isnt. Are they _ing? Yes, they are. / No they arent. 2. 语言技能(1)能熟练朗读课文内容,并尝试复述全文。(2)能灵活运用所学知识,可以熟练造句。3. 情感态度 (1)在学习过程中加深学生对现在进行时的了解。 (2)培养学

3、生乐于用英语与伙伴们进行交流的兴趣。【教学重点】能正确地理解、掌握课文内容,并能熟练朗读、初步表演对话。【教学难点】灵活运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。【课前准备】1.教具准备:卡片、课文磁带、多媒体或录音机、小黑板和挂图。2.板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 7 After school【先学提纲】1.读一读,查一查,再写一写:(读 所 给 单 词 及 划 线 部 分 音 标 后,用 词 典 或 上 网 等 方 式查 查 新 单 词 划 线 部 分 的 音 标,试 着 拼 读 后 写 出 词 组 的 意 思,比 一 比 谁 最 聪 明。)after /a:/class/ /after cl

4、ass after school _ book /u/look / /look for sofa / u /over / /Classes are over. will / /library / /I will boy / /join / /join them bus / /study / /Im studying. 2.听一听,连一连:(请听听磁带或其它语音材料,看看下面的词组你会读几个,在相应的笑脸下面画“”)in the afternoon 还记得老师讲过,单词the 在元音音素前的发音是怎样的吗? in the office in the playground in the libra

5、ry我 会 读 1 个(有点失望哦)我 会 读 2 个(还要继续努力呢)我 会 读 3 个(很不错啦)我 会 读 4个(你太聪明啦)3.听磁带,试着跟读课文两遍,看看你能不能根据课文内容完成下面填空: (1)Is Wang Bing in the office? _ ,_.(2) Wheres Wang Bing now? Whats he doing? Hes in _ . Hes _.(3) Where is Gao Shan going now? Hes going to _.(4) Are Su Hai and Su Yang cleaning the library? _, _ 考考

6、你:1. I will 的缩写_2. Yes, they are. 和Perhaps they are. 这两句答语感觉一样吗? 教学过程: Step 1Preparation第一步:重难点突破T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.T: Well, first, lets sing a song to begin our English class, OK? (播放PPTU6歌曲)T: Good! In the song, what is Helen doing? Listen! Is she watching TV? (PPT出示句子

7、) 引导学生回答:No, she isnt. Shes reading.T: How about Mike? Is he reading? (PPT出示句子)引导学生回答:No, he isnt. Hes sleeping.T: Boys and girls, are you sleeping? (PPT出示句子)引导学生回答:No, we arent. We are having an English class.T: Good! Now boys and girls, please look at these sentences. (带读划线句子) 当你想知道别人在不在做某事时,你可以这样

8、来问:Are you _ing? Is he/she _ing? Do you understand?T: Now, lets play an interesting guessing game. (PPT) Look, whos he? Hes Liu Tao. (PPT点出现头像) What is Liu Tao doing? You can choose one question to ask him. 你可以选出一个问题来问Liu Tao。(PPT出示四句句子)A. Liu Tao, are you dancing?B. Liu Tao, are you jumping?C. Liu

9、Tao, are you running?D. Liu Tao, are you playing football?先跟我把问句读一读。你会选择哪一句来问呢?请你大声地读出来吧。Now, lets look, what is Liu Tao doing?T: Oh, Liu Tao is playing football. 你问对了吗?同法:(PPT) pic2 Yang Ling is playing the piano.T: Boys and girls, 你会询问别人是否正在做什么事了吗?Now lets talk about these pictures. 现在,让我们来谈论一下这些图

10、片。T: 先来看看第一幅图可以怎么说。 你能像这样来说说其它三幅图吗?和你的同桌试试看吧。 Finished? 说完了吗?相信你们一定说得不错。Now, I ask, you answer, OK? 现在我来问,你来答,好吗?Pic2: Is he dancing? Is he cooking? Yes, hes cooking.Pic3: Is she reading a book? Is she sleeping? Yes, shes sleeping.Pic4: Are they playing football? Are they playing basketball? Yes, th

11、ey are playing basketball. Step2、3 Presentation and Practice第二步:课文学习1. T: 他们现在怎么会在打篮球呢?Because classes are over. 因为现在放学了。(带读单词class, over,教句子 Classes are over. = School is over.)T: Classes are over. So it is now after school. 所以现在是放学以后了。(带读,教,揭题)T: Look, whos coming? Oh, hes Gao Shan. What is he doi

12、ng?Lets listen! (播放U7 A引言部分)2. T: Now, can you answer my question: What is Gao Shan doing? T: Hes looking for Wang Bing. (PPT出示,带读look for, 教) Then where is Wang Bing and what is he doing? 那么王兵在哪儿,他在做什么?高山又是怎么知道的呢?Lets watch the cartoon. 让我们一起来看动画吧! (播放PPTU7A第一部分) T: Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bin

13、g. 高山正在寻找王兵,他去向谁询问了呢?Yes, shes asking Miss Li. Now, lets try to answer. 现在请你根据课文内容,试着回答回答。 Q1. Is Wang Bing helping Miss Li in the office?Q2. Where is Wang Bing?Q3. Are they playing basketball?T: Perhaps they are. (稍停顿,点击出示正确答案,Perhaps they are playing basketball的缩略形式)T: So what will Gao Shan do? 高山准备做什么呢? He says Ill go and join them. (稍停顿,点击出示正确答案,带读,教) 但是,最终高山有没有加入王兵他们呢?在去寻找王兵的路上,他遇见了谁呢?最后高山去了哪儿? Lets go on watching. 让我们接着看下去。(播放金太阳U7A第二部分 )5. T: Now lets do



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