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1、单元:Unit1 课题: The kings new clothes 课时: 3 课型: 新授 【教学目标】(一)知识目标1.能听懂、会说、会读each, sentence, think, hard, turn, start, say, tell等词汇。2.能正确运用be动词和规则动词的过去式。3.了解美国牛仔和苏格兰等外国文化,并能用英语做简单介绍。(二)能力目标1.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处。2.能在教师的指导下表演故事、续编故事。(三)情感目标1.能够在阅读过程中体验到阅读的乐趣,享受阅读英语故事。2.了解并能关注外国传统民族服饰文化。【教学重

2、难点】重点:能够熟练掌握一般过去时的陈述句式。难点:能正确掌握运用be动词和规则动词的过去式及其读音。【教学准备】挂图、录机机【课前先学】一、 自读Cartoon time,圈出不理解的单词,查工具书找出下列单词的意思。1. each _ 2. sentence _3. hard _ 4. think _5. turn_ 6. mountain _二、听Cartoon time部分的录音,试读三遍,回答下列问题。1. Whats Willys sentence?_2. Whats Billys sentence?_3. If you are Bobby, whats your sentence

3、?_【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Check the preparation of the new words.2. Play a game “now and then”pick-picked shout-shouted walk-walkedlike- liked look- looked live- livedtip: 师生互动,激活旧知Step 2. Presentation & PracticeT: Great, we have learnt a story about The kings new clothes, how

4、does it begin? Do you remember?S: Long long ago, Checkout time1. Look and sayT: Look at these five pictures, can you say something? You can use these words: walked, shouted, was, were, picked, lived.S: Tip: work in groups of four2. Read and writeT: Lets read the whole story and try to fill in the bl

5、anks.(work out new phrase “turn into”)Tip: read and write by themselves.3. Fun reading.T: Read in different ways.Tip: read by themselvesread after oneread in groups, toghtherCulture time1. Look and chooseT: Look at the picture, who is he?图片 A. An American cowboyB. A Scottish man2. Read and answerT:

6、What is the American cowboy wearing?S: He is wearing jeans.T: How about the Scottish man?S: He is wearing a kilt.Cartoon time1. Answer questionsT: You have previewed cartoon time. Can you answer the questions?S: T: What are they doing?2. Watch and answerS: T: Why do they have to start the story agai

7、n?S: Read the whole story and share your feelings. 3. Try to saytell-told不规则动词过去式渗透4. Lets actStep 3. Production1. Circle and say2. Tell a new story先让学生其在组内汇报课前对新单词的预习,接着进行小组预习汇报展示,提醒其余学生倾听、评价。教师说动词原形,学生说过去式,并让学生适当归纳ed读音规则。让学生回忆story time中描述过去时的关键词long long ago,提醒学生看图片说话需要用到动词过去式。指导学生可以用there be描述,也

8、可以根据特征描述。学生预测故事后,再让他们自己读一读故事,并填写,孩子们会恍然大悟,其中解决个别学生不理解的词组:可让学生根据上下文猜测;或者给出例句或同义词猜。学生可以自主选用方式朗读文化知识部分可以在学生朗读故事时出现图片,引起学生的注意,顺势导入。学生对此可能较为陌生,教师要注意引导的方式,帮助学生更好地理解。适当渗透中日服饰文化差异。The Chinese woman is wearing a chirpaur.The Japanese women is wearing a kimono.大部分学生能够回答课前先学中的三个问题,直接请学生回答、补充、评价。学生可能会回答Theyre playing a game.也有学生回答Theyre telling a story. 教师及时给予肯定并追问。引出Each student says one sentence.让学生知晓游戏的规则,为下文学习做铺垫。如果有一个人接不下去就要重新开始一轮。指导学生用正确的语句和正确的时态讲故事,培养学生语言表达能力。作业设计1. Read more stories. “Beauty and the Beast”2. Write down your own story and share next lesson.3. Finish the exercise.教后反思



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