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1、Unit 5. Do you want to watch a game show?Section B ( 1a1d )Teaching goals1. Master the key words :A. action, action movie, cartoon, comedy B. meaningless, enjoyable , educational 2. Master the usage of the description words and talk about preferences about TV shows and movies 3. Consolidate the lang

2、uage structure they have learned:What do you think of soap operas ?/ How do you like soap operas ? I love them .Master the new sentence structure in 1d.4. Improve students listening and speaking skills by focusing and writing out key information and gradation gap. Importance and difficulty1. Use the

3、 description words to describe TV shows and movies. .2. Improve students listening and speaking skills by focusing and writing out key information and gradation gap.Analysis Of Students LearningMost of my students like English in Grade 8. Theyre active and lovely. They are interested in entertainmen

4、t, especially, such as TV shows, movies. However, they dont dare to speak English louder, though they have learnt English for a long time. In fact, they have trouble in pronunciation and sentence -structure.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lets watch and listen 1. Enjoy a video: the song of Frozen Let it g

5、o .2. Teacher asks two questions:A. Do you know the name of this song?B. What kind of movie is it?Step 2 Lets talk and learn 1. ReviewingAsk the students “What kinds of TV shows do you know?” Show some pictures to review the different kinds of TV shows in Section A.2. Show some pictures to teach the

6、 new words of different kinds of movies:action movie, cartoon, comedy, scary movie ;Add more kinds of movies, like: science fiction, documentary, war movie 3. Pair workA. Ask the students to make conversations with the sentence structure: What do you think of soap operas?/ How do you like soap opera

7、s? I love them. B. Invite some pairs of students to show their conversations.Step3 Lets discuss and learn 1. Ask the students to discuss the description words that can describe different kinds of TV shows and movies in groups, the more the better.2. Invite some students to share their answers.3. Sho

8、w the description words on the screen. Lead students to read them and add more in their books. 4. Explain the meanings of the description words, especially the new words “meaningless”.Step4 Lets work on 1a.First, ask the students to finish 1a by themselves.Then, ask the students to work in pairs to

9、practice conversations.What do you think of cartoons? Why? I like them. Because they are interesting.Finally, invite some pairs of students to show their conversations.Step 5 Lets listen1. Activity 1b.T: Two students John and Mary are talking about different kinds of TV shows and movies. Now, lets l

10、isten to the conversation between them, circle the description words you hear in 1a .First, play the tape for the first time, students listen and circle the words.Then, play the tape for the second time, they can check the answers.Finally, check the answers together.2. Activity 1c.T: This time we wi

11、ll go on listening to the conversation between John and Mary, write down the description words they use to describe different kinds of TV shows and movies in 1c. First, play the tape for the first time, students listen and write down the description words John used;Then, play the tape for the second

12、 time, students listen and write down the description words Mary used;Finally, invite some students to show their answers, correct mistakes if any .Step6 Lets read and answer 1. Play the tape again and ask the students to listen carefully. 2. Show some questions about this listening, ask the student

13、s to read the conversation, then ask the questions.Step7 Lets expressT: After listening to the tape, we have known what John and Mary like to watch and why. Now, look at the sentences in 1d, take it as a sample. Lets talk in your groups, tell your group members what John and Mary like to watch and w

14、hy, What you like to watch and why .Ok, lets begin! First, give the students some useful expressions to help them; Then, give the students several minutes to talk in groups. Finally, invite some groups to show their sentences.Step 8 Lets do exercise in class 1. Ask the students to do the exercise on their paper. 2. Check the answers if there is enough time.Step 9 Homework 1. Remember the important words and do some practice to consolidate the target language. 2. Do the exercise on their paper.


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