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1、英语作文写作模板 (一)Advantan Disadvatges f 题型 owaays,lays n ipornt part /rle n(s areoula ad us). L eeying else,has / a bohaourable and unavurable aspecGneraly,te advnaes can be list flows. Firs,esids,Mot importnt o all, But evryco has wo sdesThe neatv ascts re alsopparn. Tobinwit,To me tte wosWost of alTrou

2、g e bove nalys, Ibeliev thate avatages / pstivespectsoutig theisdantages/ egatv ones Tefre, 范文vantage and Dsvangsof PrivateTutoring Noad, pri trin sououn us. A recent invean ho that aou80%of ppils haveprvate ttors ike everthig se, pia utring ave othavourable ad unfvorblespect. Generally, the adantae

3、s b listeds flowed First, prvtutoring i usually e-o-oe, t teaher nows th strgpoit aswell a the wea pointsofte sudents;and teaching is, i st cses, irecytoth point Private tutoringbenefits a lot of ppils, need. Bu every coin sto sids. Tenegatie aspects arealsoaparent. o bein wth, it as p somuchtime f

4、h puils im thattey an aly find eouh time fr est an entetainment, which ressenial o their physcalnd mental healh. Bese, some teacer,usy “sutling” rone faily to another,end teget tirguar teacin te.M mport ofal, om tachr are aer o help pilsowl on te tet, offerngthe so-caled tip for est-taking rther han

5、hep thecir ht is st needd.Throuh theabove nlysis, I beieve hathe disadantsoutghthe advntags. Grter ephasissould be aid on cassoo teachng an pactic,ontheimprment o teaing quaity d he pin of the puplpotentalties. Ony in hiayana new eneratione heathily brouhtup. (二) A r 题型 When we /you, e/ you wil e fa

6、ced with the choe betwen AadB. Beore akingthe rig coic, we/yu hdbette mae a cloe cmparison a conast o them. First of all, A Al,B Seod, Aikwise, Bespite himiaitis,A andare aso difrent i t folowing apects Firt, AHoevr, BBeide, An thecntray, . eefore, pen on wichwe / yu ould hoose, if we yu, we /ou sol

7、d chos A;ut if e / yu,we / you huld turn to B. 范文 ravlig by rain orby Pln Whenwe o oa busessip, we will befaced withhe chic beteentraveling by tran or y ane. efor akingtherigt hice, we had better makea cose comparin an ontrst o them.r of all, train il teus tou targe railway sttion. Also, aplne wl ta

8、k us to e targ irpt Second, n a trawe can ythebeautiu senery o t cutryside. Liewis, in aneecan omnd good view offd, builings, mountains, and ev oud belwDespit eir siiliies, taveing btain orb planeae a derninthe fllowinpects Fi, a tain ticket is seensive. Mostof us canfor Hwever,a plane ticke isabou

9、tice as expsive asa train icet. Mostf us gruge (不肯花钱) pying it. Bsis, itis safer to trae b tan.If the ri getino trule,we ma suvie by jmpiou of it. th crary, i etavel lane,we have o ak od blesu. naly, tt us ongr tm t tavl y trai than lan. Thereor, it edn which transprtatinto esod chos.If e just wat s

10、v mon, w willravl by tain; t if wewant o aeime,wesould tun to th lae (三) M Views Opnons Idas on 题型 套路1 People views / opinon / ideas on vary eronto rson Some people tin hat theyhod thsopion bcause owever, other hol th Asto me I am in vour oftheir econd idehe fllowing ar4 he reasns oy choice /peonlic

11、linati First, wi t t rue at, it doent mean thtBese, Admittedly, but his isnot o say thatTefre /In word From he fr()ging 范文 My iew onDonatig Blood Peoes idea about doatig bloodvary from eronto persnSomepeole k that it is orious o donae l. They holdthis inion ecause thoe who are i ugent eed ofblood ca

12、n e saved.oevr,oters hd tht t isfoois foreol o donblood. n their opinio, blood s ery reos adlosing 20ml rmoremay do r to thei heat. ome I am navr f the firstidea.Th folwing arthe reasos fr my choce First,whilei s tre h thelssf oo uc od isdngeous to nes health, it desnot menthat donati little blood islso harmful. O the contrary, docorsay that donaig alitt bloodcan promomabolism (新陈代谢). Seond,therere many pople wh



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