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1、必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 高二英语备课组 陶稀 宋书帆教学设计:Teaching Goals:1.Enable the Ss to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.2.Enable the Ss to know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview.Language aim重点词汇和短语 occup

2、ation, do research, on ones own, cover, concentrate on, acquire, accuseof, so as to, scoop重点句子1) Not till you are more experienced!2) Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you and if you are interested in photography, it may be possible for you to concentrate on that later on.3) Not only a

3、m I interested in photography, but I took a course at university, so its actually of special interest to me.4) Only if you ask many questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 5) We say a good reporter must have a “nose” for a story.6) This is a trick of the trade.7) Have you ev

4、er had a case where somebody accused your reporters of getting the wrong end of the stick?8) Perhaps I too will get a scoop!Grammar 倒装教学内容:本单元的中心话题是新闻,内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等,语言技能和语言知识主要是围绕新闻这一中心话题进行设计的。Period 1 & 2Step I Lead in : Answer the questions:1. Where can we get the news?2. What are th

5、e advantages of newspaper over other means of news medias?3. How many questions Zhou Yang asked?Step Warming up1. Can you tell some jobs in a newspaper company? What are their jobs involves? Types of jobsWhat it involvesReporter/ journalistPhotographerEditorDesignerPrinter2. Do you know whats the pr

6、ess of making a newspaper?The chief editor hold a meeting. Journalists interview people and write stories Photographers take photographs Photo are quickly developed Editors check the report. Editors write the headline The newspapers are printed. The newspapers are delivered by train and truck. Step

7、III Reading1. The purpose of writing the passage is to _.A. show us the skills necessary to become a good reporter B. tell us how Zhou Yang became a journalist C. show how to have a good interviewD. tell us how to make a good photographer2. Which one is FALSE about “what a reporter needs to remember

8、 when going out to cover a story?” A. He needs to be curious. B. A good reporter must have a camera.C. He has to listen to the detailed facts. D. If necessary he can use a recorder.3. “A good reporter must have a nosefor a story.” probably means a reporter _. A. has a sense about what is going to ha

9、ppen B. is able to hide a story that may reflect badly on himC. is able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed D. cover a whole story from the interviewee4. According to Hu Xin, which statement doesnt belong to the list of donts? A. Dont miss the deadline. B. Dont talk too much. C. Dont be

10、 rude. D. Dont take any notes while listening5. Why can not Zhou Yang go out on a story at once? A. Because he is not experienced. B. Because he cant get a scoop.C. Because he is not curious enough. D. Because he doesnt know the list of dos and donts.Step IV Divide the dialogue into three parts, and

11、 write down the main idea of each section.Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Step V SummaryIf you get a job as a 1._, you cant go out on a story on your own 2._. At first, you should work as an assistant of an 3._ journalist. You can have a 4._ photographer with you to take photographs. Your colleagues can be

12、very eager to 5._ you.When covering a story, a journalist must be 6._. Only if you ask many questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 7._ is important. You have to listen for 8._. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question 9._ on what the person says. If the interviewee a

13、grees, you can use a recorder to get the facts 10._ and thats the evidence to support your story.Do be careful so as to make sure your story is right and accuse, or people may accuse you of making a false report.Keys: Step I Lead in.1. Newspaper, TV, radios, website, magazines, mobile phones, etc 2.

14、 略 3. sevenStep 2 Warming up.Types of jobsWhat it involvesReporter/ journalistInterview people or finds out events from onlookersPhotographerTakes photos of important people or eventsEditorMakes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate, check factsDesignerLays out the articles and photographs

15、PrinterPrints the newspaperStep 3 Reading ABADAStep 4 Divide the dialogue into three parts, and write down the main idea of each section.Part 1: To work in a team Part 2: how to get an accurate story Part 3: how to protect a story from accusationStep 5 Summary1. journalist 2. immediately 3. experienced 4. professional 5. assist 6. curious 7. Listening 8. details 9. depending



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