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1、.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1I hope what I have written will be of _(beneficial)to someone else who may feel the same way.2An old worker was found in _(possess)of the papers.3It is _(astonish)that he shou ld have done that work so early.4It is said that some singers are _(addict)to drugs.5The report has no _(re

2、late)to agricult ure.答案1.benefit2.possession3.astonishing4addicted5.relation.单项填空1Dont be discouraged.Take things _and you will enjoy each day of your life.Aas it is Blike it isC as they are Das you are答案C句意:别泄气,接受现实,你会享受生活中的每一天。things是复数,所以用they替代。2China Daily is the journal that he likes to_becaus

3、e he can not only obtain some latest information from it but also improve his English by reading it.Asubscribe Bsubscribe toCdonate to Ddonate答案B句意:中国日报是他喜欢订阅 的报纸,因为通过阅读这一报纸,他可以了解一些最新的消息,同时也可以提高自己的英语水平。subscribe to sth“订阅”。A项不符合语法。3It is vital that schools _students to use computer technology.Ashoul

4、d be taught Bmust teachCteach Dare taught答案C句意:学校应该教会学生使用计算机技术,这是至关重要的。在“It is vital that.”句型中,从句谓语动词有“should动词原形”,should可省略。4Looking at her_looks,we were_.xkb1Aastonished;confused Bastonishing;confusingCconfusing;astonished Dconfused;astonishing答案A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到她惊讶的表情,我们都很困惑。astonished“吃惊的”;astoni

5、shing“令人吃惊的”;confusing“令人困惑的”;confused“困惑的”。5Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly_to the nuclear power station.Areferred BdevotedCcontributed Drelated答案D考查动词词义辨析。句意:专家相信,那个地区很多癌症病例和那个核 电站有着直接的关系。be related to“与有关”;refer to“涉及,参考”;devote.to“专心于”;contribute to

6、“有助于”。6It is _that he has b een addicted to drugs and has difficulty quitting it .Aobviously BapparentlyCpossibly Dlikely答案D考查固定句式。句意:他很可能沉溺于毒品,并且很难戒掉。obviously“显然地”;apparently“明显地”;possibly“可能地”;这三个词都是副词,不能作表语。It is likely that.为固定句式,意为“很可能”。7Do you_her optimistic view of the state of the current e

7、conomy?Yes.We should have faith in our government.Asubscribe to Bcontribute Ccorrespond to Dcater to答案A问句句意:你赞成她对现在的经济形势所持的乐观观点吗?A“赞成”;B“促进”;C“与一致”;D“迎合,满足的需要”。A项符合句意。8My boss is very upset about his kids, who are all_to TV cartoons.Aaccustomed BadaptedCadjusted Daddicted答案D句意:我的老板对他的孩子们感到生气,他们沉迷于动画

8、片。be addicted to.“沉迷于,对上瘾”,符合句意。9The idea sounds good,but we need to_in practice.Aput it out Btry it outCtake it out Dtry it on答案B句意:这个主意听起来不错,但是我们需要在实践中检验它。根据句中的关键词practice可知要用try out“试验,检验”。put out“出版,熄灭”;take out“拿出”;try on“试穿”。10Hearing the news that Jobs,the former CEO of Apple,died,he_a cry of surprise.Ale ft out Blet outCcame out Dspoke out答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:听到苹果公司前CEO乔布斯逝世的消息时,他发出了一声惊叫。leave out“遗漏,省去”;let out“放出,发出”;come out“出版,出现”;speak out“畅所欲言,大胆地说”。


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