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1、高考英语全面 复习配套检测题九.单词拼写1Whenever he goes out in summer,he will put on dark glasses as a _(保护)against the strong light.答案:protection2You need to pay more _(注意)to your grammar if you want to get a better grade.答案:attention3The man I talked with just now has been _(雇用)as a night watchman by our hospital.答

2、案:employed4Dont stop looking until youre absolutely _(确信,有把握)youve found the place you want.答案:certain5.Id love to know what his _(收入)is.He has so many new clothes and such an expensive car.答案:income.易错模块1He came to my class every week,but his attitude _ that he was not really interested in it.Aexpr

3、essed BdescribedCexplained Dsuggested解析:选D。他的态度“暗示”出他实际上对此不感兴趣,D项意为“暗示”。A项意为“表达”;B项意为“描述”;C项意为“解释”;皆不合题意。题意:他每周都来上我的课,但是他的态度表明他并不是真的对我的课感兴趣。2How do you _ we go to Beijing for our holidays?I think wed better fly there.Its much more comfortable.Ainsist BwantCsuppose Dsuggest解析:选D。考查动词辨析。insist坚持,want想

4、要,suppose支持,suggest建议,通过上下文语境可得出选D。3(2009年山东泰安统考)There is a lot of evidence to suggest that a short nap in the afternoon_you refreshed for the next four or five hours.Awill help Bshould leaveCwill leave Dshould remain解析:选C。考查动词辨析。根据句子的意思此处用leave表示“使某人处于某种状态”的意思。注意谓语动词suggest在此表示“表明”的意思,宾语从句不用虚拟语气。4H

5、is suggestion _ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.Athat we go Bwhich we should goCthat we would go Dwe should go解析:选A。suggestion后边跟同位语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气(should)动词原形,should可以省略;that引导同位语从句时不能省略。5Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill,and her parents suggested that she _ a medical exami

6、nation.Abe;should have Bwas;haveCshould be;had Dwas;has解析:选B。句中第一个suggest意为“表明”,从句不用虚拟语气,应用过去时态;第二个suggest意为“建议”,应用虚拟语气,省略了should。.情景交际1(2009年温州检测二)Lets have a game of tennis;the loser has to treat the other to an icecream._.AIm afraid so BIts a dealCYouve got a point DI suppose not解析:选B。该题考查交际用语。It

7、s a deal“好,就这么说定了”;Youve got a point“你说的有道理”;I am afraid so“我恐怕是这样的”;I suppose not“我认为不是这样”。根据句意可知B项正确。2(2009年浙江金丽衢十二校联考)I found my mom not feeling well this morning.Im afraid she is ill._.ADont worry too much BIts nothing at allCIm sorry to hear that DTake it easy解析:选C。考查交际用语。题干中提到“我”的母亲身体不舒服,回答时要表

8、达出难过的心情。故C项符合题意。3(2009年潍坊检测一)Lets do something different._How about tennis?ASo what?BAll right.CWho cares? DIt depends.解析:选B。该题考查交际用语。Lets do something different意为“让我们做些不同的事情吧”。后文提出了建议,故可知此处是同意对方的建议,故B项正确。4(2009年淄博检测)You couldnt have chosen a better gift for me._.AI am sorry you dont like itBThats a

9、ll rightCIm glad you like it so muchDI agree with you解析:选C。考查交际用语。当一方表示非常喜欢所收到的礼物时,另一方(送礼物者)应该表示高兴。常用的回答感谢的用语有:Im glad you like it或Im glad you enjoy it等。.语法专练本单元语法现在进行时被动语态1(2009年西城抽样)_two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday.Shall we go and enjoy it together?AThey have been giv

10、en BI have been givenCI am given DThey have given to me解析:选B。考查时态、语态。依据下文的“Shall we go and enjoy it together?”并根据句子的一致性可排除A、D选项。再依据句意不难看出我现在已经得到票了,所以才可以请人看戏剧。所以答案为B。2The boy was caught cheating in the exam and _ by his headteacher at the moment.Awas questioned Bhas questionedCis being questioned Dha

11、d been questioning解析:选C。考查动词的时态。根据时间状语at the moment可以看出,应该是现在进行时的被动语态。3(2010年成都联考)Look!Everything here is under construction.Whats the pretty small house that _ for?Ais being built Bhas been builtCis built Dis building解析:选A。考查时态和语态。语意表明从句中用现在进行时,名词house是动词build的承受者,所以谓语用现在进行时的被动语态。第二句语意为:正在修建的那座漂亮的小

12、房子是用来做什么的?4(2009年绵阳市第二次诊断)Why do you go to work by bus?Because my car _.Ahas repaired Bhas been repairedCwas repaired Dis being repaired解析:选D。考查时态与语态。从本题语境可知,没有开车的原因是车子正在被修理,因此动词应该使用现在进行时的被动语态。5.(2009年西安八校联考)What is that noise?Oh,I forgot to tell you that the new machine_.Awas tested Bwill be testedCis being tested Dhas been tested解析:选C。考查时态和语态。由上一句中的一般现在时可知说话者询问的是目前的噪声是怎么回事,故答话中应用现在进行时表示目前的情况;同时,机器应是被测试的,故用被动语态。



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