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1、教学设计Module1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. 驻马店市第十一小学 张刘洋教学设计【教材版本】外研社小学英语五年级上册 Module1 Unit 2 We bought ice creams. 【教学内容分析】本单元围绕过去发生的事情展开教学,是一节阅读教学课。新课标倡导让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。为此,我采用了多样化的教学手段,并将听、说、演、唱融为一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习体验成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。【学情分析】本课对象是五年级的学生,

2、他们具备一定的英语基础,有着自己的学习方法,特别是本课的内容贴近生活,使他们能够在实际生活中很好地进行应用。在学习本课前,学生已经学习了第一单元Did you come back yesterday?为本课学习做好了充分准备。【教学目标】知识目标:1.使学生能听、说、认、读dear, met, ran等单词。2.会使用句型Did he/she? Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didnt.能力目标:能够简单提问过去发生的事情并做出回答。情感目标:1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信。2.培养学生的合作交流能力。3.学会关心别人。【教学重难点】教学重点

3、:Talk about the past things.教学难点:使用动词过去式,描述过去发生的事情。能熟练运用Did you ?句型对过去发生的事情进行推测。突破措施:采用情景教学法,让学生对于动词过去式有更好的把握。教学方式:小组合作交流、情景教学【教学准备】多媒体课件,卡片等。教学过程Step 1 Leading in (导入)Can you guess? (你能猜一猜吗?)They are sweet and delicious.Many children love them.We can eat them in summer.What are they? (它们是什么?)They a

4、re ice creams. (冰淇淋)板书课题 We bought ice creams.(bought is the past tense. We use money to buy something. You know, verb has different shapes, here bought happened in the past. You got it? )导入部分通过猜谜语的形式,让大家拓展思维想象,从而说出一种夏天孩子们喜欢吃的冷饮冰淇淋。在板书的同时,又指出了动词的变化,引出过去式的用法。Step 2 Warm up(热身)Questions :(有关于过去式的提问)Di

5、d you have a good time ?Did you by bike yesterday ?Did you have a party ?Did you climb mountain last week ?Yes, I did. (肯定回答) No, I didnt. (否定回答)通过热身活动,让大家对曾经学习过的句型进行巩固训练。句子贴近生活,让大家体会到英语与生活密切相关。Step 3 Teaching process (教学过程)Can you write a postcard?Lingling wrote a postcard to Daming. What did she s

6、ay? Lets see it.(Teach the words and sentences, use body language to help them understand the content.)Listen and answer the questions.1)Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?2)Did they meet John?3)Did they buy ice creams?4)Did they go home by bike?5)Did lingling walk to the bus?6)Did Lingling drop

7、her ice cream?After answer the questions. Let the students to act. (A little bit difficult for them, but try their best to understand, to use the sentence patterns.)讲解的过程穿插着肢体动作,帮助学生理解内容,通过回答问题,进一步加深对内容的理解,最后尝试着让学生表演,更好地理解句型和用法。Step 4 Practice (练习)Think and talk about youDid you walk to school yeste

8、rday?Did you see a bus yesterday?Did you have an ice cream yesterday?Did you go home by bike yesterday?Did you eat rice yesterday?Let the children to ask and answer in pairs.通过问答的方式让学生更好地理解过去式的用法。Step 5 Sing the song (歌曲演唱)What did you do?What did you do?What did you do yesterday?I watched TV at my

9、home.I cleaned my room yesterday.And I studied EnglishOh, yeah通过歌曲的演唱,一方面巩固所学知识,另一方面让学生觉得英语很有趣。通过唱能够学习句型及巩固动词的过去式用法。Step 5 Homework (作业布置)1. Practice (练习句型并回答)Did sb . do sth.? 肯定回答:“ Yes, sb. did .否定回答:“ No, sb. didnt .2. Make sentences. (造句)Use “did, had”. (two sentences for each)作业布置是对于本课的巩固及练习。通过作业能够反馈出学生对于本课的掌握程度,从而更好地进行下一步的学习。【教学反思】在这节课上,我通过练习和活动,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机。为了联系学生的实际生活,我设置了尽量真实的语言运用情景,创设出各种合作学习的活动,促使学生互相学习、相互帮助,发展合作精神,从而激发了学生想说的欲望,这样也有利于学生表达能力的提高。



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