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1、 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(三)代词2在句中的成分 例 句 1 作 名 词 用 作主语 This is Smith. 2 作宾语 I like this. 3 作表语 His idea is this. 4 作形容词用 作定语 This way,please. 6不定代词: 序 号 分 类 功 能 用法 不定代词 例词或例句 说明 1 作 形 容 词 定语 接可数单数 every“每个的”,只作定语 every body 指三者或三者以上的“每个的”。 接可数复数 other other boys 接三类名词 no no people no=not a/any 2 作 名 词

2、主语、表语、宾语 代单数(人) someone,somebody anyone,anybody everyone,everybody no one,nobody Someone is waiting for Jack. Is everyone here? Is there anybody out? someone,somebody 用确定句中或表建议等的疑问句中; anyone,anybody用于否认条件句或疑问句中。 代单数(物) something,anything nothing,everything Something is wrong with my bike. something用

3、于确定句或表建议等的句子里;anything用于否认句或疑问句中。 代复数 (人/物) others,the others She likes to help others. Where are the others? the others其余的人/物。 none None of us is afraid. 指三者或三者以上当中“没一个”。 3 既可作名词又可作形容词 主语、定语、表语、宾语 不行数 little,a little,much Theres little time left. little“几乎没有”,表否认。 可数复数 few,a few,many,several, both

4、Both my sisters are good. few“几乎没有”表否认;both只用于两者“两者都”。 可数单数 one each(二者或三者以上的“每一”) another,either,neither Each student has a pencil. either二者之中任一个;neither二者之中没一个。 接/代三类名词 all,some,any,such,the other He has two sons.One is a doctor. The other(one)is a teacher. some用于确定句或表建议的句中;any用于否认、疑问句或条件句中。 可数复数或

5、不行数 lots of, a lot of, a lot He has lots of/a lot of friends. He has a lot to say. 留意: (1)both(二者都)和all(三者或以上都)可以作同位语,位于助动词,系动词或情态动词后,行为动词之前。 The boys are all in the classroom. Both(of)my brothers like sports. (2)every other+可数名词单数:指“每隔一”。 They go to play basketball every other day. (3)no/any/every/

6、some与one/body构成的复合词指人,不用于of前。 (4)all/both/every及其复合词与否认词连用时,表局部否认。相应的全否认为none/neither/no one/nobody/nothing等。 Not all of us are teachers=All of us are not teachers. None of us are students. (5)“another+数词+名词复数”表示“再来(数词)”。 Another two coffees,please. (6)the other+单数可数名词或不行数名词或复数可数名词表示“其余的/全部剩下的”。 The

7、 other boys are playing on the playground. the other后不接任何词时,指“二者中的另一个。” I have two skirts. One is red. The other is blue and white stripes. 7疑问代词:用来构成特别疑问句。在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语等。 在句中成分 例句 主语 Who did it? 宾语 What are you doing? 定语 Whose bike is it? 补语 What do you call it in Japanese? 表语 Whose is this book?



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