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1、Unit 5 China and the WorldTopic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.一 重要句型:Section A1. Its been two years since Mr. And Mrs. came to China.格林夫妇来中国已经两年了。“Its been +时间段+ since+从句.”句型,表示“自从有时间了。”划线部分是定语从句,修饰先行词country。关系代词that在从句中作主语,不能省略,此处还可以用which。2. China is a great countr

2、y that has about 5000 years of history. 中国是一个拥有约五千年历史的大国。that has about 5000 years of history 是定语从句,修饰名词country,country 是先行词,that是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语,也可以用which。3. There are a great number of rivers in China.中国有许多河流。A. a number of意为“许多、大量”,后接名词或代词的复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。A number of books are lent out from the

3、 library every day. 图书馆每天有很多书被借走。B. a great number of = a large number of = large numbers of 大量,许多C. the number of 意为“的数量/ 数目”,后接复数名词,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数。The number of students in our school is about 2 800.我们学校的学生人数大约是2800人。4. Among them, the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is t

4、he Huanghe River. 其中长江是中国最长的河流,黄河位居第二。 the second longest 意为“第二长”,在形容词的最高级家上序数词second,表示第二Shanghai is the biggest city in China and Beijing is second biggest one. 上海是中国最大的城市,北京位居第二。5. Theyre the birthplaces of Chinese culture她们是中国文化的发源地。6. I can fetch you Guide to China. Its a book which introduces

5、China in detail.我可以拿中国指南给你,这本书详细介绍了中国。(1) fetch v. 取来,取,指从此处到别处去把人带来或是把物取来。常用句型: fetch sb. sth.=fetch sth. for sb. 给某人取某物; get 与fetch 意思差不多,常用于口语。 Go and get some water. 去弄点水来。 I need some meat for the soup. Could you fetch me some? 我需要些肉来煮汤。你能给我拿些吗?(2) introduce sb. / sth.介绍某人/某物; introduce sb. / s

6、th. to sb.向某人介绍某人/某物; introduce oneself to sb.向某人自我介绍; introduction(名词)指示,说明;Read the introductions on the bottle before you take the medicine.吃药之前,先看瓶子上的说明。(3)which introduces. 为定语从句,先行词book。7. Its a mountain with lots of strange pine trees.它是一座长着很多奇松的山。(1) with+名词,作后置定语“长着,有着,带着”。 I like the chair

7、 with three legs. 我喜欢那把三条腿的椅子。(2) strange(形容词)奇怪的,陌生的; stranger(名词)陌生人; Do you know whats strange? 你知道有什么奇怪的吗? Do you know this stranger? 你知道这个陌生人?8. It lies in Anhui Province.它位于安徽省境内。 lie表方位“位于”常与介词搭配,常是介词the方向。 A. lie in表示“位于内”,两者是包含关系。 Guangzhou lies in the south of China. 广州在中国的南方。 B. lie on表示在

8、某一方,地点与地点是相邻关系。如河北与河南之间相邻。 Shandong lies on the east of Henan. 山东在河南的东部。 C. lie to 表示地点与地点之间相隔。如福建与台湾。 Shanghai lies to the south of Beijing. 上海在北京的南部。 D. lie off后不直接加方向词,而是为某一地点,常为海岸等。 常指水中岛屿等,意“相隔、相离” Many islands lie off Chinas east coast. 中国的东海岸有很多岛屿。 Section B1. What grand buildings! 多宏伟的建筑啊!2.

9、 Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China. 因为在古代的中国,黄色是帝王权力的象征。 a symbol of 的象征;The white bird is a symbol of freedom.这白色的鸟是自由的象徵。3. What are those animals that are carved on the stones?那些刻在在石头上的是什么动物?Its said that theyre powerful animals which guard the whole nation. 据说它们是守护整个

10、国家的威猛动物。两句均为定语从句。先行词都是animals,关系代词可用that或which,且在从句中均作主语。 练一练: a).I will never forget the day_ we spent in old town with small houses. A.who B.whom C.that D.whatb)I didnt see you last night.Where did you go? I went to see a movie called Coming Home _ was directed by Zhang Yimou. A.who B.whom C.when

11、D.which4. In ancient China, emperors thought that they themselves were the real dragons and the sons of Heaven. 在古代的中国,帝王们认为他们自己是真龙天子。5. And the dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. 而且龙已经成为中华民族的象征了。6. It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. 它在中国节日中也扮演着重要的角色。play a / an. pa

12、rt = play a / an.role 扮演一个角色,起作用, 有影响;Television plays an important part in our daily life. 电视在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。Section C 1.These early walls that were made of packed earth and wood wore away in the rain and wind.这些早期由成袋的土和木头建立的城墙在风雨中磨损了。(1) that是连词,引导定语从句从句。先行词是wall。(2) wore为wear的过去式, wear away消逝; 磨

13、损; 消耗殆尽;wear out穿破; 磨损; (使)筋疲力尽; 耗尽;wear off 磨损;磨掉; 逐渐减弱; 逐渐消失;练一练:Water can _ rocks after a long time, even though the rock is harder. A.wear off B.wear out C.wear on D.wear away2.Those Ming Dynasty rulers did not expect that it would later be used to bring tourists into China.那些明朝的统治者们不曾设想到后来万里长城为

14、中国带来游客。that 是连词,引导宾语从句。expect是动词,意为“期待,期望”,通常其后加名词作宾语。常见句型:expect to do sth. 期待做某事; expect sb. to do sth.期待某人做某事; expect +that引导的宾语从句。 练一练:a) . You look sad.What has happened? Everyone _ us to win the match,but we lost. A.expects B.expected C.hopes D.hoped b).Mary is tired of learning because she is

15、 _ to do better Than she can,both at school and at home. A.thought B.hoped C.helped D.expected c). Its so .Why not write the report tomorrow? But I dont know_ I can do it if not now. A.why B.when C.how D.where3. Whats the tourist attraction and where is it? 这个旅游景点是什么?在哪里? (1)be famous for 因而出名; Hangzhou is famous for West Lake. 杭州因西湖而出名。 (2)be famous as = be known as作为而着称; Luxun is famous as a writer. 鲁迅作为作家而着称。Section D1. The home of tea,wh


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