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1、Module 5 Cloning三言两语1.With the rapid development of science and technology, a variety of hightech products have spilled over into each field in living.2When a new product comes into being, it must be tested out before it is put into use.3In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made

2、it possible for people to live longer than in the past.1.毫无疑问,现代科技给我们的生活带来方便和舒适。It goes without saying that modern technology brings_us_convenience_and_ comfort in life.2学习对每个人来说都非常重要,因为为了跟上科技的快速发展,我们必须获得新的、先进的知识。Study is very important for every individual because we have to acquire_new_and_ advanc

3、ed_knowledge to keep_pace_with_ the_rapid_development_of science and technology.单词拼写应用核心单词1murder v谋杀2refuse v拒绝3contrast v对照4rush v冲,猛冲5cure v治愈6regulation n法规,条例7suspect n嫌疑人 v怀疑8spit v吐出(唾液)9absorb v吸收10arise v(问题、困难等)发生,出现语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1I refused(refuse) his invitation yesterday because I didn

4、t feel very well.2Misunderstandings arising(arise) from lack of social communication may lead to serious problems.3Nobody wants to make friends with the boy suspected(suspect) of having stolen money.4The children rushed(rush) out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.5Nobody knows how he was_mur

5、dered(murder), but a great many people behind the scenes can guess why.拓展单词1terrify v使惊恐,使受惊吓terrified adj.恐惧的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的2wrinkle v& n(使脸上)起皱纹;皱纹wrinkled adj.(皮肤等)布满皱纹的,具有皱褶的3disgust v使觉得恶心;使厌烦disgusted adj.厌恶的;反感的disgusting adj.令人反感的4breath n呼吸breathe v呼吸5.fear v& n害怕,恐惧fearful adj.可怕的,害怕的

6、fearless adj.无畏的6benefit n好处,利益 v有益于beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的7resist v抵抗,忍耐,抵制resistant adj.有抵抗力的,抵抗的resistance n抵抗8analyse v分析analysis n分析9company n陪同,陪伴accompany v陪同,陪伴companion n伙伴,同伴10violent adj.猛烈的,激烈的violence n暴力语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1When they saw the terrifying scene, everyone on the spot felt terr

7、ified and couldnt say a word.(terrify)2The new railway benefits this area in many ways.It is beneficial to the people living in this area.For the benefit of more people,we should build more railways. (benefit)3.The dog is a good companion and it keeps the little girl company all the time, and even a

8、ccompanies her to school.(company) 4He took a deep breath to breathe the fresh air.(breathe)5Analyse the maths problem carefully and your careful analysis will help you find the solution to it.(analyse)6We were all surprised at his acts of violence.Maybe he was exposed to too many violent scenes in

9、the films.(violent)阅读单词1clone v克隆2chase v追逐,追赶;追踪3wing n翅膀4emotion n感情;情绪5nightmare n噩梦6transparent adj.透明的 7twisting adj.扭曲的,弯曲的8fundamental adj.基本的,不可或缺的,重要的9component n成分10procedure n程序11insert v植入,插入12controversial adj.有争议的 13valid adj.有确实根据的,有效的14optional adj.可选择的_15reproduce v复制,使再现16contradic

10、tory adj.互相矛盾的,相反的,对立的17vice n缺点,弱点18virtue v道德上的优点,善行19flexible adj.易适应的20compulsory adj.强制的,强迫的21handy adj.方便的,便利的1(2019全国卷)These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back.I dont teach.使专心2(2018全国卷)Today, people still come and go to see where the Canadian gold rush happened.高峰期3(2

11、015广东卷)While watching TV, children do not merely absorb words and images (影像)理解,掌握短语多维应用高频短语1.burn_out (火)燃尽,烧完自灭,烧毁 2contrast_with 与形成对照3(be)_identical_to 和一样,与一致4break_down 分解;发生故障;(身体)垮掉5by_mistake 错误地6treat_.as 把当成对待语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空Mr. Smith worked in a firm.He was hardworking.Unfortunately, he

12、 lost his documents by_mistake.So he was forced to work overtime.The manager treated him as the key employee.He tried to deal with the everincreasing burden of his work, but finally broke_down and had to take a complete rest.7.knock_out 摧毁;击倒 8get_out_of_control 摆脱控制 9throw_oneself_on_. 扑倒在上 10rely_

13、on 依靠,依赖11as_follows 如下12as_far_as_we_know 据我们所知13bring_.back_to_life 使复活语境运用选用左栏短语的适当形式填空Boxing games are truly widely supported by a lot of people over the world.To win the game, you have to knock_out the challenger.You should try to get_out_of_control and to hit your opponent.It is hard to practi

14、ce boxing.After practicing boxing, youd better throw_yourself_on the sofa because of tiredness.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.whilev.ing 当时候。While studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life.他已养成阅读时记笔记的习惯。He has developed the habit of making notes while_reading.2.强调句型。It was on a cold

15、 November night that I saw my creation for the first time.重要的是工作能力,而不是你来自哪里或你是谁。Its_the_ability_to_do_the_job_that_matters,_not where you come from or who you are.3.wish宾语从句(虚拟语气)。I wish I had not created this creature, I wish I was on the other side of the world,I wish I could disappear!我希望我是一只鸟,能在天空自由自在地分享。I_wish_I_were_a bird and could_fly_freely in the sky.1beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的



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