9A Unit 2 复习.doc

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1、9A Unit 2 Colours Revision随堂练习一、Listening: Anns choice( )1.What does Ann choose a new colour for?A.She needs to change her mothers moods. B. She has a larger bedroom.C. She wants to change her bedroom.( )2.What colour does Jack prefer? A. Green B. Blue C. Red( )3.What does Anns mother think of blue?

2、A. It can make her more stressed. B. It can help her relax. C. It can make her feel energetic.( )4.How many colours are mentioned in the passage?A. Two B. Three C. Four( )5.Which colour may Ann finally choose?A. Blue B. Green C. Orange 二、词汇运用:1. He felt _(困倦的)in class this morning than yesterday.2.I

3、n _(古代的)times,horses were considered as the fastest transportation.3._(是否) to invite Tom to the party remains a question. 4.It is beyond doubt that our moods are sometimes _ (影响) by the weather.5.Listen!The boss is shouting again. Has he ever said anything (peaceful)?6.It is impolite to ask a strang

4、er about his _(person) life.7.Mother had no difficulty_(choose) a skirt to match her blouse.8. Hearing the bad news, she had a look of _ (sad) on her face.三、完成句子1. 人生价值并不取决于你是谁,而是你做什么。(2015年中考) The value of life does not ,but what you do.2. 你能告诉我如此寒冷的天气将持续多久吗?(2016年中考)Could you tell me _?3. 相信我,你早晚会

5、意识到和别人和睦相处是多么重要。(2017年中考)Believe me. Youll realize others sooner or later.4.有些背包客宁可住帐篷也不住宾馆。(2014年中考)Some backpackers_than in hotels.5.你知不知道为什么在电影归来中人们都打扮成那样?(2014年中考)Do you know_ in the movie Coming Home?6.吃太多巧克力会令我们更容易发胖吗?(2014年中考)Does eating too much chocolate _ to get fat ?四、书面表达假设你是Rainbow,是一名颜色治疗师,最近你的好朋友Bob向你诉说他的一些烦恼,请你运用对颜色如何影响情绪的有关知识,给他写一份信,提出一些建议。Bobs problems:1.晚上经常很难入睡;2.功课不好,学习上信心不足;3.经常感到疲倦Your advice: 1._2. _3. _4. _Dear Bob, You told me about your trouble._ _ I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you.Yours faithfully, Rainbow


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