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1、教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式随堂教 师冉宏文单 位吐鲁番市第一中学课题名称Unit 10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.学情分析Language goals: Past perfect tenseTarget languages: What happened ? I over slept . And by the time I got up,my brother had already gotten into the shower .Moral Objects:How to use past pe

2、rfect tense to discribe things happend in the past . Difficult points: how to use past perfect tenseTeaching aids: multimedia.教学目标Teaching aims: 1.To learn some new words and phrases.by the time gotten oversleep go off 2.listening practise3.grammar : Present Perfect tense and Past Perfect tenseImpor

3、tant points:What is past perfect tense . How to use it.Difficult points:To use past perfect tense make sentences .教学过程Teaching procedures:Step 1. Greetings.Step 2. Show the studying aims.Step 3. Learn some new words and phrases.Read by themselves loudly and then check. Step 4. Lead-in What do you us

4、ually do in the morning before school?Step 5. Learning Show Students a time table. Ask Have you ever been late for school ? why ? By the time I got to school, the bell had rung. Step 6. listening 1b (P76)Step 7. 1c pair workStep 8.listening 2a,2bStep 9.language pointsStep 9.Grammar1. Past perfect Te

5、nse 过去完成时 构成:had过去分词2. 过去完成时可以表示过去某一时刻或某一动作之前完成的动作或呈现的状态。也就是说发生在“过去的过去”。Step 10. Class exercisesStep 11. PracticeStep12. Homework:1.Recite the new words2.Do exercises of the WB板书设计by the time gotten oversleep go off 1. Past perfect Tense 过去完成时 构成:had过去分词2. 过去完成时可以表示过去某一时刻或某一动作之前完成的动作或呈现的状态。也就是说发生在“过去的过去”。作业或预习Homework:1.Recite the new words2.Do exercises of the WB自我评价本节课的重难点为过去完成时,通过本节课的学习,学生理解了过去完成时的概念,掌握了运用过去完成时的方法。达到了本节课的预期,很好的完成了本节课的教学目标。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):条理清晰,语法运用到位,学生基本掌握了本节课的重难点,教学目标已经完成。需要改进的地方有:上课语速过快,学生单个练习不是很到位。 评议一单位:一中 姓名:蒋莉 日期:2013.12.16



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