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1、诉讼系属中重复立案的甄别及处理一一以某劳动纠纷系列案为例(可编辑优质文档)(可以直接使用,可编辑 完整版资料,欢迎下载)法律硕士专业学位论文诉讼系属中重复立案的甄别及处理以某劳动纠纷系列案为例Departme nt lawsuit filed in the case of repeatedscree ning and treatme nt作者姓名: 易飞指导教师: 马登科 教授西南政法大学Southwest Un iversity of Political Scie nee and Law囿于我国民事诉讼立法上相关规定的缺失,导致了实务中同一法院在对当事 人就某纠纷提起的诉讼尚未审结之时、又就

2、当事人就该纠纷重新提起的诉讼立案 受理的情形比较常见,并引发了实务中对这种情形是否属于重复立案、以及在该 情形构成重复立案时对其如何处理上存在诸多争议。本文运用理论联系实际的研 究方法,以诉讼系属中具体的疑似重复立案案件为基础,对实践中存在的关于重 复立案甄别标准及处理方法上的诸多争议进行法理分析,进而总结出诉讼系属中 通用的重复立案的甄别标准及处理方法。通过对本文所引用的具有民行交叉特点的重复立案案例进行分析讨论,笔者 总结出了诉讼系属中通用的重复立案的甄别标准及处理方法。在重复立案的甄别 上,要看诉讼系属中的前诉与后诉是否满足“同一当事人、同一法律关系、同一 诉讼请求”的条件。并且同一当事

3、人适用于原被告双方提起后诉的情形,同一诉 讼请求包括相同与相互排斥的情形(本文所表述的诉讼系属中的前诉与后诉皆是 民事诉讼);在重复立案的处理上主要有两种方法可以采取:其一,如果诉讼系 属中的后诉在刚被法院立案受理、还未进入到实质审理阶段时就被发现属于重复 立案,那么对该后诉就可以依据诉讼系属效力或者诚实信用原则或诉的利益原则 驳回起诉,然后根据前诉的具体情形得出审理结果即可;其二,如果该后诉已经 进入到实质审理阶段后才被发现属于重复立案,那么对该后诉就可以作出中止审 理的裁定,然后将根据前诉的具体情形得出的审理结果作为裁决后诉的依据。在 对本案例存在的诸多争议意见进行法理分析的基础上,笔者得

4、出了相关立法的缺 失是造成诉讼系属中在重复立案的甄别及处理上存在诸多分歧的主要原因的结 论,并由此提出了完善诉讼系属效力、明确“一事”的甄别标准等立法建议。除引言与结尾外,本文由四部分构成。第一部分是案件的基本情况,这部分 主要是介绍案例,阐述分歧意见,并在此基础上归纳出争论焦点;第二部分是相 关问题的法理分析,这部分主要是对相关概念进行说明、对法官们的分歧意见进 行法理分析,并在此基础上总结出笔者认为合理的观点;第三部分是本系列案的 分析结论,这部分主要是运用在法理分析部分所论证的观点对本系列案进行具体 分析,进而对本系列是否属于重复立案以及在其构成重复立案时采取何种处理措 施得出结论;第四

5、部分是本系列案研究的启示,这部分主要是阐释研究本系列案 的作用、分析本系列案存在诸多分歧的原因并由此提出相关建议。关键词:重复立案;一事;诉讼系属;诉讼系属效力Confined to the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure on the lack of legislation, leading to a situation lawsuit filed in the same court in the practice of the parties in relation to a lawsuit brought not yet been c

6、oncluded, the parties in respect of the dispute and re-filed on the admissibility of the more common and raised its practice on how to deal with the existence of such circumstances whether multiple filing, and in this case constitutes a duplicate filing when the dispute. In this paper, the theory an

7、d practice of research methods to suit the specific system is suspected duplicate filing of cases, based on the practice of the presence of a lot of controversy about the duplicate filing the screening criteria and methods were legal analysis, and then summed up the Department of Litigation Universa

8、l screening criteria in duplicate filing and processing methods.By repeating fil cases with the characteristics of people cross the line were analyzed and discussed, the author summarizes the screening criteria are in general litigation department of duplicate filing and handling methods. On filing

9、repeated screening, depending on the pre-litigation department is complaint after complaint and whether the conditions the same parties, the same legal relationship, the same action request to meet. And the same applies to the case of the parties after the original defendant, the parties filed compl

10、aints, the same claims, including the same mutually exclusive scenarios (expressedin this article are the litigation department with complaints both before and after the complaint is a civil action); repeated filing process There are two major ways you can take: First, if the litigation department i

11、n the case of the appeal court filing was just accepted, has not yet entered into the trial stage when the substance was found to belong to duplicate file, then you can appeal the basis for later Litigation Department of the principle of good faith is the effectiveness or benefit principle or cause

12、of action dismissed prosecution, then the results can be obtained according to the specific circumstances of the trial before the appeal; Second, if the substance of the complaint has been entered into the trial stage before being found to belong to duplicate filing, then the appeal can be made afte

13、trhe decision to suspend the trial, and will serve as a basis for appeal after the verdict according to the specific circumstances before the trial results drawn complaints. On the basis of the existence of many controversial opinions on the conduct of this case legal analysis, the author draws a la

14、ck of relevant legislation is caused by the conclusions of the litigation department is screened and there are many differences in the handling of duplicate filing of the main reasons, and thus made improve the effectiveness of the Department of Litigation clear regarding the screening criteria and

15、other legislative proposals.In addition to the introduction and the end of the paper consists of four parts. The first part is the basic circumstancesof the case, this part is to introduce the case to explain differences of opinion, and summarize the focus of debate on this basis;legal issues relate

16、d to the second part of the analysis, which is part of the main concepatsre described, for disagreementsjudges conduct legal analysis and concluded that the author believes to be reasonable on the basis of viewpoint; third part is theconclusion of this series of cases,this part is mainly used in the analysis part of the legal argument of this case series conducted views specific analysis, what action to takeon the series and then repeat on file and w



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