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1、石油勘探专业英语手册GEOPHYSICISTS(地球物理师)1. Today well shoot line No.2 from the high number, is everybody here? 今天我们要放2号线,大号放炮,都到齐了吗?2No, Xiao Li is ill ,and Old Zhang is absent. 小李病了,老张没来3I see, They asked for a day off, everything all set 我知道了,他们请了一天假,一切都准备好了4The weather is favourable today ,We must do our b

2、est to meet the goal:200shots. 今天天气很好,我们要争取完成200炮的任务5We havent got enough water tank for the drilling, by the way ,why all this hurry 钻井组水管不够,顺便问一下,为什么这么急6This area will be flooded over in two days ,We must finish this line in time 这个地区两天后要被水淹没,我们必须及时干完这条线7Well, take care while driving Safety first

3、,set out please 好了,谨慎驾驶,安全第一,出发。8Its late today. Lets stop our work. 天不早了,就干到这儿吧9Make sure everythings in order and take inventory inventory of your own thing . 把一切准备好,清点自己的东西10Get on the car and go home. 上车回家11How do you prepare for you field operation. 你是怎样准备野外施工的12After making a careful scouting

4、to the whole working area ,we must try to get as much information as we can about the area. 在经过对整个工区仔细的踏勘之后,我们必须尽可能多的搜集有关该区的资料13Would you say something more about it?你能详细介绍下吗?14Sure ,for example, he surface lithology, hydrologic conditions and subsurface formation, tec.可以,比如表层岩性、水文情况以及地下岩层等。15We mus

5、t prepare the suitable scale maps in advance我们还要事先准备好适当的比例尺的地图16Would you tell me something about your crew?For example ,how many workers in you party?谈谈有关你们队的情况好吗?比如,你们有多少工人?17We have 70 employees and 80 workmen 我们有七十个职工,八十个民工18What kind of crews have you got besides dynamite crews 除井炮队以外,你们还有那些队伍?

6、19We also have vibroseis crews, desert crews ,VSP crews, GPS crews, LVL crews and portable crews. 我们还有可控震源队,沙漠队,VSP队,卫星队,小折射队,和人抬化队20How about the surface condition in this area?本工区地表情况如何?21It is very complex, rough and watery 地表非常复杂,起伏很大并有积水22It consists of swamp areas , farmland and saline soil ,w

7、oods and bushes rivers and ditches. 区内有沼泽,农田和盐碱地,树木和灌木,河流和沟渠。23There are three large rivers, which hinder the field operation very much. 内有三条大河,这对施工非常不利。24Are there any bridges or ferries on the rivers 河上有桥和渡轮吗25There is only one feery on each large river, The traffic is quite inconvenient. 每条大河上只有一

8、个轮渡,交通十分不利。26The land covers with green crops, cotton, teabushes, hamp and reeds. 表层植被有生长的庄稼,棉花,茶叶,大麻和芦苇27Is it difficult to access? 进入工区困难吗?28Yes ,it requires trail building crews 是的,但需要筑路队29In areas of heavy vegetations , we organize one or two trail cutting crews in advence . 在多植被地区,我们事先准备一到两个修路队

9、。30What methods can you use if your trucks are often stuck in such semi-swamp area?在这种半沼泽区如果经常误车的话你们怎么办?31We use portable rigs for drilling ,and marsh buggies to make spread rolling.我们用人抬钻机打井,有巴哥(沼泽车)到排列32How about caterpillar truck用履带式车辆行吗33We seldom use them for their low speed 因为速度慢,我们很少采用34Why d

10、ont you edopt hole array in the paddy field?在水田施工为什么不采用炮井组合?35For the sake of better quality.为了保证质量36How far is your working area from here ?工区离这里多远?37Forty kilometers away.有四十公里38Can I use your topographic map ? 我能用一下你的地图吗?39Yes, you can keep it 是的,拿去吧40Is weathering layer very thick all over the a

11、rea ?整个工区的风化层厚吗?41No ,it is heterogeneous.分布不均匀42Whats the water table depth ?潜水面有多深?43About 1 or 2m大约1 -2米44Does the lithology of the near surface change a lot ?表层岩性变化大吗?45How many lines are you going to shoot in this area?工区你们准备放多少测线?46Six south north line as dip lines crossing the structure, and

12、five east-west lines as tie lines.六条南北线作为主测线横切构造,五条东西线作为联络测线47Line spacing is 4 km 线距4公里48Whats the rate of your daily work. that means how many shot records usually get in a day?每天施工效率如何?也就是说你们一天放多少炮?49Well, the average shots a day is about 100奥!平均每天大约100炮50Are you going to get 30-flke data? 你们准备做3

13、0次覆盖吗?51. No 15-fold is better in this area 不,本工区十五次覆盖更好些52Which type of spread are you going to adopt ,end-on spread or split spread?你们采用什么样的排列放炮?端点放炮还是中间放炮排列?53End-on spread with up-dip shooting ?端点排列上倾放炮54How do you make out the field parameters?你们是怎么选择施工参数?55Before operation ,we must make carefu

14、l tests of each parameter.施工前,我们要对每一个参数进行仔细的实验。56Can you describe something about your test procedure?你能否讲一下你们的施工过程?57First ,we must carefully scout the whole working area and then choose two or three points as test sits. 首先,我们必须仔细的踏勘整个工区,然后选取两到三个点作为实验点58At shoot several records in one shotpoint for

15、 later comparison.我们在一个炮点上放上几炮以备事后比较59At the same time, we also conduct some equipment tests in order to make a good preparation for the following operation. 同时,我们还进行一些仪器实验为随后的施工作好充分的准备。60After tests, we think the following parameters are most suitable in this area: 经过测验,我们认为本工区采用下列参数为宜: Shooting No .of channels record length 激发参数 道数 记录长度 Sample period



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