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1、江苏各地2019-2020年高一上学期最新英语试题精选汇编:完形填空江苏各地名校2019-2020学年高一上学期最新英语试题精选汇编:完形填空1、【全国百强校】江苏启东中学2019-2020学年高一上学期第一次质量检测英语My daughter and I were swimming in our pool one summer day. This day was like any of the other days, so I had no way of knowing that this one would go down in our family history as a _21_ w

2、e cherish(珍惜)and still _22_ from time to time.The sun was setting and the night was _23_ approaching. My daughter _24_ it first a spider was spinning her web at the bottom of the freshly painted blue fence that _25_ our pool. It surprised me that she saw this, and it surprised me even more that she

3、wasnt _26_of the spider.Instead, she _27_ watched as the spider busied herself in the cycle of life. As we both watched this _28_ of nature, a very simple thought _29_ me. I had lost the track of _30_. I honestly didnt know how long we had been just staying there and _31_ that spider making her web.

4、 But, regardless of(不管)whatever amount of time had passed, the truth was that we were _32_ having fun. We were having fun without doing anything really _33_or special, I thought. We hadnt saved the world or _34_ the newest most expensive toy. However, I believe that by _35_ this experience of the sp

5、ider building her web, we were both just quite happy.What we had done was to spend time together and _36_ the simple things in life. We laughed and talked about the _37_ of life, and what it means to die and what it means to really live. We talked about how precious our _38_ amount of time is on thi

6、s planet and how we should _39_ to enjoy the simple things in life like the flight of a bird. The simple things are the _40_ things in life, even when they include spiders and webs.21. A. memoryB. freedomC. compositionD. purpose22. A. hear ofB. talk aboutC. argue aboutD. complain of23. A. cautiously

7、B. suddenlyC. directlyD. quickly24. A. rememberedB. imaginedC. watchedD. noticed25. A. builtB. decoratedC. surroundedD. reached26. A. tiredB. afraidC. carefulD. fond27. A. secretlyB. anxiouslyC. nervouslyD. delightfully28. A. wonderB. featureC. ruleD. power29. A. knockedB. movedC. hitD. hurt30. A. e

8、ventB. spaceC. spiderD. time31. A. pointing atB. shouting atC. laughing atD. staring at32. A. normallyB. simplyC. fluentlyD. independently33. A. newB. challengingC. bigD. amusing34. A. madeB. foundC. boughtD. offered35. A. sharingB. gainingC. possessingD. providing36. A. doB. appreciateC. handleD. d

9、iscuss37. A. storyB. qualityC. endD. circle38. A. limitedB. formerC. extraD. distant39. A. forgetB. wantC. stopD. choose40. A. unusualB. bestC. easiestD. rare【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. B【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过和

10、女儿一起观察蜘蛛结网的经历,告诉我们简单的事情是生活中最好的东西。花时间一起欣赏生活中简单的事情,更重要的是,花时间一起谈论生活。这样做,你会有特别的时刻和特殊的记忆,将持续一生。【21题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这一天就像其他日子一样,所以我不知道这一天是否会作为我们珍视的记忆而载入我们的家族史册,并时时被人提起。A. memory记忆;B. freedom自由;C. composition创作;D. purpose目的。根据上文This day was like any of the other days可知这一天已经过去,成为了作者和女儿的记忆。故选A。【22题详解】考查动词短语辨析

11、。句意:这一天就像其他日子一样,所以我不知道这一天是否会作为我们珍视的记忆而载入我们的家族史册,并时时被人谈起。A. hear of听说;B. talk about谈论;C. argue about争论;D. complain of抱怨。根据下文from time to time可知是被人时不时谈起。故选B。【23题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:太阳正在落山,黑夜很快就要来临。A. cautiously小心地;B. suddenly突然;C. directly直接地;D. quickly快地。根据常识可知太阳落山了夜晚就快来临,故选D。【24题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我女儿首先注意到的是

12、在我们游泳池周围新粉刷过的蓝色栅栏的底部,有一只蜘蛛正在结网。A. remembered记住;B. imagined想象;C. watched看着;D. noticed注意到。根据后面的内容可知是注意到了一只蜘蛛要结网,故选D。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我女儿首先注意到的是在我们游泳池周围新粉刷过的蓝色栅栏的底部,有一只蜘蛛正在结网。A. built建造;B. decorated装饰;C. surrounded包围;D. reached到达。根据下文our pool可知泳池被栅栏包围着。故选C。【26题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让我吃惊的是她看到了这一切,更让我吃惊的是她竟然

13、不怕蜘蛛。A. tired疲惫的;B. afraid害怕的;C. careful仔细的;D. fond喜欢的。根据上文and it surprised me可知她竟然不怕蜘蛛让我感到吃惊。故选B。【27题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,她欣喜地看着蜘蛛忙着自己的生命周期。A. secretly秘密地;B. anxiously焦急地;C. nervously紧张地;D. delightfully快乐地。根据上文可知女儿不怕蜘蛛,反而欣喜地看着蜘蛛。instead表示与上文提到的情况相反,不害怕反而高兴地看,故选D。【28题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们都看着这大自然的奇迹时,我突然产生

14、了一个非常简单的想法。A. wonder奇迹;B. feature特色;C. rule规则;D. power力量。根据下文of nature可知是指蜘蛛是大自然的奇迹,其他选项意思不符合语境,故选A。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我们都看着这大自然的奇迹时,我突然产生了一个非常简单的想法。A. knocked敲击;B. moved移动;C. hit打击;D. hurt伤害。hit 除打,打击之意外,还有使忽然意识到的意思。故选C。【30题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我忘记了时间。A. event事件;B. space空间;C. spider蜘蛛;D. time时间。根据下文I ho

15、nestly didnt know how long we had been just staying there可知是忘记了时间。故选D。【31题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:说实话,我不知道我们在那里呆了多久,一直盯着那只织网的蜘蛛。A. pointing at指着;B. shouting at冲叫喊;C. laughing at嘲笑;D. staring at盯着。根据下文that spider making her web可知是盯着织网的蜘蛛。故选D。【32题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是,不管过了多少时间,事实是我们只是玩得很开心。A. normally正常地;B. simply简单地;C. fluently流利地;D. independently独立地。作者和女儿只是简单地看着蜘蛛织网。故选B。【33题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想,我们玩得很开心,没有做什么特别的大事。A. new新的;B. challenging有挑战性的;C. big大的;D. amusing有趣的。根据下文or special



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