五年级下册Module 4 Travel整体教学设计.docx

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1、五年级下册Module 4 Travel整体教学设计【模块教学总目标】1、四会掌握本模块单词和短语:by 、train 、leave 、exciting 、valley、 island、 taxi 、trip、 hotel 、on foot、 the Great Wall 、 palace 、the Summer Palace 、take a walk 、around 、underground lake 、street、 trip to Beijing 、 by plane、 by underground 、fly back home、 drive to the Great Wall 、on

2、Friday morning 、 in Wangfujing Street 、 take a walk around the lake 、plan for the holiday 、 go travelling 、go by train 、on October 2nd 、 visit Window of the World 、come back home 。2、能在语境中正确理解和运用以下句型:How will you go there ?We will go by train ./ By train .What will you do in Shenzhen?We are going to

3、visit Window of the World.When will you come back home ?We will come back on Octorber 4th ./On Octorber 4th 。3、 能自我归纳朗读英语句子的节奏和停顿,并结合句子的轻重读音等知识朗读句子。4、能理解和运用英语谈论出行的计划(如时间、交通工具和活动内容)。5、能使用恰当的英语谈论“旅游”和将要发生的事情。模块教学总目标规划分配到6个课时教学中模块整体设计课时教学材料教学目标第一课时(Unit 7)1. Listen and sing2. Lets talk目标1. 能够听说认读单词:和短语

4、by 、train 、leave 、exciting 、valley、 island、 taxi. plan for the holiday 、 go travelling 、go by train 、on October 2nd 、 visit Window of the World 、come back home 。目标2. 能够运用句型:How will you go there?_ We will go by train。What will you do in Shenzhen?We are going to visit Window of the World.When will yo

5、u come back home ?We will come back on Octorber 4th ./On Octorber 4th 。进行计划交流。目标3. 能初步理解课文,并能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。目标4. 继续巩固一般现在时的句型特点,will 与 be going to 的使用区别。第二课时Unit 7 1. fun with language Ex1.2.32. 词条目标1. 学生能听、说、读单词:London, New York, Hong Kong, America,American, Australian目标2. Means of transport: by plan

6、e, by ship, by bike, on foot, by train目标3. 能比较国家与国籍的单词。目标4. 能通过操练询问他人的假期计划。句型:What are you going to do during the holiday?How are you going there?What will you do in .?第三课时Unit 81. Fun with language Ex4.52. Sound family目标1. 能自我归纳朗读英语句子的节奏和停顿,并结合句子的轻重读音等知识朗读句子。目标2.继续巩固句型:on your holiday,where will yo

7、u go to travel? How will you go there? What will you do there?目标3. 尝试写邀请信。第四课时(Unit 8)1. Vocabulary2. Lets read目标1. 教会学生理解、听、说、读单词和短语:trip、 hotel 、on foot、 the Great Wall 、 palace 、the Summer Palace 、take a walk 、around 、underground lake 、street、 trip to Beijing 、 by plane、 by underground 、fly back

8、home、 drive to the Great Wall 、on Friday morning 、 in Wangfujing Street 、 take a walk around the lake.目标2.能根据标志词判断一般将来时这一时态(this evening, tomorrow morning, in the afternoon, on Friday morning, on Saturday)并能用will描述将来的事情。目标3.能理解课文回答第45页的问题和流利朗读课文。第五课时Fun with language目标1.巩固本课的单词和短语。目标2.能理解和运用英语谈论出行的计

9、划(如时间、交通工具和活动内容)。目标3.通过游戏巩固谈论旅游计划。目标4.能阅读和理解关于旅游出行计划的短文,并能完成相应的练习。第六课时Story timeDid you know目标1.能阅读和理解故事并完成相应的练习。目标2.能认识中国一些著名的景点。目标5.能使用恰当的英语谈论“旅游”和将要发生的事情,并尝试写下来。Unit 7 We will go by train. 第一课时【教学目标】目标1、能够听说认读单词:和短语by 、train 、leave 、exciting 、valley、 island、 taxi. plan for the holiday 、 go travel

10、ling 、go by train 、on October 2nd 、 visit Window of the World 、come back home 。目标2. 能够运用句型:Where are you going to travel?We are going to.How will you go there?_ We will go by train。What will you do in Shenzhen?We are going to visit Window of the World.When will you come back home ?We will come back

11、on Octorber 4th ./On Octorber 4th 进行旅游计划交流。目标3、能理解并流利有感情的朗读Lets talk中的对话。目标4、继续巩固一般现在时句型。【教学重点、难点】1. 能运用句型 How will you go there ?你们怎么去哪里? 回答:we will go by.+交通工具How are you going there ?回答:直接用交通工具看图分辨交通工具并用句型替换练习,并说出自己平时上学所乘的交通工具。2.一般现在时的句型的巩固。【任务分析】(一)将教学目标放置于知识与技能两维教学目标分类表的单元格中,并确定学习结果类型。 教学内容(知识维

12、度)掌握水平(认知过程维度)记忆理解运用分析评价创造字母、音标单词、词组目标1目标1目标1句子目标2目标4目标2目标4标点标题、体裁写作背景课文结构课文内容(含价值观)目标3目标4目标3目标4表达技巧学习策略(二) 使能目标分析 掌握询问旅游的相关句子在学习课文时归纳询问旅游的主要句型Who/what/Where/When/How小组操练句型:Where are you going to travel?How will you go there?学习相关的旅游景点的短语回忆相关的交通工具的单词(三)起点能力分析 本模块的话题是旅游计划,在之前的教学中学生已接触相关将来时的知识,对将来时有初步的

13、认识,同时旅游出行要用到交通工具,学生对个别的交通工具已掌握,本单元继续学习一些交通工具的单词:train, taxi, on foot.【教学资源】PPT, 金太阳【教学过程】教学环节教师活动及操作步骤学生活动设计意图此环节对应的目标Warmming up1.Sing a song/Lets chant all together.2.Free talk.Where do you usually go on weekdays?How do you usually go to school?(出示相应的交通工具的图片,并教学单词 train)1. sing a song.2. Free talk

14、营造学习英语的气氛,为学习课文作铺垫。目标2Presentation and Practice1. 呈现unit7 We will go by train.2. The May Day holiday is coming. Do you have any plans for the holiday? I will go travelling with my family. We are going to Hainan Island. We will go by ship.3. What about you?Where are you going to travel?How will you go there?(出示图片,让学生同桌两人操练)4. What about Ben?Where is Ben going for his holiday? Guess!5. What do you want to know about his plan?列出学生提的问题。Where is Ben going to travel?Who will travel with Ben?How will he go there?When will he leave?



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