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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于动物的英语美文欣赏|英语美文欣赏小短文 没有动物,人类是孤独的,没有动物,自然是暗淡的,没有动物,地球是无生气的,爱护动物,让人与动物共同制造漂亮的地球家园,一起行动!我共享关于动物的英语美文,盼望可以关心大家! 关于动物的英语美文:My favorite animal is cat sister home. The little cat is black and white, like the color of the panda, eyes bright in the dark, like a glistening jade, as transpar

2、ent. And a very like the head of a tiger head. Tail long claws sharp, start to quiet, very beautiful! We take a great door, the cat will be delighted to welcome us; Hungry have been following the great meow call; The cat gets up early every day, in the house and the yard patrol; Want to go out in th

3、e doorway meow meow call. Very cute! Listen to the sister said, the little cat patrol every day is in to see if there is a mouse. Sister home original rat swarms, since have the little cat, many mice were caught by it. Other mice also fearsome, flee ignominiously. The kittens skill can be really big

4、 ah! I like the cat! 参考翻译: 我最喜爱的小动物是大姨家的小猫。 那只小猫是黑白色的,像熊猫的颜色,眼睛在黑夜里亮亮的,像亮晶晶的玉石,胡子白得透亮。而且头特别像老虎的头。尾巴长长的,爪子尖尖的,走起路来静静静,特别美丽! 我们一进大姨家的门,小猫就会兴奋地欢迎我们;饿了就始终跟着大姨喵喵叫;那只小猫每天早早起来,在家里和院子里巡逻;要出去就在门口喵喵喵叫特别可爱! 听大姨说,那只小猫每天巡逻是在看有没有老鼠。大姨家原来老鼠成群,自从养了那只小猫后,很多老鼠都被它抓住了。其它的老鼠也闻风丧胆,抱头鼠窜。小猫的本领可真大呀! 我喜爱这只小猫! 关于动物的英语美文:我最喜爱的

5、狗狗 My home have a little princess named snow. Its character is very friendly, craned immediately saw me, proud to wear in the body of the pink veil show it to me, I did not dare to disobey the snowflakes, clapped his hands immediately, because if you dont clap, snow is eroded, so dont eat not to dri

6、nk; We will be very sad. The appearance of snow very cute; A shiny white hairs; With big eyes; Below and a cherry small mouth, white body in the sun, shining, like a huge blue crystal, snows tail up high, royal momentum. Snow favorite is chocolate bone cookies. Whenever I come back from outside, sno

7、w always looked up to see, there was a oneself to like chocolate biscuit bone. If any, to expose a rare smile. Fast have a sip of cookies, and then a sip of water, with relish to eat cookies. If not, will be back to the bed and sadly silent miss chocolate bone cookies. This is our dog - snow princes

8、s, she is so lively and cute. 参考翻译: 我家里有一只叫雪花的小公主。它的性格非常友好,一观察我就立刻伸长头颈,傲慢地把穿在身上的粉色纱裙呈现给我看,我不敢违背雪花,立刻鼓起了掌,由于假如不鼓掌的话,雪花就会受到打击,因此不吃不喝;我们看了会非常难过的。 雪花的形状非常可爱;一身洁白发亮的毛;眼睛大大的;下面还有一张樱桃小嘴,洁白的身体在阳光下,闪闪发亮,如同一块巨大的蓝水晶,雪花的尾巴翘得高高的,很有皇家气概。 雪花最喜爱的是巧克力味的骨头饼干。每当我从外面回来的时候,雪花总会抬头看看,里面有没有自己喜爱的巧克力骨头饼干。假如有的话,就会露出难得一见的笑脸。先快

9、速吃一小口饼干,再喝一口水,便津津有味地吃起饼干来。假如没有的话,就会垂头丧气地回到床上,悄悄的惦念巧克力味的骨头饼干。 这就是我家的狗狗雪花小公主,她是那么的生气勃勃、天真可爱。 关于动物的英语美文:我最宠爱猴子 A naughty monkey every day to stay in the zoo, it feel very vexed. Because its naughty, not only by the mother often blame, but regularly beat and scold by zookeepers. It always thinking in my

10、 heart, Ive had enough! I want to free! One day, take the zoo administrators do not pay attention to, never about the iron gate on the sneak out. So, have an amazing story. The little monkey escaped from the zoo, and danced for joy, it think that everything in the world is so fresh, so amazing, the

11、outside world is wonderful! It saw buildings towering skyscrapers, alongside a variety of colorful cars go flying everywhere, clusters of fashionable dress of men and women. Help little monkey look upside down, and, finally began to fantasize: what if my father, mother, uncle elephant, deer, lions u

12、ncle and my friends have a look, it would be great! Think, think, little monkey secretly swear: I must save them out! Slowly dark down, the silence all round, little monkey crept came to the zoo, easily climbed over the railings, quietly turned into a zoo keepers cottage, gently picked up the keys o

13、n the table, quickly ran out, quickly opened the lock with a key, everyone is free! Little monkey said happily. Animals in droves from burst out of the door, quickly ran out of the zoo, ran to the streets, ready to rush to the big forest. The animals noise to wake the sleeping people, have a look ou

14、t of the window, get a shock, immediately dumbstruck! The police were called and tried to capture the animals. However, the animals want to determined to obtain freedom over all, the elephant and the lions charge in the former, the tiger, protected by a large number of animals, the police see there,

15、 and were tanks, armoured vehicles, aircraft and artillery. Boom! Boom! Send anesthesia play a relentlessly toward the fauna. In front of the collapsed, and closely follow behind, animals braved the bullets, still move on. Finally, the animals free determination finally moved the people, have conced

16、ed a road to escort the animals back to the forest safe and sound. And also all the other animals in the zoo. Since then, humans and animals forged a deep friendship, help each other, peaceful coexistence. 参考翻译: 一只淘气的猴子每天呆在动物园里,它觉得很烦。由于它的淘气,不仅时常遭到妈妈的责怪,更是隔三岔五受到动物园管理员的打骂。它心里时时在想,我受够了!我要自由!一天,乘动物园管理员不留意,


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