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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、-Lisa, would you like to climb Yuelu Mountain with me tomorrow?-Id love to, but I have the driving test to

2、morrow. Lets make it day.AotherBanotherCthe other2、What do you think of the movie The Fate of the Furious 8?It is ! I enjoy it very much.AfantasticBfriendlyCawfulDnoisy3、Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _ one.AsecondBthirdCforthDfirst4、-You hate that TV play, dont you?-Not _. I jus

3、t think its a bit boring.AlikelyBexactlyCnearlyDcarefully5、The left-behind kids(留守儿童)cant see their parents_ the parents come back home from work.AbutBuntilCorDif6、Those children _to use words likethanksandplease”every morning.Now they are much more polite.AteachBwill teachCare taughtDwill be taught

4、7、 Hello, Sally! Can I see Mr. Brown? _. Ill tell him you are here.AWhat a pityBJust a minuteCCongratulationsDNever mind8、The doctor did what he could the girl who was badly hurt in the accident.AsaveBsavingCto saveDsaves9、-What are you going to do after the exams to Senior High School?-I am going t

5、o _ for vacation.Asomewhere excitingBinteresting somewhereCanywhere quietDeverywhere funny10、I havent been to the Palace Museum. What about you? I am planning to go there this weekend.AMe tooBMe neitherCSo did IDNeither did I. 完形填空11、I am an apple. Im a kind of sweet fruit. I grow in 1 places of the

6、 world, but I cant grow well in very hot places or very cold places.Im not like my cousinspears and bananas. Im rounder than a pear, and bananas are 2 than me. Im delicious, so people in the 3 like eating me. They usually eat me 4 they wash me. They can also cook me to 5 all kinds of food, sometimes

7、 they put me in cans (罐头) to send me to other places of the world. Almost everyone can have money to buy me 6 I cost very little. I can also help people get 7 . There is a saying in English: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont you think that Im very great? I have many vitamins (维生素) inside, t

8、hey are good for you. I 8 wish to make you happy and healthy. So dont forget to eat me as often as possible. But I also need your love, if you want to make me taste better, you must 9 me well. Thanks for your love. Ill try to grow well and 10 sweeter. Then youll like to eat me a lot more.1Alittle Bf

9、ew Cmany Dmuch2Ashorter Bolder Cfatter Dlonger3Aworld BChina Cshop Dlibrary4Afor Bbefore Cafter Dwith5Alet Bhave Ctake Dmake6Abecause Bso Cbut Dand7Ahappy Bhealthy Ccomfortable Dsmart8Anever Bbadly Cquickly Dreally9Alook for Blook after Clook like Dlook at10Asound Bfeel Cbecome Dlook. 语法填空12、 At the

10、 age of fifteen, I met 1Australia teacher. He taught us English. One day, he wrote an English poem 2 the blackboard and asked us the meaning. There was a long silence. 3(unlucky),the teacher4(choose) me to answer the questions. I said in a low v5,“Sorry, I dont know.”Thats always my reply to difficu

11、lt qustions.To my surprise, he spent the rest of the class 6(explain) my answer. He said “I dont know is a wrong answer.”You should at least have some ideas about the questions, no matter how difficult it is. It doesnt mean that you dont know. It means that you are not 7 (confidence), and you are af

12、raid of making 8(mistake).” I was shocked by 9(he) words. He was right. From then on, I said goodbye to the wrong answer“I dont know”,b10 any answers was better than that one. Now I always try my best to find a proper answer. 阅读理解A13、For those who haven t heard of it,the Apple watch is the latest in

13、vention from the creators of the iPhone and Apple Mac. As the name suggests,this creation is a device(装置)designed to tell us the time. This is Apple,however,and an Apple watch is never just a watch. Not only does it show us the time,but it also acts as a fitness monitor and a messaging device that c

14、an be connected with an iPhone. Is this a smart invention or technology gone too far? While the Apple watch is stylish in appearance,I cant help but question certain aspects(方面)of the new device. Is it a positive thing to be able to receive messages through a watch,or is this another way of letting technology upset our social lives? Thanks to the invention of the smartwatch,we will no longer have to reach for our phones to check our messages. Imagine the possible results. A group of friends sitting at a table in a restaurant will overlook each other as everyone will be too busy watching th


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