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1、商务英语口语:意见-2 商务英语口语:意见-2 在国际贸易中,作为一个商务人士,日常的口语交流是必备的工具之一,因为我们面对的大多数是都是外国人,所以这是必须的要会使用的工具哟,那么关于意见的一些日常交流该怎么说?以下是我给大家整理的关于意见-2 商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家 1、他对诗的评论你有什么见解? A: Whats your reaction to his comment on poetry? 他对诗的评论你有什么见解? B: Its too abstract to me. 对我来说太抽象了。 What do you feel? 你觉得怎么样? How do you like wo

2、rking here? 你觉得在这儿工作怎么样? How do you see things like this? 你对这类事情是怎么看的? How do you feel about being interviewed on TV? 在电视上接受采访你觉得怎么样? 2、你认为新来的那个人怎么样? 2、你认为新来的那个人怎么样? A: What do you think of the newcomer? 你认为新来的那个人怎么样? B: To me, shes very kind and helpful. But she seems to be too quiet. 在我看来,她非常热心,爱帮

3、助人。但她看起来好像不太爱说话。 What are your feelings about life in Germany? 你觉得在德国生活怎么样? How about that girl? 那个女孩儿怎么样? I dont think much of being an office worker, do you? 我觉得当一名办公室人员没多大意思,你呢? 3、怎样才能提高英语水平? 3、怎样才能提高英语水平? A: In your opinion, how can English be improved? 在你看来,怎样才能提高英语水平? B: I think its very hard

4、to make it clear in a few words. But first of all, you must be interested in it. And then, you should make constant efforts. 我想这很难用几句话表达清楚。但是首先你/必须对它感兴趣。然后,你必须不断地努力。 ls it necessary to listen to some English songs? 听英文歌曲很必要吗? The way I see it, English songs are especially effective in fostering inte

5、rest and improving pronunciation. 在我看来,英语歌曲在培养兴趣和改善发音方面是很有效果的。 4、你认为新的销售计划怎么样? 4、你认为新的销售计划怎么样? A: Well, what do you think of the new sales plan? 你认为新的销售计划怎么样? B: Basically, I think its a good plan. 我想基本上可以。 What about the sales projections? Do you think theyre realistic? 那些促销计划怎么样?你认为实际吗? Actually,

6、I think theyre a bit too optimistic. 我认为有些太乐观了。 5、可我吸烟真的上了癮。 5、可我吸烟真的上了癮。 A: You smoke too much,丨 think. Why dont you quit smoking, Anne? Its bad for your health. 我认为你吸烟吸得太多了。安妮,你为什么不戒掉呢?吸烟对身体有害。 B: Good. But Im really hooked on these cigarettes. 你说得对。可是我吸烟真的上瘾了。 Try to give up smoking! It is harmfu

7、l to your health. 努力戒烟吧!吸烟有害健康! Please give up smoking for your health. 为了你的健康,请戒烟吧! 6、但是你为什么不试试嚼香糖来代替吸烟呢 s 6、但是你为什么不试试嚼香糖来代替吸烟呢 s A: Bill, Its easier said than done. But you see, smoking helps me calm. 比尔,说比做容易多。你看,吸烟能使我保持平静。 B: I see what you mean. Don you think it would be a good idea to try chew

8、ing gum instead of smoking? 我知道你的意思了。但是你为什么不试试嚼口香糖来代替吸烟呢? Dont you think it would be a good idea if I let my hair grow out? 如果我把头发留长了,你觉得是不是更好一些? It would be a good idea to have a discussion. 讨论一下确实是个好主意。 I just dont think that would be a good idea. 我不觉得这是个好主意。 7、你要是每天多讲,这也许是一个好办法。 7、你要是每天多讲,这也许是一个好

9、办法。 A:I cant speak English well. How can I improve my ability of spoken English? 我说不好英语。怎么才能提高我说的能力呢? B:It might be a good idea if you practice speaking English every day. 你要是每天多讲这也许是一个好办法 0 It might be a good idea to leave him alone. 让他一个人待着可能比较好。 Dont you think it might be a good idea to foster a

10、child? 你不认为领养孩子是个好主意吗? 8、我每天都会听英语电台节目。 8、我每天都会听英语电台节目。 A:I think so. 我想也是这样。 B: And if I were you, Id listen to English radio programs every day. 我要是你,我每天都会听英语电台节目。 If you need any more help, please feel free to ask me. 你如果还需要什么帮助,请尽管来问我见好了。 Id suggest that you had better lose 15 pounds. 我建议您减掉 15 磅

11、体重。 Ifs only a suggestion. You may do what you like. 这仅仅是一个建议。你自己看着办吧。 In my opinion, it doesnt amount too much. 我认为这没什么了不起。 Can I offer you a suggestion/some advice/a piece of advice? 我可以向您提个建议吗? It might be a good idea to hold your breath. 屏住呼吸可能是个好主意 Lets do something outdoors today. 我们去户外活动活动吧。

12、9、最好明天办理。 9、最好明天办理。 A: I need to draw some money. 我需要取些钱。 B: Youd better do it tomorrow. The bank has been closed for half an hour. 最好明天去办理。半小时前银行就关门了。 Now you are here, Youd better stay. 既然已经来了,你最好就待在这儿。 Youd better go to see a dentist. 你最好去看一下牙科医生。 Youd better call me every week, or else! 你最好每个礼拜打

13、电话给我,不然有你好看的! 10、很不好意思,又要你帮个大忙了。 10、很不好意思,又要你帮个大忙了。 A: Kevin? Hi, its Alice, Im very sorry that I have a big favor to ask you again. 凯文?你好,我是艾莉丝。很不好意思,又要你帮个大忙了。 B: How big, Alice? Last time you said that, and I ended up working overtime for 4 nights. 多大的忙,艾莉丝?上次你就是这么说的,结果我连加了 4 个晚上的班。 Could you do m

14、e a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗? Do you think you could help me to move the sofa? 你能帮我搬一下沙发吗? Could you give me a hand with this suitcase? I cant close it. 你能帮帮我的忙吗?我的箱子关不上了。 Dad, can you lend me some money? 爸爸,能借给我点儿钱吗? 11、要我帮你什么忙吗? 11、要我帮你什么忙吗? A: Can I help you in any way? 要我帮你什么忙吗? B: You can drive me to the bank if you want to. 如果你愿意的话,就开车送我去银行吧。 Need a hand? 要帮忙吗? Let me help you. 让我帮您吧。 What



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