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1、2023中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、-What do you think of these two books?-_ of them are interesting. And Ive read them several times.ABothBNeitherCNoneDEither2、I cant fin

2、d my notebook anywhere. Im afraid I _it.Alose Blost Chave lost Dwas losing3、In China, we usually_ a gift with both hands and open it later.AexpectBacceptCcoverDimagine4、Dont make me _ the clothes. Im too tired!AwashingBto washCwashDwashed5、 Could you please tell me the pretty dress? She bought it on

3、line, I think.Awhere Mary boughtBif Mary likedCwhen Mary boughtDhow much Mary paid for6、How long have you _ these books?For nearly two weeks. Ill return them to the library this afternoon.AkeptBborrowedClentDbought7、Even though were in difficult times, we need to keep hope _.AfreshBrealCaliveDclose8

4、、The number of the students in our class is _than _in yours.Abigger, that Bmore, those Csmaller, the ones Dlarger, it9、- Mike had an accident, he hurt one of his legs yesterday.- _! I hope hell get better soon.AHurry upBBad luckCWell doneDCome on10、 _ is it from our school to Nianhua Bay? About 40 m

5、inutes by coach. Wanna go?AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow much. 完形填空11、Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)The first thing you remember I remember , when I was about three, my mother looking at me in my buggy and smiling at me. Jan, 13I was maybe four. We were dri

6、ving to our grandmas and our car 1 . We couldnt get out of the car and I cried. A mechanic came to help us.Alice, 12I remember I was eating an ice cream when a dog came and took it out of my hand. I cried, I was two , I think.Tom,10I remember my first memory is my second birthday. There was a cake w

7、ith two candles. I couldnt blow the candles out, so my dad did it for me.Mike, 15Most adults remember little about this that happened in their very early childhood, 2 , some people think that we arent really able to form memories before our fourth or fifth birthdays. But scientists carrying out rese

8、arch into early memories have suggested that this is not true. They say that we do form memories at a very young age. However , what we remember about our very early lives seems to change as we 3 .Researchers in Canada worked with 140 children aged between four and thirteen. First , they asked their

9、 participants to describe their earliest memories. Then they asked them roughly how old theyd been when the event happened . Next, they asked the kids parents to make sure that the event actually happened .And all the 4 were written down. The researchers waited for two years before they went back to

10、 the children and asked them again, Whats your earliest memory?Nearly all the children who were aged between four and seven in the first interview said something very different in the second interview. And when the researchers reminded them of what theyd said the first time, many of the children sai

11、d, No, that never happened to me. However , many of the children who were between ten and thirteen at the first interview described exactly the 5 memory in the second interview. This seems to suggest that our memories change in the early years, but that at around the age of ten, the things that we r

12、emember get fixed(固定的).The researchers are now looking into the question of why children remember certain events and not others. We sometimes think that most first or early memories are about very stressful things that happened to us as children , because had thins stand out in our minds. But in thi

13、s study, stressful events were only a small percentage of what the children said they remembered. More often, their early memories were happy ones. The researchers are trying to work out why this is the case. We expect the researchers will 6 more fascinating things about memories in the near future.

14、1Aran forwardBsold outCbroke downDsped up2AAs a resultBWhats moreCFor the time beingDIn fact3Aare pleasedBbuild confidenceCfeel tiredDget older4AforecastsBanswersCreviewsDorders5AunforgettableBsweetCsameDshort6AimagineBrequireCcontrolDdiscover. 语法填空12、阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Think before we

15、speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train1(arrive). Among the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train was arriving and everyone prepared to get into the train to their



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