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1、高二英语第二学期试题本试题分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分第一部分:英语知识运用(共二小节,满分50分)第一节 单项填空 ( 共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分 )从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1.The young couple want to buy a new video camera, but they cannot afford to buy . A. one B. it C. them D. the one2. Beijing you see today is quite a different city from what it

2、used to be, for it is designated as city to host the 2008 Olympic Games. A. /;a B. The; the C. /;the D. The; a3. The speaker raised her voice a bit but still couldnt make herself _.A. hearB. to hearC. heardD. hearing4. -Has Sam finished his homework today? -I have no idea. He _it this morning.A. did

3、B. has done C. was doing D. had done5. There will be a football match between China and Japan at the Workers Stadium this weekend. And the tickets are _now at every ticket-office.A. usable B. valuable C. available D. suitable6.The line was cut off. They couldnt _ for help at all.A. get over B. hold

4、on C. get through D. get on7.The development of modern science will soon _ it possible for some patients to recover from these malignant illnesses. A. make B. find C. consider D. think8. The kind granny never fails to help _ she thinks is in need of help.A. whomB. whoC. no matter who D. whoever9.-Hi

5、! Havent seen you so long! Whats up? -_.A. I am fine, thank you. B. Nothing much.C. Nowhere to go. D. Nothing high.10. We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her _ I saw her.A. the moment B. for the moment C. the moment when D. at the moment when11. -I hear John has taken up his business in Lon

6、don. -Really? He has no business _ and Im sure hell fail.A. feeling B. idea C. sense D. opinion12. Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A. whichB. thatC. whenD. what13. who do you think it is that he will have _ the letter?A. to postB. po

7、stC. postedD. posting14. The foreign friends you referred to _ looking forward to _ around our university.A. are, being shown B. being, being shown C. being, shownD. are, be shown15.It proved that many more people had lost their lives in the tsunami than . A. had commonly been supposed B. was common

8、ly supposed C. being commonly supposed D. commonly supposed16.-I didnt go to my evening class yesterday because I lost my textbook.-You _mine. I didnt have any class then.A. could have borrowed B. might borrow C. must have borrowed D. ought to borrow17. Edison made a lot of inventions, of great impo

9、rtance. A. which I think are B. which I think they are C. which I think they D .I think which are18. _in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. To have waited D. Having waited19. Bill , often regarded as one of the best stu

10、dents in his class, _to be a student who cheated in the exam.A. came outB. turned out C. sent outD. let out20.Do not cheat the customers, or you will damage our company . A. view B. sign C. opinion D. image第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)Some university in North China went on a clean-up campaign(运动)las

11、t week to remind students of their duty to be responsible on campus. The school 21 a photo exhibit on notice boards outside its dining hall, showing 22 of “uncivil behavior”. The pictures, taken on campus, showed: 23 classroom desks, walls and library books; 24 dorms; game-loving students misusing t

12、he Internet equipment; and lovers during close moments. Many students 25 an interest and almost everyone knew about the show by the second day. It was 26 by the schools Youth League, which spent half a year preparing it. “We hope the pictures can help students 27 what is happening around them. We wo

13、nt punish the students in the pictures, 28we want to remind them of their29 to keep the campus clean,” said Youth League Secretary He Yu. Many students did agree that carving on desks and 30 activities were “uncivil behavior”. “The school once asked us to behave 31 in daily life and now the pictures

14、 have a stronger effect. The show is the first try and it can 32 a deep impression,” said Wang. Another student, a boy named Lu, said the show had taught him “a good 33”. He said that he hadnt 34 attention to classrooms cleanness in the past and once wrote on a desk and left some waste around his seat. “Its our duty to keep the campus clean. We should do something to 35 the situation,” he added. However, some students thought it not 36 to inva


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