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1、新航标学校:九年级英语Unit 1-Unit 3单词用法学生姓名: 教师姓名:课题名称: 上课时间:Unit 11. aloud adv. 出声地;大声地 read aloud 朗读It is very important to read aloud in studying English.在英语学习中大声朗读是很重要的。区别于loud (adj., adv)大声的,loudly (adv. 大声地,吵闹地)2. differently adv. 不同地;有区别地different adj. 不同的 be different from.与不同difference n. 不同点 C UThere

2、 are a lot of differences between them. 它们之间有许多不同之处。3. frustrate v. 使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦frustrating adj.令人失望的;令人沮丧的;常用来修饰物。Watching movies is frustrating because the people speak too quickly.frustrated adj. 感到失望的;沮丧的,主语通常为人。eg. Im frustrated at the frustrating news. 我对那令人失望的消息很失望。4. afraid adj. 害怕的;犯愁的be afr

3、aid of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物Dont be afraid, son.Are you afraid of snakes? He is afraid of his father.be afraid to do sth. = be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事Im afraid of flying in an airplane. 我害怕乘飞机。She is afraid to go out alone at night.她害怕夜晚独自外出。【说明】afraid有两层意思:1.害怕 2.恐怕表示“恐怕”时,主要用法:I am afraid so. 恐怕如此。/

4、 I am afraid not. 恐怕不行。如:-Can I play basketball? - I am afraid not, son. Its raining outside.5. trouble n. 困难;苦恼;忧虑have trouble doing sth. 做某事有困难= have a hard time doing sth.She had trouble making complete sentences.她造完整的句子有困难。 trouble v. 使某人忧虑、苦恼或不便;打扰 Im sorry to trouble you. 对不起打扰你了。Dont trouble

5、trouble until trouble troubles you. 6. look up (在词典、参考书等中)查阅、查找look up the new words in the dictionary 在词典中查找新词 look it up 代词要放中间与look相关的短语:look at 注视 look through 浏览 look after 照顾 look for 寻找 look around 向四周看 look like 看起来像 look over 检查 look out 当心,注意7. deal v. 处理;应对 (过去式,过分:dealt)词组:deal with 处理;应

6、对I believe he can deal with the problem himself.我相信他能自己处理这个问题。8. unless conj. 如果不;除非用法:引导条件状语从句,用“主将从现”,相当于ifnot,二者可以互换。 You will fail in the exam unless you work hard.除非你努力学习,否则你会考试不及格。= You will fail in the exam if you dont work hard,. 如果你不努力学习,你就会考试不及格。.9. regard v. 将视为regard as “将视为”,as为介词,其后可接名

7、词或代词。I regard you as my best friend. 我把你看作我最好的朋友。10. duty n. 责任,义务It is ones duty to do sth. 做是某人的责任It is our duty to help our parents with the housework.11. influence v. 影响;对起作用 n. 影响,作用同义词affect v. 影响 It can also influence the way you behave.它也会影响你的行为方式。12. lose v. 失去,丧失 , 输掉(比赛) (过去式,过分:lost, los

8、t)lose the way / lose the wallet / lose the job / lose ones life 丧命 get lost 迷路13. disagreement n. 分歧,不一致disagree v. 不同意 (反义)agree v.disagree with sb. 不同意14. development n. 发育,成长,发展develop v. 发展,发育developing country 发展中国家developed country 发达国家15. try ones best . (to do sth.) 尽力做某事try our best to dea

9、l with each challenge. 尽最大的努力应对每一个挑战16. face n. 脸;面部 v. 面临;面对;正视 Lets face the challenges bravely.让我们勇敢地面对挑战。lose face 丢脸I enjoy losing face! 热爱丢脸!17. break off 突然中止;中断break off a friendship 中断友谊 Unit21. used to do 过去常常 (强调:接动词原形)e.g.: He used to be short.I used to play soccer.否定形式:He didnt use to b

10、e short.I didnt use to play soccer. (没有d)疑问形式:Did he use to be short?Did you use to play soccer? (没有d)反义疑问句:He used to be short, didnt he?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. 区分形式接近的另外两个词组:a. be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事She is used to getting up at 6:00 every morning.I am used to Sichuan Food now.b. be

11、used to do sth. =be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事Pens are used to write / for writing.Trees are used to make paper. 2. airplane 合成词:air + plane固定词组:坐船,由海路:by ship = by sea做飞机,由空路:by plane = by air由陆路: by land 3. on adj. 词性是形容词,反义词:off词组:turn on 打开(电器等),turn off 关上 E.g. I go to bed with my bedroom light

12、 on.4. death n. 关于“死”的不同词性:die v. dead adj.考点1: die不能延续,接一段时间时,要改为be deadHe had been dead for 10 years.考点2:death的名词用法:His death made us very sad.5. patient adj. 有耐心的词组:be patient with sb. n. 病人6. to ones surprise surprise 的词性: n. 惊喜,惊奇 v. 使惊奇 adj. surprised词组:Be surprised to do sth. Be surprised at

13、sth. Be surprised that e.g. I am surprised to hear the news.= I am surprised at the news.7. take pride in = be proud of pride n. 自豪,骄傲 proud adj. 自豪的,骄傲的e.g. 我是我父母的骄傲。I am the _ of my parents. (填pride,这里不是固定词组)8. attention n.词组:pay attention to pay more attention to me 对我更关注注意:这里to是介词,后接动词要用doing9.

14、give up 放弃考点:give it up; give up doing sth.You must give up smokingUnit 31. pierce v. get the ears pierced 打耳洞词组:get sth. done 可以替换为have sth. doneId like to get my car repaired. I want to have my hair cut.2. instead of代替,而不是,在用法上要区别于insteadA. instead of:用于句中,可以接sth或doingId like some juice instead of



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