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1、(英语)英语连词易错剖析含解析一、初中英语连词1 _ will the meeting last? we reach an agreement.A.How long; Not untilB.When; Not untilC.How long; UntilD.When; Till【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:会议会持续多久?直到我们达成协议。last是持续动词,提问持续动词所持续的时间用how long,故排除B和D选项,until表示动作的持续 , 故选C。 【点评】考查连词,注意how long和until的用法。2This is the most important task sho

2、uld be finished soon. A.whichB.whatC.thatD./【答案】 C 3The film is really exciting. the students their teacher is enjoying the film. A.Both; andB.Not only; but alsoC.Either; orD.Neither; nor【答案】 B 4They waited _ it was dark before leaving, _ they didnt want anyone to see them leave. A.since; becauseB.u

3、ntil; asC.unless; butD.so; because【答案】 B 5Some people wont realize the importance of their health _ they lose it. A.becauseB.afterC.whenD.until【答案】 D 6Could you tell me more about the movie Frozen II _ you have watched it. No problem. But youd better watch it in person _ I cant express its beauty.A.

4、since; soB.unless; asC.since; as【答案】 C 7_ my brother arrived in Thailand, he visited the local biggest temple at once. A.As soon asB.WhileC.UntilD.Before【答案】 A 8My wallet dropped on the ground _ I was walking. A.beforeB.afterC.whileD.because【答案】 C 9British people and Australian people speak the same

5、 language, _ they have different customs and cultures. A.andB.butC.soD.for【答案】 B 10The film is really exciting. _the students _ their teacher is enjoying the film. A.Both; andB.Not only; but alsoC.Either; orD.Neither; nor【答案】 B 11She got up very early that day _ she could catch the first train. A.be

6、causeB.ifC.thoughD.so that【答案】 D 12Love your parents _ they are alive. Dont wait until it is too late. A.whileB.thoughC.becauseD.unless【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:当你父母活着时爱他们。不要等到太迟才行动。while当时候;though虽然;because因为;unless除非,故选A。根据句意只有A选项是正确的,其它选项翻译不通,故选A。 【点评】此题考查连词辨析。弄清每个连词意思,根据语境和句意确定所使用的连词。13Your spoken Engli

7、sh will get better and better _ you practise speaking more. A.beforeB.ifC.thoughD.until【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你多练习说英语,你的英语口语会越来越好。A: before在前; B: if 如果;C: though 虽然;D: until直到才(止)。根据前后句意思,可知后句是前句发生的条件,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析。根据前后句的关系,选择正确的连词。14It wont be a long time _ your son comes back. Dont be worried. A.si

8、nceB.asC.beforeD.unless【答案】 C 15The little boy was_ excited _ say a word when he knew the result of the final exam. A.too; toB.so; thatC.so; asD.such; that【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意: 当这个小男孩知道期末考试的结果时,他激动得说不出话来。A太而不能,不引导从句,B如此以至于,修饰形容词,引导结果状语从句,C和一样,不引导从句,D如此以至于,修饰名词,引导结果状语从句,excited是形容词,此处是结果状语从句 , 故选A。 【点评】

9、考查连词辨析,注意so.that引导结果状语从句的用法。16Everybody knows fire is useful, _ it is also dangerous. A.AndB.butC.orD.so【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:每个人都知道火是有用的,但是它也是危险的。A.和,表示并列;B.但是,表示转折;C.或者,表示选择;D.所以,表示结果。火是有用的,但也是危险的,前后句表示转折,所以用but,故选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据句意确定。17_ you work harder, Im sure youll do better in the coming exam. A.IfB.UnlessC.AlthoughD.Since【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你努力学习,我相信你在即将到来的考试中会做得更好。A.如果;B.除非.否则;C.尽管;D.自从。考试考好的条件是更加努力学习,所以用if,表示条件,故选A。


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