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1、课题Unit10 Jobs and ChoresLesson 39 Have you cleaned the car? (1)课型听说课授课人张晓丽教学内容1. 话题:Jobs and chores2. 词汇:mail, cleaners, play3. 语法:学习现在完成时一般疑问句的用法教学目标1. 学生能够通过听1.1中Alice 和Mike的谈论,获取并理解日常活动及具体完成情况的相关信息。2. 学生通过观察、发现,归纳现在完成时一般疑问句的意义及结构。3. 学生能运用现在完成时一般疑问句口头询问并回答日常活动的完成情况。教学重点通过听力输入学生能够获取Alice和 Mike所做事情完

2、成情况的相关信息。教学难点1. 学生能够通过听1.1中Alice 和Mike的谈论,获取并理解日常活动及具体完成情况的相关信息。2. 学生能运用现在完成时一般疑问句询问并回答日常活动的完成情况。教学资源教材,课件,电脑,录音机、磁带,粉笔,黑板。教学环节教与学的过程设计意图Lead in:(3 min)Make students pay attention to the topic of this lesson.Step1. Ask the question to lead in the topic.T:Do you remember Mandy and John? They always h

3、elp their parents to do some chores. For example: (Wash dishes) (学生看图说出相关的动词词组) Step2. How about you? What do you do at home? 通过提问引入本课话题,激发学生学习兴趣并复习已学知识激活学生思维,说出已有知识储备Language input(25 min)Help students listen and understand the information in the dialogue. Step 1. 学生听对话,获取主要信息学生听录音第1遍,听出谈话的两个人是谁以及在

4、谈论什么。 T: Today we will meet two new friends. who are they? Lets listen and answer the following questions. Look at your worksheet exercise 1 . (练习一) Q1. Who are talking? Q2. What are they talking about? A: School activities B. Daily activities1. Ss listen and finish exercise 12. Check the answer.3.

5、Students say the reasons.学生获取主旨信息Step 2. 学生听对话,获取细节信息1. 学生听录音第2遍,选出对话中谈到的事情T: They also talk about some activities. Look at the following activities, can you say some words or phrases about these pictures? 1) say some key words or phrases. (练习二)2) Read the phrases together.3) Number the pictures 1 1

6、0. .4)Tick the activities that mentioned. 方法指导:在听短文之前,问学生我们在听这项活动时,需要关注整句话呢,还是关键词?T: Tick the things they have mentioned.5) Check the answers. (学生如有没听明白的,可以放录音重听)T: How many things are mentioned? What are they?3. Listen for the third time and tick the things they have done and cross out the things t

7、hey havent done. T:They need to do many things, Have they finished all?T: Tick the things they have done and cross out the things they havent done. 1) 方法指导:听前,问学生我们应该关注什么?have, havent, yes, no 等key words.2) Ss listen and tick or cross. (练习三)3) Check the answers.T: How many things have they done? Wha

8、t are they?学生如没听明白,可以放录音重听。activities Things already done()Things not done()take the dirty clothes to the cleanersphone Uncle Budsee Harry Potter3eat ice creamstudy mathstudy chemistryclean the carphone grandmatake the mail to the post office4. Listen for the fourth time to understand the text deepl

9、y. 学生通过回答问题理解他们对未做完的事情的安排。T: How many things havent they done? They havent seen Harry Potter III, right? Do they want to see the movies? How do you know?T: How about the things they havent done?T: Does Alice feel worry?T: Whats Mikes advice?获取对话的细节信息培养学生筛选信息的能力培养学生听力技能技巧的训练训练学生听力中的判断能力。引导学生进一步理解听力材料

10、。体现分层教学,让各个层次的学生都有收获从没有做的事情入手,教师铺设台阶,让学生在语境中体会语言背景知识学习的意义Language focus(5 min)帮助学生观察、归纳现在完成时一般疑问句的意义、结构和用法1.学生打开书48,朗读Mike的建议T: Mike的建议没听出来也没关系,Please open your books and turn to page 48, lets read Mikes advice. Which part should we pay attention to, the first part or last part? Underline the advice

11、. 1) 学生朗读Mike的建议 We can do all that on the way to the movies. You can study tonight. 2)引导学生理解on the way to the movies的短语意义 和 all的指代关系。2. 学生推理判断出Mike和Alice的关系。 T: Whats the relationship between Mike and Alice? Why?A: close friends B: brother and sister C.teacher and student T: We can know their relat

12、ionship from the people they mentioned, right? Who are mentioned? S: 3. 读对话找出Alice and Mike询问对方的问题. T: Do you want to read the whole passage? First, fill in the blanks using the words in the yellow box.1) Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.2) Check the answers and the students say the reas

13、ons.3) Read this dialogue loudly.T: Read the passage and pay attention to the sentences they asked? (他们是如何询问的?)4) Underline the sentences on their books.5) Read the sentences together. (教师板书本课标题)Have you cleaned the car ?3. 引导学生理解现在完成时一般疑问句的意义 1)学生自己观察、发现并归纳完成时一般疑问句意义T: 大家想一想我们时候用这些一般疑问句呢? T:可以用过去式的

14、一般疑问句来问吗? 为什么? 2)学生讨论原因3)归纳现在完成时一般疑问句的结构Have you + done+?-Yes, I have. No, I havent. Of course. Not yet. 4. 操练句型1) 看图补全对话 A:_ B: No, I havent.A: Have you called Grandma? B: _. A: _ B: _2)根据图片和提示词语,学生两人一组进行问答练习。T: Please work in pairs. 学生看图做问答练习。 找几组展示。带领学生理解难句培养学生朗读的习惯,同时也为输出活动做铺垫学生在老师的引导下理解现在完成时态一般疑问的意义Languag



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