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1、人教版新目的八年级上册英语期末试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分:1分) 姓名 一、听力(共0小题;每题1。5分,满分30分)第一部分 图片理解 听句子从、B、C中选择与句子意思相符的图片(每个句子读一遍):( )1 A B C( )2 . A B C( )3. A. B C.( )4. A. C.( )5 . A. B. C( ).Wats rong it Tom? A. Hehas eadache B. He is ired. C He es onely.( )7Whatis Jm wearing? A Th scho nifrm. B. A ba ackt. C.A blueat.( )8

2、. How wa Jns shool trip? A.oig. . Tiring. Ge.( )9 Wat is Daniels favrte ubc? A. Englih. B. Sciece. C.aths.( )0 Weeis Peenow? . In the playrond . At hme. C. In e lassom.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 (对话和短文,各听两遍)听对话或短文前,每题你将有5秒钟时间阅读,听完后,每题你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你觉得最合适的备选答案。听下面一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11 Whatplace will the stdents vi

3、sit morrw? .Te Plae Museu. B.Th Summr la C. e Gret Wal.( )12 Howwil they other? A y ike. B. Byus. C. By ar.听下面一段对话,回答第15小题。 ( )3.Were wasLi Fanbr ?.Shag .eijg CGuangou( )4. How lng di LiFan ie in Shang? . For 6 years. . or 16 yers . C. For 6 yers. ( )15 hatdoe Li Fans thr sell? A. Apls. . Fooall. C.

4、Cmputes.听下面一段对话,回答第15-小题。( )1. How muh ishe o-bed room? . 200 dollas a mnth. B. 30dllaramth C.400 dolars a month.( )1. Wht is erein t twobedrom ? A TVset B. Ahingman. C. A ofa.听短文,回答第18-2小题。请根据短文内容,选择对的答案,完毕信息登记表。( )18. Whn ddDainishcool?. At heage of 18. B. Ate ae f 19. C. At the aeo 20( )9. ere di

5、 Did wat t fin job? .I scho. B.In a hospl. .A ak.( ). We sDavid bihday? A n th 5h of Ma. BOn the 4h of ne. C. Onhe 15f July.二、单选 (每题分,满分15分)( )21. I thik Engi _important suct. A of .the D a( )2.Ivery iortat or him Eglish wel.A. tudies udyng .totdy D. sudid ( )3.Mr.ihas wo sos oe s a octor _is aeacr

6、A. her B. the othe C. aoher D. ters( )24.hey otehae fun _ball gsbefor.A.plain; B. to play; C. play D. pas( )2. n etextime! _A. Soy, wont. B rr,Iont. C. All right, ont. .OK, I wont.( )26. anjing is second _ city at in. .larer B. laget C. oe lrge .ostar( )27.Ths is street A. an 800-eter-ln .an 80-mete

7、rson a 800etrong .an 00 meteslong( ) Mean ejos oke anoftenmaks usagA.t ell Btel C.tlling D.teled( )29.The boo is_ hantat one. interetiner B.mtteestg C. ineesings D ore interesng ( )30._ wl o mutn noolwoul you like? A bgbw, ples. A. hat ize B. Wha g C. Ho m D. ow may( )3 Please dnt tell anybodyabout

8、tis, Linda. . A.OK, Iwill. B. , Iont. OK, I ont. Sor hear t( ) 32.- -Ihve a cold. - _ .A. Imsorr to har at. B. Tats toba. C Reall? D. Oh, I kno( ) 3.- _ dos Mr usally gt the r ub? - Oce w.A. w much B. Hwlong C. How fa D. Ho ofen( ) 34. he redbi _than th black one. . eaviest B.more eavy C heavir D. h

9、eavy( )3. hy r_went heard he_ good ews. .excitig; exited excitd; excing C.xciting; extn .xied;excted三、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(每题1.5分,共5分)nc heived w rothe Te eldr was Timandthe ngerwa Victo. The 3 c oter ver mc, ndlws ook cre o e anhervery yey wrk fommoring 7 iht,ttng a c gai(谷物) as possibe from ther n late autmn evenig, Tim saidto his we, “Vct o marred lastmonth. Hhsany bs(账单) to pay. I thin I illutabag of ric in ibr(谷仓). “Oh, thts a goodie,” sad hiswif. “B please dnttell hm,” aid im, “f e know I pt the rice thr, hewi 39 ake t.”hen Tm took abagof rice to Victorsban. Thenext d



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