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1、仁爱版九年级英语上册期中测试题班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一单选(2分,每题分)( )1. Ms. Whie snt hee. he _ London. A s en to B. hs got C.went t D. aon( ). On-cdpoichas_controling Chins plationA. di wel in . engoodat C.worked g n D.wred wellin( )3 our clas, bo _ of the stuents are girs. three fth Btird fifth third ffts D. teefths( ). The ea

2、ther nsummr her is cooer th _ Beijing.A. thi . that Cit D. the on( )5 Lstyer, t popuationof tht city_ 7,120,00.A. ere B haee C. as D. wa( )6. Ji haseento te Great Wll eo, _he?. has B. des C. hasnt D. doe( )7. her are serahemical faories _ astewater into the river.pourng B.pour C. pours D. oured( )8.

3、 - What a ice motorike!Hw on ave you_t? - About half a er. had B receive C. bought D. aen( )9.- H s at for th meeting. -_.ASo I am B. So am C oI d . So do I( )10.-Hw mayeople diyou see hemeeting oom? - _.A Nhing B. No on C.Non A lite( )1 e was _ in finishin the ok.A. sucssfl B.ucessfuly C.succes D.

4、succeed( )1-Wich do you prefr, a glas of waer or a upof a? -_.hnks Im not thity.A. oth B. Eihe .Neir D. None( )13._Mumaske me toclose the windo befre ong t ed,_ I forget todo o.A. Tgh; / B Thgh; u Til;/ D. nt; then( )4He _t schooly e, buno _ to chl o footusedto goin; e used to g B. usedt o;ges used

5、to goin. used to g; ges us togo D. get used to oing; sed to go( )1. - List! _. - Oh, lets go to te classrm.A.Teregoe theell. B Thr is a bell. . There the bel go. Goes there t bell.( )16. Miss agtod us tht t mon_ rod t eart. oves B. ve C. is moing D. had movd ( )17. The policeman prevented us _ out.A

6、. fmgo B.go C. to g D. fro going( )18. r. imthddnllus_A. were oes heli B. here he lies C. hr id e ie D. wheree ied( )9. I didt nowwhat happene _e lstnigt.A . n C.abou D. wth( )20. H wa suppo _ eeyesteray. om B to co C. comig . csIII. 完型填空(2分,每题2分) world s dvied ittwo in ars, h poorad _1 . e or count

7、ries _42_“the dvelopng counies”, wih hav specia _ Sometimesthelad is to por trw anythig _44_. My peopenee et enough _5_, an cide trve(饿死) eud b gve by te ric cuntries, t rih countris hve problems, _4_.Teair n frehante ris re_4_ dity t wimor _48_ wter from. Als h ros ar too _49_ to drivelng. And smet

8、mes,lare numbesof peope_0_ tave lasnt huset ive i So soethinwlhaveto be dnebtte prolm. 41 .rich B. ric C. good . porer2 A is caled B ar cal cls D. callin43.A.frie . rblems C. places D. condtons44 A. on in C.aong D.t45 to ply wth B.tolie in C. o eat D. t dink46.A. alrad B aso C eiher D to4. A. er B.

9、too C. eally D. so4 A.to ting B. a C. tkin D. ake49. A crwd B. cowds C crowdd D row . oes B.do C. di D. ae. 阅读理解(30分,每题2分)(A)Polation(milio) cospnt o fsnspe omof houeswithwater anlectiitTphone e10 peope% of chdrenin hih sholTok8.7180.10449Mexi ity194411.94662N ork1416.59565St. Paul17.250080067Osaka6.8.6982Seul15.8342.0102290Mosow.23.3100300Boay12.957.854Cacta1260307249uenos res1.40.3


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