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1、完形填空通关(三)(总分:140.00,做题时间:90分钟)、Exercise 1(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Though it is a mere one to three percent of the population, the upper class (62) at least 25 percent of the nations wealth . This class has two segments : upper upper and lower upper .Basically . the upper upper class is theold rich-families t

2、hat have been wealthy for several generations an aristocracy of (63) and wealth. A few are known across the nation, such as theRockefellers, and the Vanderbilts. Most are not (64) to the general public. They have no (65)to the rest of the community, (66) their income from the investment of their inh

3、erited wealth . By (67) , the lower upper class is thenew rich. (68) they may be wealthier than some of the oldrich . the new rich have been (69) tomake their money like everybody else (70) their class . Thustheir status is generally lower than that of the old rich. who have not found it necessary t

4、olift a (71) to make their money, and who (72) to look (73) upon the new rich.However its wealth is acquired, the upper class is very rich . They have enough money and leisure time to (74) an interest in the arts and to (75) rare books. paintings, and sculptures . Theygenerally live in exclusive are

5、as, (76) to exclusive sociaI clubs . communicate with each Other . and marry their own kind all of Which keeps them so (77) from the masses that they have been called the out-of-sight class . More than any other class, they tend to be (78) of being members of aclass . They also (79) an enormous amou

6、nt of power and influence here and abroad. as they (80)many top government positions and control multinational corporations. Their actions (81) the1ives of millions .(分数:70.00 )A. possessesVB. demandsC. obtainsD. attains解析:解析空格处应该表明 the upper class与25 percent of the nations wealth之间的关系。单从句意通顺方面来看,选项

7、A)possesses、C)obtains 和D)attains都适合本句。但 obtains 和attains都为动态动词,用在句中 表明the upper class获得25 percent of the nations wealth发生的情况或过程,分析句意可知,这明显不符合句子语境,故可排除。而possesses表示“拥有”,为静态动词,描述的是the upper class 拥有25 percent of the nations wealth这个状态,符合语境,故为答案。A. beginningB. birthVC. infancyD. foundation解析:解析 破折号之间的内

8、容 families that have been wealthy for several generations (连续几代人都很富有的家庭)表明the old rich 是靠继承上一代 的财富才变得富有的,由此可推测,the old rich ”家族的财富是与生俱来的,故答案为birth(出生)。A. visibleVB. seenC. obviousD. apparent解析: 解析 由本句中的 most 与上句中的 a few 之间的对比可知,两个句子之间存在对比关系,上句说 A few are known across the nation( 有一些全国闻名 ) ,那么本句肯定就是说

9、大多数都是不出名的,即大 多数的富人是不太能引起 the general public( 普通大众 ) 注意的。 visible 含有 “引起公共注视的,令人 瞩目的”含义,故为答案。A. connectionB. associationC. communicationD. relation V解析:解析四个选项中能与to搭配使用的只有relation( 关系)。have a relation to sth.意为与有关;有来往”。 A)connection 、B)association 、 C)communication 通常都与 with 搭配使用。A. pullingB. extracti

10、ngC. drawingVD. making解析: 解析 空格处与 their income 构成动宾搭配,且与 from 结构同现,选项中符合这两个条件的只有 drawing,当它的宾语与钱有关时,意为提款,取钱,获得”。A)pulling(拉,拖)后面跟与钱有关的名词时,通常需与down搭配使用。pull down意为“获得(抽出)钱作为报酬”;B)extracting 意为拔 出,提取”,“ extractfrom”意为从中提炼出,与此处语义不符;D)making后面通常会直接跟 money,女口 make some money(赚钱)。A. comparisonB. contrastV

11、C. contraryD. conclusion解析: 解析 上文提到 upper upper class is the“old rich ” (上层阶级的上层是老牌的富翁),而本句指出 the lower upper class is the“new lich ” (上层阶级的底层是平民百姓中的新贵 ) , old 和 new构成反义词复现, 故空 格处应能表示前后两个句子之间存在相反关系, 且能与 by 搭配, 故 选 contrast( 对 照,对比 ) , by contrast 意为“相反,相对照而言”。 A)comparison 意为“比较”, by comparison 意 为“

12、比较而言,比较之下”,不适合本句; C)conutrary 意为“相反,反面”通常与 on 搭 配使用, Onthe contrary 意为“相反”; D)conclusion 意为“结论”, 通常与 in 搭配使用, in conclusion 意为“最后, 总之”。A. AlthoughVB. BecauseC. ThereforeD. However解析: 解析 将本题四个选项代入句中,能使前后逻辑通顺的只有 Although ,此处意为:尽管新贵们可 能比老牌富翁们更有钱,但是他们却像普通大众一样赚钱。A. greedyVB. indifferentC. unconcernedD. u

13、ninterested解析: 解析 结合第 68小题的分析,此处能与 make their money 形成合理衔接的应 该是 greedy( 渴望 的,贪婪的 ) ,表示“贪婪地赚钱”。A. aboveB. beneathVC. inD. besides解析: 解析 很显然, everybody else 应该是在 the new rich( 新贵)的阶级之下,故答案应为 beneath 。A. handB. thumbC. fingerVD. toe解析:解析 lift a finger( 通常用于否定句 )意为“举手之劳,出一点儿力”;其他的三个词, A)hand( 手); B)thum

14、b( 拇指) ;D)toe( 脚趾)都没有这样的搭配。A. wantB. likeC. tendVD. hate解析:解析空格前的 who指代的是the old lich ,由look down upon the new lich可知,老牌富翁往往瞧不起那些新贵们,故应选 tend ,tend to do sth 意为“往往,倾向于”。 want to do sth 意为想要做”;like to do sth.意为“喜欢做”;hate to do sth .意为讨厌做”, 都不合语境。A. overB. upC. down VD. ifito解析: 解析 分析句子结构可知, and 连接的两个

15、定语从句修饰的是 the old rich ,此处是说新贵们 (the new rich) 的地位没有老牌富翁 (the old rich) 的地位高,老牌富翁们不屑于赞力去赚钱,而且他们也瞧不 起(look down upon) 新贵们,故答案为 down。A. trainB. studyC. cultivateVD. nurture解析: 解析 根据四个选项的提示可推测,本句是说那些老牌富翁有金钱和时间去培养兴趣。cultivate意为“培养 ( 兴趣等)”,符合要求,故为答案。 A)train 意为“培训,训练”,指训练培养技能,宾语不 能是 interest ; B)study 意为“研究”,与 interest 不搭配; D)nulCure 意为“养育, 教育”,同样不 能与 interest 搭配。A. collectVB. gatherC. assembleD. amass解析: 解析 四个选项均有“收集”之意,但用法上有区分: A)collect 意为“收集”,指作为一个爱好 或为学习而收集; B)gather 意为“聚集,使聚在一起;采集”;


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