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1、求职信说明:假设你是李珊。根据下列内容写一封求职信。内容:1、 你对2012年12月18日刊登在中国日报一条招聘广告很感兴趣;2、 你毕业于华夏职业技术学院,所学专业为电力工程;3、 毕业后,你去太平洋公司的电力工程实验室实习;4、 现在想找一份电力工程方面的工作,认为能够胜任这一工作。随信附上简历,并期待聘方给予你面试的机会。5、 写信日期:2012年12月23日要求:遵循书信的格式书写,不可列表。Words for reference:华夏职业技术学院: Huaxia Vocational College太平洋公司: Pacific Company电力工程实验室: Electrical E

2、ngineering Lab实习: have an internship胜任: be qualified forA Letter of Application Dec. 23, 2012Dear Sir or Madam,I saw your advertisement in China Daily dated December 18, 2012 and Im interested in it very much. I graduated from Huaxia Vocational College in 2008 and majored in Electrical Engineering.

3、After graduation, I had an internship in the Electrical Engineering Lab of Pacific Company. I am now interested in working in the field of electrical engineering and I trust that I am qualified for the work .I enclosed my resume and expect an interview at your earliest convenience. I am looking forw

4、ard to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. Yours sincerely, Li Shan辞职信(A Resignation Letter)时间:2012年12月23日写信人:Bill Smith收信人:怀特先生/总经理主要内容:1 本人在公司已经工作三年,一直很满意自己的工作;2 与总经理和公司的同事们结下了深厚的友谊;3 辞职原因(自拟、如家庭、个人困难等);4 提出辞职,敬请批准。I have worked at the company for three years, and

5、 have been very satisfied with their work; With the General Manager and the company of colleagues have forged a deep friendship; Reason of resignation (self, such as family and personal difficulties); His resignation, please approve.Words for reference:提出辞职:Submit the resignation敬请批准: ask for permis

6、sionA Resignation LetterDec. 23rd, 2012Dear Mr. White/General Manager, I am offering my resignation. I have been working here for three years, during which, I have been treated very well and I enjoy the friendship with you and other colleagues. It is really a hard decision for me but I have to leave

7、 for Shenzhen because of my family. Thank you for your trust and I am grateful for your approval. Yours sincerely, Bill Smith证明信请按照下列内容写一封证明信,注意格式。兹证明玛丽小姐在我公司任打字员三年之久,工作期间诚实可靠、忠于职守,得到领导和同事的一致好评,现由于我公司已无需要打字员职务而离职。如需了解其他情况,乐于奉告。I certify that Miss Mary in my company as a typist for three long years,

8、honest and loyal to their duties during the work, leadership and his colleagues get the praise, since my company has no need for typist job separation. For information in other circumstances, be happy to inform you that.ABC公司办公室主任 张强Certificate November 25, 2013To whom it may concern, This is to cer

9、tify that Miss Mary has been employed in our company as a typist for the past three years. She has faithfully attended to her duties and has proved herself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable. Also, she has won praise from her leaders and colleagues. Now, she resigned from our company for the

10、post is not available. Pleasedonothesitatetocontactusifyourequireanyfurtherinformation about her. Zhang QiangThe director of ABC company office面试通知信假设你是人力资源部经理李明,根据下列内容给王平写一封面试通知信。内容:1、 最近收到了他寄来的个人简历和求职信;他表达了对空缺岗位的兴趣;2、 你很想约见王平,与他认真讨论一下求职材料和工作经历;3、 请王平在方便是打电话与你的秘书张晓娟联系。Recently received his send res

11、umes and cover letters; he expressed interest in the vacancies; You would like to meet with Wang Ping, serious discussions with him about job search materials and work experience; Wang Ping to facilitate telephone contact your Secretary Zhang XiaojuanWords for reference:人力资源部:Human Resource Departme

12、nt空缺岗位:credentials求职材料:available position November 25, 2013Dear Mr. Wang, Thanks for applying for the available position, and Im glad to inform you that we are interested in your resume and hope to talk to you about your application and working experience. Please contact with my secretary Miss Zhang

13、 when you are convenient. Best regards. Li Ming Manager of Human Resource Department留言假定你是假日酒店的前台工作人员Linda.根据一下内容写来访客人留言内容:1、 来访客人:李华,男,PKK公司总经理助理;联系电话:657343630.来访时间:12月20日上午10点2、 被访客人:Mr. John Smith,住假日酒店422房间3、 事由:李华来酒店与Mr. John Smith商谈工作,Mr. John Smith外出;4、 留言:李华约Mr. John Smith明天去PKK公司洽谈业务。李华明天上

14、午9:00驾车来酒店接他;下午安排Mr. John Smith参观公司一条新建成的生产线。Words for reference:驾车接人:to pick sb up总经理助理:Assistant to General Manager生产线:assembly lineA Telephone MessageFrom: Mr. Li Hua, Assistant to General Manager of PKK Company, Number: 657343630To: Mr. John Smith, the guest of Room 422 of Holiday HotelDate: Dec. 20Tim


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