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1、三年级上册数学教学工作手册三年级上册数学教学工作手册 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(三年级上册数学教学工作手册)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为三年级上册数学教学工作手册的全部内容。宜都市认真贯彻省、宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展“安全生产年”活动要求,扎实推进安全生产

2、宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cost of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/. Is a fundamental pr

3、iority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices must be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing

4、policy provisions approved for public servants duty consumption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the local financial situation and peoples sustainability, public servants duty consumption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing through. Thi

5、rd, according to the operational needs of civil servants responsible for authorized public servants duty consumption standards, both high and low positions, but also the nature of the work and the workload. In reform of method Shang, approved civil servants positions consumption standard to big unif

6、ied, and small dispersed suitable, that most positions consumption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standard, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implement

7、ation unified standard Shi has must of flexible disposal right; but since set of standard must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants duty consumption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after

8、 dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty consumption use of subsidies. Therefore, we must establish and perfect with public servants duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civi

9、l service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up. Discipline inspection and supervision organs, financial, auditing departments should strengthen supervision and inspection of public servants duty consumption monetizati

10、on reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants duty consumption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants duty

11、consumption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demonstrated its importance and urgency. First of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and public servants duty consump

12、tion there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the 教 学 工 作 手 册 2014-2015学年度 第 一 期 学 校 共 安 小 学 班 级 三 年 级 科 目 数 学 教 师 熊 朝 军 乐山市金口河区教科局制 2014年 09 月 01 日情况分析学生基本情况分析:本班学生共31人,其中男生21名,女生10名。年龄在8半岁左右.主要来自共安乡的大板村、象鼻村、林丰村、文店村。百分之九十五的是彝族学生。掌握双


14、,注意培养学生良好的学习习惯,调动其积极性,形成活泼、生动的学习氛围。在教学中分层次、分阶段教学,采取一帮一的方式,让学在前面的孩子帮助学在后面的孩子,充分发挥集体学习的优势。教材分析本学期教材在学科教材中的地位和作用:本册教材是新课标小学数学第五册,主要是在学习了100以内的加减法,表内乘除法的基础上进行多位数乘一位数,万以内的加法和减法以及分数初步认识的学习。它是学生今后的数学学习的基础,起着承上启下的作用。本册教材的基本结构和内在联系: 本册教材包括以下一些内容:时、分、秒,万以内数的加法和减法,测量,倍的认识,多位数乘一位数,长方形和正方形,分数的初步认识,数学广角集合。这册教材的重点

15、内容是万以内数的加法和减法,多位数乘一位数,分数的初步认识。 时分秒是在学生前面学习了时间认识(时分)的基础上进行教学的,主要是让学生初步建立时分秒的概念。万以内数的加减法是学生在学习了万以内数的认识和100以内加减法的基础上进行教学的。分数的初步认识是学生在学习了除法的意义平均分的基础上进行教学,初步理解分数的意义为今后进一步分数加减法用分数解决问题做铺垫。多位数乘一位数是学生在学习了表内乘法的基础上进行教学的,内容包括了:口算乘法,两三位数乘一位数(不连续进位)的笔算乘法,两三位数乘一位数(连续进位)的笔算乘法,一个因数中间或者末尾有0的乘法,解决问题。这部分内容为今后学习多位数乘两位数三位数打基础,是本册的重点内容之一。本册教材的知识点:(具体在添加页)1:时、分、秒,2:万以内数的加法和减法,3:测量,4:倍的认识,5:多位数乘一位数, 6:长方形和正方形,7:分数的初步认识, 8:数学广角集合,9:总复习.根据学校和学生实际,对教材内容的调整意见:对本教材无任何调整意见。教 学 计 划本学期教材的知识点和重难点分析第一单元 时、分、秒知识点:使


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